Julius Lehr

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Julius Lehr, around 1875?

Julius Lehr (born October 18, 1845 in Schotten , Vogelsberg , Grand Duchy of Hesse , † October 10, 1894 in Munich ) was a German forest scientist and economist .


Julius Lehr was born on October 18, 1845 in Schotten / Vogelsberg as the third son and fourth child of pastor Friedrich Wilhelm Lehr and his wife Lisbeth, née Schwarz. After graduation in Giessen , he studied at the University of heads of state and cameralistics and Forestry. Gustav Heyer and Alfred Clebsch , with whom he studied mathematics, were among his teachers . In 1867/68 Lehr obtained his doctorate in philosophy (Dr. phil.) In Gießen . On Heyer's recommendation, in 1868 he became a private lecturer in economics at the newly founded Forest Academy in Hann. Münden , where he completed his habilitation in 1868 and represented the subjects of economics , finance , forest history (1873–1874) and law (1868–1872) as a professor . In 1874 he moved to the Grand Ducal Polytechnic in Karlsruhe as a professor of economics , from where he was appointed to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in 1885 . As a full professor at the State Economics Faculty , he dealt with forest policy , forest statistics and the history of forest literature.

He is the father of Albert Lehr ; Among other things, he is a co-architect of the Post Building School and the Nuremberg railroad settlement , for which he also designed the Church of St. Paul .


Julius Lehr was particularly concerned with questions of wood customs policy, a topic that was in the foreground of public interest in most German states from 1879 onwards. As an opponent of forest protectionism , he rejected the protective tariffs on wood demanded by Bernhard Danckelmann and others . He put his views on this subject in the books protectionism and free trade (1877), The German timber duties and their elevation (1883) and in the new German timber duties (1880). As followers of the soil net proceeds teachings Max Preßlers he wrote also essays and defended them against her numerous critics wrote about the use of the calculus of probability in statistics and about economic questions of the railway system ( railway tariffs and railway monopoly, 1879). He was also the author of a textbook on The Basic Concepts of Political Economy (1893). In the value and price theory developed there, he mediated between the classical and the Austrian marginal utility theory .

Lehr wrote numerous articles for political science and technical journals , several hundred articles for Meyer's Konversationslexikon , essays for the concise dictionary for political science and the yearbooks for economics and statistics . For the widespread Handbook of Forest Science (Tübingen 1887) published by Tuisko von Lorey , Lehr contributed the sections forest value calculation and statics as well as forest policy and, together with von Lorey, from 1878 also edited the Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung, in which he also published the Published much of his work.

Prof. Dr. phil. Julius Lehr died suddenly of a gastrointestinal infection shortly before his 49th birthday on October 10, 1894 in Munich.

Fonts (selection)

  • Outline of public finance, Münden 1872
  • Protective tariffs and free trade, Berlin 1877
  • Railway tariffs and monopoly, Berlin 1879
  • The new German timber tariffs, (Yearbooks for Economics and Statistics; Supplement 5.2), Jena 1880
  • The German timber tariffs and their increase, Frankfurt am Main 1883
  • Contributions to the statistics of prices, especially gold and wood, Frankfurt am Main 1885
  • Forest value calculation and statics . In: Loreys Handbuch der Forstwissenschaften , Tübingen 1887
  • Political economy in a condensed form. (Economics, finance, statistics, etc.), Munich 1892 (2nd edition)
  • The basic concepts of economics. Introduction to the Study of Political Science, 1893 (2nd edition, Leipzig 1901)
  • The currency question, (special print from: Quarterly journal for economics, politics and cultural history; 30th year), 1893
  • Production and consumption in the national economy, Leipzig 1895 (edited from the estate of Lehr and completed by Kuno Frankenstein)


  • Max von Heckel:  Lehr, Julius . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 51, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1906, p. 622 f.
  • Zoltán Rozsnyay, Frank Kropp: Julius Lehr. in this .: Lower Saxony Forest Biography. A source volume. From the forest (1998): Messages from the Lower Saxony State Forest Administration (Issue 51). Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forests (MELF), Wolfenbüttel 1998. pp. 293–296

Web links

Commons : Julius Lehr  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Albert Lehr: Julius Lehr on his 100th birthday. October 18, 1945 . P. 29–30 (family owned) → title page .
  2. Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, keyword "forest value calculation"