Dasiphora davurica

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Dasiphora davurica
Potentilla glabra (aka) .jpg

Dasiphora davurica

Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Rosoideae
Genre : Dasiphora
Type : Dasiphora davurica
Scientific name
Dasiphora davurica
( Nestl. ) Kom.

The Dasiphora davurica (Syn .: Potentilla glabra Lodd. Called), and Bare finger shrub is a species of the genus Dasiphora in the family of the rose family (Rosaceae).


Radially symmetrical, five-fold flower in detail

Vegetative characteristics

Dasiphora davurica is a shrub that reaches heights of 0.3 to 2, rarely up to 3 meters. The bark of young twigs is sparsely hairy, while older twigs are grayish brown and peel off.

The alternate leaves are arranged in a petiole and a leaf blade. The leaf blade is pinnate in pairs with 4 or 6 leaflets. The leaflets are elongated with a length of 0.5 to 1.2 centimeters and a width of 4 to 8 millimeters, obovate-elliptical or ovoid-elliptical with a wedge-shaped or rounded base and descending. The outermost pair of leaflets is fused with the rhachis leaf . The top and bottom are sparsely hairy, silky hairy or bald. The leaflets are entire, flat or slightly rolled up and blunt or pointed. The stipules are thinly skinned, sparsely haired or almost glabrous.

Generative characteristics

The flowering period extends from May to November. One to several flowers are arranged terminally on individual branches. The flower stalk is long, thin and hardly hairy.

The hermaphroditic flowers are 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters in diameter and are radially symmetrical and five-fold. The segments of the outer calyx are lanceolate, obovate-lanceolate or ovate and shorter or almost as long as the sepals. The sepals are egg-shaped, pointed or prickly. The five free petals are white, obovate with a rounded upper end.

The achenes are hairy.


Dasiphora davurica occurs in Korea , Mongolia , Russia and the Chinese provinces of Anhui , Gansu , Hebei , Hubei , Nei Mongol , Qinghai , Shaanxi , Shanxi , Sichuan and Yunnan . In China it thrives in forests, forest edges, thickets, meadows, embankments, alpine valley slopes and gorges at altitudes of 1200 to 4200 meters.

supporting documents

Web links

Commons : Dasiphora davurica  - album with pictures, videos and audio files