Josef Alois equal

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Josef Alois Gleich (born September 14, 1772 in Vienna ; † February 10, 1841 ibid) was an Austrian civil servant, theater poet and author of horror novels. He was a contemporary of Ferdinand Raimund , Johann Nestroy , Karl Meisl , Franz Xaver Tolds and Josef Kilian Schickh .


He immediately received his schooling from the Piarists in Josefstadt (Vienna). In 1790, at the age of 18, he got a job in the state administration. Here he worked in the same office for forty years until 1830. Placed here at the age of 60, he took over court service.

During his professional life, Gleich wrote - on the side, so to speak - well over 100 novels and around 250 plays. With this literary work he became an important representative of the old Viennese folk theater . Together with Adolf Bäuerle and Karl Meisl , Gleich was one of the Big Three , who were only replaced by Ferdinand Raimund . By marrying his daughter, he not only became his son-in-law, Gleich encouraged him to the best of his ability and helped him to break through in the theater. In 1819 Raimund caused a theatrical scandal because he had abandoned his wedding to Gleich's daughter Louise, who was expecting a child from him. Her father pulled out all the stops to get the groom to make a new appointment. Raimund was forced to marry on April 8, 1820, and the audience enthusiastically celebrated the couple's first joint appearance after their wedding at the Leopoldstadt Theater as a victory for “morality”.

Immediately wrote almost exclusively for the theater in der Josefstadt and for the Leopoldstadt theater . Much of his work appeared under the pseudonyms Adolph Blum , Ludwig Dellarosa , Alois Kramer or H. Walden .

At the age of 69, Josef Alois died in Vienna on February 10, 1841, deeply in debt.

In 1960, the Gleichgasse in Vienna- Donaustadt (22nd district) was named after him.


  • ....... Centilles. A story from the Spanish War of Insurrection. Side piece to the admiral. Novel.
  • ....... Dittmar von Arenstein, or: The Avengers in the Death Hall. Novel.
  • 1796 Fridolin von Eichenfels. Novel. 1796.
  • The black knight, or: the three orphans. A ghost story from the 12th century. Novel. Möstl, Krems 1797. ( digitized 3rd edition 1798 )
  • The Death Torch or The Dormouse Cave. Novel. Haas, Vienna / Prague 1798. ( digitized version )
  • The warning magic belt or the horror man. A ghost story from the 12th century. Vienna 1798. ( digitized version )
  • The wanderings of the knight Eckbert von Klausenthal. Scenes from the ghosts and past world by the author of the black knight. Novel. Möstl, Krems 1798. ( digitized version )
  • Wendelin von Höllenstein or the death bell. Haas, Vienna / Prague 1798. ( digitized version )
  • Wallrab von Schreckenhorn or The Totenmahl at midnight. A miracle story from the fourteenth century. Vienna 1799. ( digitized version )
  • The Two Spencer or The Miracles of the Crypt. Frey edited from a true 14th century English story. Doll, Vienna 1800. ( digitized version )
  • Bodo and his brothers or The Castle of Secrets. A family painting by Ludwig Dellarosa. Möstl, Leipzig 1801. ( digitized volume 2 )
  • Inkle and Yariko. A Singspiel in one act. Wallishausser, Vienna 1807. ( digitized version )
  • The Lion Knights. a play with singing in four acts. Based on the story of Mr. Spieß. Schmidt, Vienna 1801 ( digitized 1st part ), ( 2nd part ), ( 3rd part ), ( 4th part )
  • The reward of posterity. An original play with singing in four acts. Wallishausser, Vienna 1807. ( digitized version )
  • Kunz von Kauffungen or the robbery of princes in Saxony. A play with singing in three acts based on the true story. Wallishausser, Vienna 1808. ( digitized version )
  • Love of subjects. A folk piece with singing in three acts. 1808. Reprint at books on demand 2014, ISBN 9785519007375
  • The musicians on the high market. Carnival spears with singing. In: Selected Works , Volume 1. Prochaska, Vienna 1910.
  • Mr. Adam Kratzerl from Kratzerlfeld. As the second and last part of the musicians on the Hohenmarkt. A local farce with singing in three acts. Mößle, Vienna 1816.
  • Doctor Kramperl or Four Grooms and a Bride. Posse in 3 elevators. Wallishausser, Vienna 1840. ( digitized version )
  • Funny plays. Traßler, Brno 1820. ( digitized version )
  • The white hats. Drama. In: Selected Works , Volume 1. Prochaska, Vienna 1910.
  • The married devil on the move. Local magic game with singing in two elevators. Traßler, Brno 1822.
  • Timur the Tatar Chan or the cavalry on foot, music: Franz glasses , world premiere on November 30, 1822 at the Theater in der Josefstadt.
  • Ydor, the wanderer from the water kingdom. Joke and magic game with singing in two acts. Mausberger, Vienna 1822. ( digitized version )
  • Travel adventure by express car. comical fresco painting in six sketches, freely based on the French. Haas, Vienna 1841. ( digitized version )
  • The blood meal at midnight, or: The wandering ghost in Wiener Neustadt. Historical-romantic story from the time of Frederick the Arguable, Duke of Austria. Novel. ( Digitized version )
  • The siege of Vienna by the Turks, or: Count Rüdiger von Starhembergs heroism and bravery. A historical-romantic story. 2 parts. Haas, Vienna 1838.
  • Guido von Sendenstein or The Knights Templar in Mödling. A knight tale from the Austrian prehistory . Haas, Vienna 1839.
  • Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Baberl. Posse with singing in 3 acts. Wallishausser, Vienna 1840. ( digitized version )
  • Dagobert von Greifenstein, or: The court of death at midnight in the subterranean crevasses of the castle fortress Thebes in Hungary. Historic-romantic tale from the thirteenth century. Haas, Vienna 1840. ( digitized version )
  • Markulf the iron arm with the giant sword, or: The dance of death at midnight in the Engelhaus castle near Carlsbad. Adapted from an English and Bohemian template by Joseph Alois Gleich, known as Ludwig Dellarosa. (Posthumously published novel, possibly a forgery) Dirnböck, Vienna 1851. ( digitized version )

Work edition

  • Selected works , ed. by Otto Rommel. Vienna 1910


Web links

Wikisource: Josef Alois Gleich  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. No copy can be found
  2. No copy can be found
  3. No copy can be found