Johannes Henricus Gerardus Jansen

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Johannes Henricus Gerardus Jansen (born May 9, 1868 in Leeuwarden , † May 17, 1936 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch clergyman and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht .


He was the son of the baker and pastry chef Andreas Johannes Jansen and Maria Anna Mulder. Jansen grew up with his older sister in Friesland and felt a lifelong connection to this Dutch province. From 1881 he attended the prestigious Rolduc boarding school and from 1887 the church school Kuilenburg in Culemborg before he entered the seminary in Rijsenburg near Driebergen in 1887 . On August 15, 1893, Jansen received the sacrament of ordination and was incardinated in the clergy of the Archdiocese of Utrecht .

From 1894 to 1900 he held several positions of chaplain and in January 1900 he became professor of biblical studies at the Rijsenburg seminary , although he had no special training in this area. In the opinion of some contemporaries, his scientific publications did not go beyond a popular scientific level, and his scientific competence was also assessed very differently among his students.

From 1908 Jansen was pastor and from 1909 also took on the task of episcopal inspector. With an article about the permission for Roman Catholics to read the Bible, he showed himself to be - for his time - "progressive" clergyman. In 1929 he became dean of Utrecht.

Jansen was after the sudden death of his predecessor Henricus van de Wetering appointed on April 11, 1930, Archbishop of Utrecht and received on June 5, 1930, the episcopal ordination by the former Apostolic Internuncio in the Netherlands Lorenzo Schioppa ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Roermond , Laurentius Schrijnen and the Bishop of Breda , Pieter Hopmans . His motto was: Spei meae anchoram in Deo figo (“I cast the anchor of my faith to God”). During his tenure as Archbishop, his work for the women's movement and youth work was particularly noticeable.

On February 6, 1936, he resigned as Archbishop of Utrecht for health reasons and died on May 17 of the same year. He was buried in the Metropolitan Cathedral.


  • Ph.M. Bosscher: Jansen, Joannes Hendericus Gerardus (1868–1936) . In: Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (Ed.): Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland . tape 5 . The Hague 2002 (Dutch, [accessed December 2, 2014]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Jansen: Would vroeger en mogen thans de kathieken lezen the Bijbel? In: Annuarium van de Apologetic Vereeniging Petrus Canisius. 1, 1909, pp. 143-193.
predecessor Office successor
Henricus van de Wetering Archbishop of Utrecht
Jan de Jong