Johann Lorenz Pfeiffer

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Johann Lorenz Pfeiffer (born August 14, 1662 in Thuringia , † January 1, 1743 ) was a German Lutheran theologian and clergyman .


Johann Lorenz Pfeiffer is the son of a Thuringian freeman . Since he died early, his mother sent him to Großenehrich . There he attended a school for six years, where he was diligent and inquisitive. Meanwhile the mother had remarried. Pfeiffer's stepfather did not recognize his talent and wanted to train him as a craftsman. The freeman and grandfather Georg Pfeiffer, who was considered godly, sent him to Ebeleben , where Rector Kayser knew how to promote the boy's talent.

After four years in Ebeleben, Pfeiffer was able to begin studying theology at the University of Erfurt at the age of 19 . He also attended lectures on philosophy and the oriental languages ​​and decided later to become a clergyman.

After Pfeiffer received his master's degree in 1682 , he went to Sondershausen shortly afterwards . From there, Superintendent Marth recommended him to the University of Jena in order to continue his studies. Pfeiffer also intended to visit the University of Wittenberg . He never put this into practice because he had the chance to become a deacon at the Erfurt Andreaskirche . He did not receive the diaconate, instead he became assistant preacher in Erfurt in 1683. Shortly thereafter, he was elected deacon of the Barefoot Church .

In 1693 Pfeiffer was appointed pastor of the Thomaskirche in Leipzig, which he refused because of his health. At the same time he accepted the diaconate of the Erfurt Predigerkirche . There he worked for a large community. He used his free time for theological training.

1709, when the University of Leipzig celebrated its anniversary, a PhD Pfeiffer for doctorate of theology by his work de summa et aeterna Christi deitate defended. From then on, he gave lectures on oriental languages, church history and dogmatics at the University of Erfurt .

Pastor Erfurt Council and Predigerkirche was Pfeiffer in 1718, four years thereafter headmaster of the council school and another four years later finally ordinary theology professor , senior of the Ministry and Prot headmaster.

Pfeiffer celebrated his jubilee at the Predigerkirche in 1733, ten years later he died at the age of 80. He suffered from hypochondria . He left Johann Christoph Pfeiffer (1705–1768), who also became a theologian.


  • Gymnasium gemens sub tralatitiae logices per indigno parites ac sontico seu antanalytico onere (Leipzig 1688)
  • Evangelical penitential mirror, consisting of various penitential sermons, which were held on the public penance days in Erfurt (Erfurt 1700)
  • The bliss of the listeners of divine words (Erfurt 1700)
  • Oratio dominica or declaration of the Holy Our Father, in it partly in general the Our Father in a short prayer syllogismo, partly in particular God as a majestic King in the seven petitions, namely I. after his royal. Court church; II. According to his kingdom; III. after his kanzley or government; IV. To his provisions house; V. according to its chamber courts; VI. after his drawing room or armory; VII. Is presented after his heavenly joyous hall (Erfurt 1700)
  • Diss. Inaug. historico-theologica de summa et aeterna Christi deitate (Leipzig 1709)
  • Dissertationis hujus sectio elenchtica et practica (Leipzig 1710)
  • Vera Christi deitas or the true deity of our Savior Jesus Christ (Frankfurt / Leipzig 1710)
  • Historical heart mirror according to the instructions of the Decalogi or the first main part of Christian doctrine, presented from certain biblical stories of the Congregation of God in Erfurt in the year 1716, that in the same the eager to learn heart is informed, the secure is corrected, the troubled is comforted and raised (Erfurt 1718)
  • Erfurt monument of the wonderful council of God, such as the one at the 21 October Anno 1736 cathedral. 21 post Trinit. resulting terrible conflagration was perceived in three cathedral. 22 post trinite. sermon of fire and thanksgiving, presented to the congregation of God and published together with a short preface (Erfurt 1737)
