Canton Dreux-1

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Canton Dreux-1
region Center-Val de Loire
Department Eure-et-Loir
Arrondissement Dreux
main place Dreux
Residents 30.097 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Communities 13
INSEE code 2808

Location of the canton Dreux-1 in
the Eure-et-Loir department

The Canton Dreux-1 is a French administrative unit in the Arrondissement Dreux in the Eure-et-Loir in the region Center-Val de Loire ; its main town is Dreux .


The canton consists of twelve municipalities and part of the city of Dreux with a total of 30,097 inhabitants (as of 2017):

local community Residents
January 1, 2017
Density of
population / km²
Post Code
Allainville 000000000000136.0000000000136 5.28 000000000000026.000000000026th 28003 28500
Aunay-sous-Crécy 000000000000637.0000000000637 8.45 000000000000075.000000000075 28014 28500
Boissy-en-Drouais 000000000000210.0000000000210 6.03 000000000000035.000000000035 28045 28500
Crécy Couvé 000000000000264.0000000000264 6.65 000000000000040.000000000040 28117 28500
Dreux 000000000031044.000000000031,044 24.27 000000000001279.00000000001,279 28134 28100
Garancières-en-Drouais 000000000000274.0000000000274 6.46 000000000000042.000000000042 28170 28500
Garnay 000000000000876.0000000000876 14.13 000000000000062.000000000062 28171 28500
Louvilliers-en-Drouais 000000000000201.0000000000201 4.14 000000000000049.000000000049 28216 28500
Marville-Moutiers-Brûlé 000000000000976.0000000000976 20.24 000000000000048.000000000048 28239 28500
Saulnières 000000000000709.0000000000709 10.65 000000000000067.000000000067 28369 28500
Tréon 000000000001403.00000000001,403 10.93 000000000000128.0000000000128 28394 28500
Vernouillet 000000000012506.000000000012,506 12.11 000000000001033.00000000001,033 28404 28500
Vert-en-Drouais 000000000001091.00000000001,091 9.70 000000000000112.0000000000112 28405 28500
Canton Dreux-1 000000000030097.000000000030.097 2808