Canton of Authon-du-Perche

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canton of Authon-du-Perche
region Center-Val de Loire
Department Eure-et-Loir
Arrondissement Nogent-le-Rotrou
main place Authon-du-Perche
Dissolution date March 29, 2015
Residents 6,047 (Jan 1, 2012)
Population density 25 inhabitants / km²
surface 240.56 km²
Communities 15th
INSEE code 2803

The Canton Authon-du-Perche was 2015 a French canton in the Arrondissement Nogent-le-Rotrou in the Eure-et-Loir in the region Center-Val de Loire . The canton lay south of the Le Perche countryside and bordered the Orne department in the northwest, the Sarthe department in the west and the Loir-et-Cher department in the south . Its main town was Authon-du-Perche .

The canton had an area of ​​240.56 km². The height above sea level varied between 134 meters ( Coudray-au-Perche ) and 278 meters ( Beaumont-les-Autels ) and averaged 219 meters.


The canton consisted of 15 municipalities with a total of 5,690 inhabitants:

local community Residents Code postal Code Insee
Les Autels-Villevillon 120 28330 28016
Authon-du-Perche 1,287 28330 28018
La Bazoche-Gouet 1,249 28330 28027
Beaumont-les-Autels 451 28480 28031
Béthonvilliers 133 28330 28038
Chapelle-Guillaume 188 28330 28078
Chapelle Royale 339 28290 28079
Charbonnières 260 28330 28080
Coudray-au-Perche 328 28330 28111
Les Etilleux 188 28330 28144
Luigny 376 28480 28219
Miermaigne 202 28480 28252
Moulhard 142 28160 28273
Saint-Bomer 178 28330 28327
Soizé 249 28330 28376