Johann Lütkens

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Johann Lütkens (born July 17, 1597 in Hamburg ; † June 28, 1652 there ) was a German merchant and Hamburg senior citizen .


Lütkens came from a Hamburg merchant family, traded in Spanish cloth and Swedish copper and iron . He also had a brewing legacy at the Neue Burg , today's hop market .

As a citizen of Hamburg , he held various offices in his hometown. In 1631 he was elected to the cattle accise and in 1632 to the deputation of the sixties . This deputation of 60 citizens concluded the recess of 1633 with the Senate . This recess included the council oath, a higher fee for the senators and a changed procedure for council elections. In 1633 Lütkens was elected War Commissioner and in 1634 to the Weinaccise. In 1637 he was elected commercial judge at the lower court and in 1638 among the eight men .

On November 21, 1642 Lütkens was elected as the successor to Peter Juncker (1563-1643) to the senior elder in the parish of Sankt Katharinen . In 1646 he was in charge of the senior electorate as praeses and the work and penitentiary as administrator. In 1648 he was a corpse sworn at the main church of Saint Catherine. Lütkens died in 1652 after almost ten years in office as senior citizen. The future Senator Nicolaus von der Fechte († 1660) was elected as his successor .


Lütkens was the son of the Hamburg businessman Lucas Lütkens († 1616) and his wife Catharina Moller vom Baum . The businessman Diedrich Lütkens (1601–1639) and the Hamburg mayor Peter Lütkens (1603–1670) were his brothers.

Lütkens married Cecilia Jaens (1604–1640), widow of Johann Billerbeck, on October 14, 1629. After her death, Lütkens entered into a second marriage on April 15, 1642, with Anna Langenbeck, widow of the cloth merchant Paul Rudel and daughter of the elder Johann Langenbeck († 1618). A son from his first marriage, Lucas Lütkens, also became a businessman and married Cecilia Langenbeck, daughter of the senior citizen and Senator Garleff Langenbeck (1597–1662).


Individual evidence

  1. Communications from the Association for Hamburg History . 13th year, no. 9 . W. Mauke Sons, Hamburg September 1890, OCLC 899055890 , p. 119 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  2. ^ Martin Reissmann: The Hamburg merchants of the 17th century in a socio-historical perspective (=  contributions to the history of Hamburg . Volume 4 ). Christians, Hamburg 1975, OCLC 2318647 , p. 69-70 .
  3. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Viehaccise . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, p. 402 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  4. ^ Johann Heinrich Bartels : XIV. Receß from 1633 . In: Addendum to the new reprint of the four main basic laws of the Hamburg constitution: Regarding 1) the older recesses, 2) the booing language, and 3) additions to the explanatory overview sent in advance of the four main basic laws . August Campe, Hamburg 1825, OCLC 176652514 , p. 150–160 ( digitized on the website of the Hamburg State and University Library ).
  5. Friedrich Georg Buek: The Hamburg upper elders, their civil activity and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 81–83 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  6. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Weinaccise . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, p. 403 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  7. ^ Nicolaus Adolf Westphalen : Hamburg's constitution and administration in their gradual development up to the most recent time . Second, continuously increased and improved edition. tape 2 . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1846, OCLC 844857444 , p. 84–94 ( digitized on the website of the Hamburg State and University Library).
  8. ^ Daniel Heinrich Jacobj : Directory of the citizens deputy to the lower court since 1623 . In: History of the Hamburg Lower Court . Gustav Eduard Nolte, Hamburg 1866, OCLC 175023910 , p. 230 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  9. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Peter Juncker . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 79–81 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  10. Nicolaus Staphorst : "Name of the head of the Werck- und Zuchthaus from Anno 1615 to 1730" . In: "Historia Ecclesiæ Hamburgensis Diplomatica, that is: Hamburg Church History, from credible and mostly unprinted documents, so probably imperial, royal, princely, counts, etc. as well as papal, arch-bishop, episcopal and other two clergy as Secular persons, respectively letters of grace, freedom and confirmation, concessions, indults, foundations, legacies, ordinances, statutes, contracts, contracts, comparisons and other such diverse writings, collected, described and put in order ” . "The First Part, Fourth Volume, which contains the stories of the fifteenth century". Theodor Christoph Felginer's widow, Hamburg 1731, OCLC 643633206 , p. 706 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  11. Nicolaus Staphorst: "Historia Ecclesiæ Hamburgensis Diplomatica, that is: Hamburg church history, from credible and mostly still unprinted documents, such as imperial, royal, princely, counts, etc. as well as papal, arch-bishopric, bishopric and other two Clergyman as secular persons, respectively letters of grace, freedom and confirmation, concessions, indults, foundations, legacies, ordinances, statutes, contracts, contracts, comparisons and other such diverse writings, collected, described and put in order ” . "The First Part, Fourth Volume, which contains the stories of the fifteenth century". Theodor Christoph Felginer's widow, Hamburg 1731, OCLC 643633206 , p. 536 ( digitized on the pages of the Bavarian State Library).
  12. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Nikolaus von der Fechte . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 99 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  13. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Johann Langenbeck . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 51–52 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
  14. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Garleff Langenbeck . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 96 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).