Johann Michael Boeck

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Johann Michael Boeck

Johann Michael Boeck (* 1743 in Vienna ; † July 18, 1793 in Mannheim ) was an actor during the Enlightenment .

He started out as a barber , joined the Konrad Ernst Ackermanns theater company in Mainz in 1762 , with whom he went to Hamburg , and then took part in the wandering trains of the Seyler's society until he found a permanent job at the court theater in Gotha in 1775 .

In 1777 he made the first tour to guest performances through Germany , headed the Gotha court theater for almost a year after Ekhof's death and after its dissolution in 1779 went to the newly established electoral national theater in Mannheim, where he was the first, Schiller's Karl Moor and Fiesco played. He died on July 18, 1793 in Mannheim.

Boeck was characterized by a routine game calculated on the effect and is the real inventor of the applauded departure.


Web links

Commons : Johann Michael Boeck  - Collection of images, videos and audio files