Johann Joachim Christian Zerrenner

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Johann Joachim Christian Zerrenner (born November 5, 1797 in Lübeck ; † March 5, 1856 there ) was a German educator . In 1819 he was head of the original fraternity in Jena .


Johann Joachim Christian Zerrenner was a son of Johann Christian Zerrenner (* 1768 in Rudolstadt ), who had been a member of the Lübeck Singing Choir and organist since 1790, initially at the church of St. John's Monastery , from 1802 at the church of St. Anne's monastery .

Immediately after or even during his school days at Katharineum, which he completed at Michaelmas 1814, he participated as a volunteer in the Hanseatic hunters at the Prussian people's war against Napoleon Bonaparte in part. From October 1814 he studied Protestant theology at the University of Rostock . In 1815 he became active in the Rostochia Corps . He moved to the Georg-August University of Göttingen and the University of Jena . In Jena he was a student of Johann Philipp Gabler . In 1818/19 he was a member of the governing body (committee) of the original fraternity and in 1819 (with the lawyer Heinrich von der Hude, also from Lübeck ), its head.

In 1820 Zerrenner came back to Lübeck as a candidate for the Ministry of Spirituality (he referred to himself as GGC = the Divine Faithfulness Candidatus ). When the first college of the Katharineum's Citizens' School , Bandelin, was retired in the same year , Zerrenner was given a teaching position in Latin, German and natural history. From 1824 he also gave elementary lessons in Greek.

In 1826 he was appointed a collaborator and thus got a permanent position. In total, he worked at the Katharineum for 36 years, including 30 years as a full teacher. He rose to the position of senior teacher and taught various subjects, both languages ​​and mathematics and realities , in his last years preferably exact sciences .

He was a class teacher in the fifth real class and was known for his soldier nature and tight regiment . Director Friedrich Breier's obituary emphasizes the mild core under the rough shell and, in the strictly measured form, the cozy depth of a loving heart .

In addition to his school office, Zerrenner ran a thriving boarding school for foreign students. In the 1840s he was one of the head of the Lübeck gymnastics institute.


  • New attempt to determine the basic dogmatic doctrines of Revelation and Holy Scripture according to the Socinian Unitarian system. With a preface by Johann Philipp Gabler . In the Cröker bookstore, Jena 1820.
Digitized from Harvard University copy .
  • Comparative remarks on arithmetic instruction in grammar schools ... Section 1. In: School program of the Katharineum 1838
  • Comparative remarks on arithmetic lessons in high school, by collaborator Dr. JJC disruptor. Section 2: Methodology of Fractional Calculation. In: School program of the Katharineum 1841.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Genzken: The Abitur graduates of the Katharineum zu Lübeck (grammar school and secondary school) from Easter 1807 to 1907. Borchers, Lübeck 1907. (Supplement to the school program 1907) ( digitized version , University and State Library Düsseldorf ), No. 47
  2. Enrollment entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. ^ Kösener corps lists 1910, 184 , 20
  4. ^ Franz Stadtmüller : The development of the Landsmannschaften (Corps) in Rostock at the beginning of the 19th century . Einst und Jetzt , Vol. 9 (1964), pp. 52–82 (pp. 79 ff.)
  5. ^ Robert Keil and Richard Keil: The founding of the German fraternity in Jena. Mauke, Jena 1865, pp. 153, 156
  6. Breier (lit.)
  7. Lübeck State Calendar for the year 1843 , p. 60