Koelnstrasse (Bonn)

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Street in Bonn
Beginning of Kölnstraße on the city side (bottom right)
Basic data
city Bonn
District Bonn-Center , Nordstadt , Bonn-Castell , Auerberg , Buschdorf
Places Stiftsplatz, Wilhelmsplatz, Chlodwigplatz
Technical specifications
Street length 4.5 km

The Kölnstrasse is a 4.5 kilometer long north-west arterial road in Bonn . It runs from the center of Bonn to the city limits at the Buschdorf district and forms the southern end of Landesstraße 300 (L 300) between Bonn and Cologne .


The Kölnstraße leads as an extension of Bonngasse from Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz / Oxfordstraße in the center of Bonn for almost 100 m in a northerly direction, before it turns to the north-northwest and leads past Stiftsplatz to Wilhelmsplatz , up to then slightly uphill. It then leaves the center and enters the northern part of the city - taking up sections of the track from the tram route to Auerberg - after 100 m from the plaza-like confluence of the street Am Johanneskreuz in a north-westerly direction to Chlodwigplatz and from there to Kaiser-Karl- Ring as part of Bonn's Ringstrasse . After crossing the Gumme lowland and bridging the Rheindorfer Bach in it, after a further 700 m the Kölnstraße crosses the cut of the federal motorway 565 and enters the local area of Auerberg at the Josefshöhe . This leaves them after 1.5 kilometers again and now leads as Trunk Road after 500 m on the edge of the bush village along before the output of this hamlet on the outskirts of Bornheim encounters and in the further Hersel leading Elbestraße passes.


Cologne Gate (1821)

Today's Kölnstraße combines two street sections that did not form a unit in the past, but were separated by the Kölntor between Kasernenstraße and today's Wilhelmsplatz as part of the medieval city wall , which has been documented since 1290 . The south of the Kölntors located within the ramparts of today's road, depending on the spelling of the city of Cologne Cöllenstraße , Cölnstraße and most recently as today Kölnstraße called extended by the marketplace outgoing Bonngasse from the Maargasse (now Oxford Street) to up to this gate. Landside of the Cologne Gate began the country road to Cologne, which has always served as a trade route, 1393 "(up der) Collerstrayssen", 1516 "(up der) Collerstrayss" and 1603 "Colniche straiß", later often in varying forms "Cölner Landstraße" or simply "(Land) Straße nach Cöln" and named after the official street names Kölner Chaussee . There, at today's intersection of Kölnstrasse / Rosental / Am Johanneskreuz on the old Roman military road to Trier, the market square of the Johannesmarkt has been located at the latest since the 14th century , a fair held by the neighboring Dietkirchen monastery between June 23rd and 29th . From the High Middle Ages on the Kölner Landstrasse in the district southeast of today's wall of the north cemetery until the end of the 18th century, the place of execution ( Galgenberg ) of Bonn's high judiciary and southeast of it the city's leprosy was located . The section of the then Landstrasse and today's Kölnstrasse north of the corner of Antilopenweg near Buschdorf (then part of the Dingstuhl Widdig ) and today's Auerberg was outside the Bonn city ban.

In 1672/73 a fortress paleon was created at the Kölntor in front of the city wall . In 1825/26 the Kölntor was closed in connection with the expansion of Wilhelmstrasse (then Wallstrasse ), the first city expansion; the square created in this way was named Wilhelmsplatz in 1830 . The moat in front of the former Kölntor was only filled in after 1855. It was then planned to straighten the landside road and to designate building land there, which according to a city map from 1865 had not yet been implemented. After this straightening had been carried out, the northern extension of Bonn was built on and southwest of the previous country road by the end of the 19th century . In April 1891 one of the first two horse-drawn tram lines in Bonn was opened from the market along Kölnstrasse to Wilhelmsplatz and shortly thereafter extended to Heerstrasse. Since June 1906, the Kölnstraße between the Wilhelmsplatz and the Kaiser-Karl-Ring has taken on the tram route leading to Auerberg today .

By a city council resolution of June 18, 1907, the name Kölnstraße was extended from Wilhelmsplatz to the north instead of the previous Kölner Chaussee . After the First World War , extensive barracks for the 85th heavy artillery regiment, named after Generals Herr and Fayolle, were built on both sides of Kölnstrasse (in today's area of Thuarstrasse / Am Neuen Lindenhof ) during the time of the French occupation of Bonn (1920-26) were named; the part of the camp complex to the right of the street was later used as an urban barracks settlement under the name Lindenhof (demolished at the end of the 1960s). From 1932 on, Kölnstrasse was part of Reichs- / Bundesstrasse 9 , which was downgraded to Landesstrasse 300 between Cologne and Bonn on January 1, 1998.

Buildings and sights

(from inwards to out of town)

  • Stiftskirche St. Johann Baptist , Kölnstraße 31
    Built from 1879 to 1886 according to plans by the architect Heinrich Wiethase in neo-Gothic forms instead of a previous Baroque building from 1729/30, which was the church of the Dietkirchen monastery until 1802; Parish church of the oldest parish in Bonn.
  • St. Johannes Hospital , Kölnstrasse 54
    The city's oldest hospital, in operation from 1849 to 2005. Today, the St. Johannes Hospital Health Center.
  • Johannes Klais Orgelbau , Kölnstrasse 148–150
    1894 based on plans by Gerhard Franz Langenberg residential and operational building of the organ building workshop, which is still located here; is under monument protection as an architectural monument.
  • LVR-Klinik Bonn , Kölnstraße / Kaiser-Karl-Ring 20
    The new building of the psychiatric clinic on Kölnstraße was built from 1974 to 1979 and replaced the northeastern adjoining old buildings of the original Rhenish provincial insane asylum from the end of the 19th century.
  • Sportpark Nord
    Built from 1967 to 1970 in place of a former garbage dump, the largest sports facility in the city of Bonn with a football stadium and sports hall center.

  • Redemptoristenkloster Josefshöhe , Kölnstraße 415
    on a home based in the 14th century leprosarium with later added chapel dating back, in 1713, continued by the urban poor management as a farm, from 1872 teaching and educational institution St. Joseph at the height . From 1883 to 1887today's neo-Gothic churchwas built according to plans by the architect Heinrich Wiethase ; In 1920 the Redemptorist Order acquired the building, which stilloperatesthe High School Collegium Josephinum Bonn today.
  • Base Bonn Geodetic base line
    created in 1847on 2.1 kilometers between Josefshöhe and Buschdorf along Kölnstrasse with three measurement points that have been preserved and marked as a technical and historical monument to this day.
  • Nordfriedhof , Kölnstraße 481 Established
    as a new cemetery from 1884, since 1933 with a municipal cemetery of honor, with an area of ​​27 hectares the largest cemetery in the city of Bonn.
  • Prussian milestone , corner of Kölnstrasse / Engländerweg
    Prussian all-mile obelisk from the 19th century on today's city limits to Bornheim; is under monument protection as an architectural monument.

Web links

Commons : Kölnstraße (Bonn)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Am Kölntor , entry in the "Bonn street cadastre"
  2. ^ Paul Clemen : The art monuments of the city and the district of Bonn . L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1905, p. 150/151 (= Provinzialverband der Rheinprovinz : Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz , Volume 5, Section 3, p. 446/447). (Unchanged reprint Verlag Schwann, Düsseldorf 1981, ISBN 3-590-32113-X ) ( Internet Archive )
  3. a b Entry in the Bonn street cadastre
  4. Bonn calendar for the church year 1834 , P. Neusser, Bonn ( online )
  5. ^ First address book of the royal Prussian university city of Bonn for 1856 & 1857 , HB König'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Bonn 1856, p. 173. ( online )
  6. ^ Bernhard Hundeshagen : Topographical-architectural plan of the city of Bonn and the surrounding area . 1819.
  7. Plan of the city of Bonn - edited according to the cata- ster plans at a scale of 1: 25000 with indications of the alignment plan . 1865.
  8. ^ Josef Dietz: Topography of the city of Bonn from the Middle Ages to the end of the electoral era . In: Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , Stadtarchiv Bonn (Ed.): Bonner Geschichtsblätter: Yearbook of the Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , Part 1, Volume 16 (1962).
  9. ^ Alfred Philippson : The city of Bonn. Your location and spatial development (= Carl Troll (Hrsg.): Bonner geographical treatises , booklet 2). Ludwig Röhrscheid Verlag, Bonn 1947, p. 19.
  10. ^ Hermann Josef Roth : DuMont art travel guide Bonn: from the Roman garrison to the federal capital - art and nature between the Voreifel and the Siebengebirge . DuMont, Cologne 1988, ISBN 978-3-7701-1970-7 , p. 15.
  11. Dietkirche ,
  12. Information board Am Johanneskreuz , Wikimedia Commons
  13. Ruthild Stein: Historical Development Auerbergs . In: Renate Schoene / Karl Wilhelm Starcke / Ruthild Stein (ed.): Bonn-Auerberg yesterday-today-tomorrow . Bonn 1992, pp. 19-35 (here p. 19).
  14. ^ Herbert Müller-Hengstenberg: The boundary stones and signs of the old Bonn city ban . In: Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , Stadtarchiv Bonn (Ed.): Bonner Geschichtsblätter: Yearbook of the Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , ISSN  0068-0052 , Volume 31 (1979), Bonn 1980, pp. 17-25.
  15. Busso von der Dollen: The fight for the star gate . In: Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , Stadtarchiv Bonn (Hrsg.): Bonner Geschichtsblätter: Yearbook of the Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , ISSN  0068-0052 , Volume 31 (1979), Bonn 1980, pp. 83-121 (here: pp. 84).
  16. Olga Sonntag : Villas on the banks of the Rhine in Bonn: 1819–1914 , Bouvier Verlag, Bonn 1998, ISBN 3-416-02618-7 , Volume 1, pp. 18/19.
  17. Horst-Pierre Bothien: Bonn sur-le-Rhin Occupation 1918-1926 (= City Museum Bonn : Forum History ., No. 14). morisel Verlag, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-943915-34-1 , pp. 82, 109/110, 148.
  18. Printed matter no. 9701172: Template: Reclassification of federal highways - here: Gradation of the B9 to the L300 from September 3, 1997 Online PDF / Online in the Bonn Council and Information System
  19. List of monuments of the city of Bonn (as of March 15, 2019), number A 1230
  20. List of monuments of the city of Bonn (as of March 15, 2019), number A 242