Johannes Miraeus

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Otto van Veen : Portrait of Johannes Miraeus (1611)

Johannes Miraeus (born January 6, 1560 in Brussels ; † January 12, 1611 there ; also Jean Le Mire ) was a Roman Catholic bishop .


Miraeus spent his school days in Brussels and then studied at the universities of Douai and Leuven . In 1591 he became a priest and canon in Brussels. On March 15, 1604 he was appointed bishop of Antwerp , he was ordained bishop on May 30, 1604 by the Archbishop of Mechelen , Matthias van den Hove (Mathias Hovius) , co- consecrators were Pieter Damant , Bishop of Ghent , and François Buisseret , Bishop from Namur . In this position he appointed, among other things, his nephew, the later church historian and vicar general Aubertus Miraeus , as private secretary and sent him to the county of Holland to deal with the concerns of the Catholics there. During his time as Bishop of Antwerp, he was also Abbot of Hemiksem .

He wrote several treatises on ecclesiastical subjects.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Guillaume Henri Marie Delprat: The Brotherhood of Living Together ... , German version by Gottlieb Mohnike, Verlag Cnobloch 1840, p. 60.
  2. Karl Theodor Wenzelburger:  Miraeus, Aubertus . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 21, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1885, p. 777.
predecessor Office successor
Guillaume de Berghes Bishop of Antwerp
Johannes Malderus