Johann Samuel Stryk

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Johann Samuel Stryk (also: Stryck ; * March 12, 1668 in Frankfurt (Oder) ; † June 11, 1715 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German legal scholar.


The only son of Samuel Stryk was trained by private tutors in his early youth. In 1684 he moved to the Danzig Academic Gymnasium . There he emerged with an Oration de vita & laude Justiniani sacratessimi Imperatoris valediciret . In 1686 his father sent him to the University of Wittenberg , where, after his matriculation on October 25, he first devoted himself to the basic philosophical sciences in order to prepare for a law degree. So he attended lectures in philosophy, devoted himself to literary studies and history. At the same time he also attended lectures at the law faculty with Johann Heinrich von Berger .

After having argued with de auro obryzo & agento pusulato under Georg Kaspar Kirchmaier , he returned to his father in Frankfurt an der Oder in 1688. There he devoted himself primarily to law with his father. When he went to Wittenberg, he followed him and was the first respondent there who disputed dissensu sponsalito under his father . After he was accepted among the legal candidates in 1691, he went on an educational tour that took him to the University of Groningen , the University of Franeker , the University of Leiden , the University of Utrecht and the Old University of Duisburg . There he got to know the scholars of his time.

He had visited a few cities on the Rhine and Main, met in Regensburg on Konrad Samuel Schurz meat and Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen with whom he traveled to Italy. So he got to know Rome , Venice , Genoa , Milan and Florence . He was also in contact with the scholars there. Especially Antonio Magliabechi made him familiar with the Codex Pandectarum florentinus . He returned to Wittenberg via Basel and Regensburg. Since he had already learned in Rome that his father had been offered a brilliant professorship at the University of Halle and that he was offered an extraordinary professorship, he obtained his licentiate in law on December 10, 1692 with the inaugural dissertation de matrimonii nulliate .

On December 14th he went to Halle, where he lived on 1/12. July 1694 as one of the first to receive a doctorate in law under his father. On October 12, 1694, he became a full professor at the law faculty, rose to the fourth professorship in 1696, became court advisor to the widow of the Duke of Saxony-Eisenach in 1702 and was promoted to the third professorship in 1710. In the years 1703/04 and 1711/12 he was prorector of the Halle Alma Mater . After a long illness, which was accompanied by sleep addiction, he passed away.


Stryk, who published the last parts of his father's usus modernus , did a lot of church and marriage law. So he appeared in 1702 with the dissertation de jure sabbati . In this he took the opinion that the Sunday celebration was an outdated ceremonial law in the new league. Because of this claim he had to deal with the lawyer Georg Beyer (1665–1714) and four theologians. However, he had little success with his efforts to declare Sunday an unholy day. Sunday is still a day off in Germany today.

His dissertation de reliquiis sacramenti in matrimonialibus had a much more lasting effect. In this he advocates the thesis that marriage is a purely secular matter. The further development of this thesis led to the disempowerment of the consistories in matters of marriage law and finally in 1874 to the introduction of civil marriages. He is thus a pioneer of today's marriage law.


Stryk has been married twice. His first marriage was on February 15, 1694, Marie Katharine (August 27, 1678 in Wolfenbüttel; † November 22, 1700 in Halle), the daughter of the Princely Braunschweig-Lüneburg Vice-Chancellor Caspar Alexander. After her death, on January 16, 1708, he married Elenora Sophie, the daughter of the lawyer and syndic of the knighthood of Bremen and Verden Burkard Uffelmann. Both marriages remained childless. His widow married a Freiherr von Schell.

Selection of works

  • Justiani Institutiones juris cum notis. Hall 1689
  • Fundamenta Juris Justinianei ad ordinem Institutionum succinctis aphorismis proposita. Hall 1695
  • Brunnemann's instructions for the inquiry process. Hall 1697
  • Fundamenta Institutionum Imperialium. Hall 1699
  • Brunnemanni exercitationes Justinianeae. Hall 1699
  • Antonii Jus feudale auctum. Hall 1699
  • Reservations of Injury Trials. Leipzig 1701
  • De jure Sabbarbi. Frankfurt 1703
  • Meletemata de juramentis. 1707
  • Culpisii Collegium Grotianum.
  • De reliquiis sacramenti in matrimonialibus. Hall 1724
  • De jure liciti, sed non bonesti. Hall 1734


  • de Potentiore cessionario. 1693
  • de rogatione futura dispositionis. 1694
  • de loco solutionis. 1694
  • de sententia contra fiscum ferenda. 1693
  • de jurisprudentia Apostoli Pauli. 1695, 1705
  • de confirmatione Pricipis. 1695
  • de jure cataracterum. 1696
  • de obsequii remissione. 1696
  • de juramenti calumniae remissione. 1697
  • de sanctitate residentarium. 1697
  • de processu antiquo juris rome. 1698
  • de execrationibus testamentorum. 1698
  • de remediis contra rem judicatam. 1698
  • Aureae Bulle controversia potiores. 1699
  • de allegatione propriae turpitudinis. 1700
  • de condictione triticiaria. 1700
  • de rejectione from actis. 1700
  • de Hamburgensium testamentis. 1700
  • de liberis naturalibus Regum & Principum. 1700
  • de jure cratium. 1700
  • de potestate clericorum in secularibus. 1700
  • de jure prohibendi exstructionem molendini. 1700
  • de auro coronario. 1701
  • de delatione juramenti in matrimonial bus. 1702
  • de jure praefationum. 1702
  • de jure bibliothecarum. 1702
  • de certioratione jurium renunciaudorum. 1702
  • de interrogatoriis ineptis. 1702
  • de eo, quod justum est circa juramenta extrajudicialia. 1702
  • de jure Apostillae seu Postscripti. 1702
  • de praelatione dotis & fisci mutua in concursu creditorum. 1702
  • de jure septidini, in specie de septidou processus saxonici. 1702
  • de jure singulari foeminarum Hamburgensium. 1702
  • de translatione ministrorum ecclesiae. 1706
  • de testimo injurato. 1707
  • de jure principis circa juramenta. 1704
  • de usu inutilium in jure. 1704
  • excipiente non confesso. 1704
  • de controversiis fori selectis. 1704
  • de investitura abusiva. 1704
  • de notorio. 1706
  • de causis ad Cameram Imperii non appellabilibus. 1705
  • de remediis causae vulneratae propter omissis in processu exceptiones. 1705
  • de casibus circa legitimam controversis. 1705
  • de appelatione non sospensiva in possessorio summariissimo. 1706
  • de operis uxorum. 1706
  • de controversies fori miscellanies. 1706
  • de causa incidence. 1706
  • de judicio principis juxta solam facti veritatem. 1707
  • de matrimonii jure & institutions. 1707
  • de immunitate domini a periculo. 1708
  • de concursa juramentorum. 1708
  • de officio principis circa pejeraturum. 1708
  • de eo, quod justum est civca identitatem. 1709
  • de origine & usu jurisdictionis ecclesiasticae. 1710
  • de mora judicis. 1710
  • de dote non promissa non prastanda. 1710
  • de natura sponsaliorum & divisione. 1710
  • de officio principis circa seandala. 1710
  • de absoluto per sententiam injustam ad effectus civiles non obligato. 1710
  • de privelegio appellationis Lubecensis. 1711
  • de probatione sponsaliorum & dissolutione. 1711
  • de Latis denunciatione. 1711
  • de prodominio seudi divecto. 1711
  • de qualitate & jure personarum matrimonium contrabentium. 1710
  • de jure necetsitatis. 1712
  • de praesciptione verum per mare allatarum. 1710
  • de cautelis circa quantitatem rei contoversae in progressu civiliobservandis. 1710
  • de emendatione progressus forensis. 1712
  • de emtione Spei. 1714
  • de abolitione principis.
  • de natura matrimonii.
  • de fine matrimonii.


  • Ernst LandsbergStryk, Johann Samuel . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 36, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1893, p. 698.
  • Karl Friedrich Göschel: On theological-legal biography and literature. Verlag Konrad Glaser, Schleusingen, 1842, 2nd section, p. 376 Online with Google Book Search
  • Guido Kisch: Johann Samuel Stryk and the Basel Law Faculty. In: Journal for Swiss Law. Jg. 79, 1960. Vol. 101 pp. 173–197 (also published as a special edition)
  • Johann Friedrich Schulte: The history of the sources and literature of canon law from the middle of the 16th century to the present. Verlag Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart, 1880, 1st part, p. 85
  • Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt : Pagus Neletizi et Nudzici, or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former primacy and Ertz-Stifft, but now secularized by the Duchy of Magdeburg, which belongs to the Duchy of Magdeburg, and of all the cities, palaces, offices, Manors, aristocratic families, churches, monasteries, parishes and villages, especially the cities of Halle, Neumarckt, Glaucha, Wettin, Löbegün, Cönnern and Alsleben; From Actis publicis and credible ... news, collected diligently, reinforced with many unprinted documents, adorned with copperplate engravings and abstracts, and provided with the necessary registers. Emanuel Schneider, Hall 1749/50. Vol. 2, p. 730, item 595, urn : nbn: de: gbv: 3: 1-135876

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