Johann Euchar Schenk von Castell

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Johann Euchar Schenk von Castell, Prince-Bishop of Eichstätt

Johann Euchar Schenk von Castell (* November 6, 1625 - † March 6, 1697 in Eichstätt ) was bishop of the Eichstätt diocese and prince-bishop of the Eichstätt diocese from 1685 until his death in 1697.


Like his predecessor, he came from the family of Schenken von Castell , which was elevated to the rank of Imperial Count on March 1, 1681 . In 1658 he became provost of the cathedral in Eichstätt and Augsburg . He was sick and almost 65 years old when the Eichstätter cathedral chapter elected him bishop on March 13, 1685. The episcopal ordination took place on May 9, 1688, after the papal confirmation had been delayed by February 3, 1688.

Johann Euchar was pious; as bishop he prayed the rosary and the Marian times of the day in addition to the breviary . He promoted the pious brotherhoods , especially that of the Rosary and that of the Five Wounds . In 1688, Buchar donated a large portrait of the Virgin Mary for the portal of the monastery church of the Eichstatt Dominicans . He had his vicar general visit the clergy. Because of old Eichstätter competence disputes with the electoral court in Munich about the high level of jurisdiction at the University of Ingolstadt , the prince, who was also Chancellor of the university, kept his distance from her.

He tried to raise the prosperity of his subjects through building contracts and other measures. For example, in 1681 he had the burned down south wing of his mountain residence, the Willibaldsburg , rebuilt and in 1692 a melting furnace and an iron hammer were built in Obereichstätt. A hunting lodge was built under him in Greding and an older castle in Hofstetten was converted into a hunting lodge around 1690. In 1685 he had the damaged city wall renewed in Berching . In 1693 the seriously ill person vowed to build a new parish church “zu Beylngriess ” (demolished in 1911), which was carried out from 1693 to 1695; he also donated the high altar there.

The bishop was also a great benefactor in other ways. His foundations mainly benefited the Jesuits , the Benedictine Abbey of St. Walburg in Eichstätt and the servants of the city of Eichstätt; the most extensive was the "Eucharistic Foundation" for a hospital for the treatment of Eichstätt servants.

On June 12, 1685, the prince-bishop granted those Eichstättern 15 to 20-year tax exemption, free construction timber and cheap land, who built three-story brick-roofed houses and thus narrowed the gaps in the cityscape from the Thirty Years' War. In 1686 he issued a "Raths-Kanzley-Ordinance" to regulate the jurisdiction of the Hofrat.

At the age of 73 he succumbed to his stone disease and was buried in Eichstätter Cathedral . A bust of the bishop can be seen today in the Diocesan Museum.


  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : Counts of Castel (donation counts of Castel) ; in: Ders .: German count houses of the present. In heraldic, historical and genealogical relation . Leipzig: TO Weigel, 1852; Volume 1: A-K, pp. 148-150
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke: Castel, Counts of Castel, Donate Counts of Castel ; in the S. (Ed.): New general German nobility lexicon . Leipzig: Verlag Degener & Co., 1929; Volume 2: Boz-Ebe, pp. 234–235 (unchanged reprint of the work published by Friedrich Voigt in Leipzig from 1859–1870)
  • Klaus Kreitmeir: The Bishops of Eichstätt , Eichstätt: Verlag der Kirchenzeitung 1992, p. 80f.
  • Julius Sax: The bishops and imperial princes of Eichstätt 745-1806 . Landshut: Verlag Krüll, 1884/1885 (2 vol.)
  • Collective sheet of the historical association Eichstätt 65/66 (1972/73), Eichstätt 1973, p. 21f.
  • Peter Zürcher: The bishopric elections in the prince-bishopric of Eichstätt from 1636 to 1790. Election stories in the mirror domkapitelscher, dynastic and imperial state and imperial church politics (= series of publications on Bavarian state history. Vol. 155). CH Beck, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-406-10770-2 (At the same time: Eichstätt, Ingolstadt, University, dissertation, 2004/2005: Bishops' elections and coadjutor efforts in the Eichstätt Monastery from 1636 to 1790. ).

Web links

Commons : Johann Euchar Schenk von Castell  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Marquard II. Schenk von Castell Bishop of Eichstätt
Johann Martin von Eyb