Karl-Georg Pulver

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Karl-Georg Heinrich Pulver (born May 5, 1930 in Berlin ; † November 16, 2019 ) was a German anesthesiologist .


Karl-Georg Pulver was born in Berlin-Lichterfelde as the son of the student Karl-Friedrich Pulver and Anne Auguste Pulver, born Ibelshäuser. From 1936 to 1939 he attended elementary school in Berlin-Grunewald and from 1939 to high school in 1947 the humanistic Arndt-Gymnasium in Berlin-Dahlem.

Pulver studied human medicine from 1947 to 1954 . After the compulsory preclinical internship , which he completed from 1947 to 1948 at the Martin Luther Hospital in Berlin-Grunewald, he completed the preclinical semesters at the medical faculties of the Universities of Zurich and Cologne from 1948 to 1951 . For the clinical semester he moved to the Philipps University of Marburg , where he joined the Corps Teutonia Marburg and was accepted in 1953, and to the Medical Academy in Düsseldorf . In Düsseldorf he passed the state examination in human medicine , received his license to practice medicine and was promoted to Dr. med. PhD.

After taking the state examination, powder trained to become a specialist in anesthesia . For this he went to the gynecological clinic of the Medical Academy Düsseldorf under Hans Reinhard Schmidt-Elmendorff , the I. Medical Clinic of the University of Marburg under Hans Erhard Bock , the I. Medical Clinic of the Medical Academy Düsseldorf under Franz Grosse-Brockhoff , the Institute for Normal and Pathological Physiology of the University of Cologne under Max Schneider , the Surgical Clinic of the Medical Academy Düsseldorf under Ernst Derra and the anesthesia department of the Medical Academy Düsseldorf under Martin Zindler . In May 1961 he was recognized as a specialist in anesthesia by the North Rhine Medical Association .

From 1961 to 1966 he worked as a research assistant in the anesthesia department of the Medical Academy in Düsseldorf under Martin Zindler. After 1966, the Department of Anesthesiology at the 1965 resulting from the Medical Academy Heinrich-Heine University in Dusseldorf was built, it was the same year the I. senior physician and the first Habilitand of Martin Zindler habilitation under award of venia legendi and Lecturer in appointed the specialist field of anesthesiology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Düsseldorf. One focus of his scientific work was in the field of artificial cardioplegia at operations open heart. In March 1971 he was appointed adjunct professor of anesthesiology at the University of Düsseldorf. From here he was appointed chief physician of the anesthesia department of the Sarepta Bethel hospitals in Bielefeld in 1970 . In 1975 he set up his own private institute for anesthesiology and intensive care medicine in Kiel. Pulver wrote numerous articles and articles in scientific compilations and magazines.

In 1967 Karl-Georg Pulver was awarded the Ribbon of the Corps Marchia Brno in Düsseldorf. He was an Affiliate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine in London.


In January 2005, Karl-Georg Pulver was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine “summis cum honoribus officiis omnique decore dignitate” (with the highest honor and commitment as well as with all distinction and dignity) from the Medical Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf fifty years earlier ) awarded again.


Self-authored, bibliographically independent books

  • Karl-Georg Pulver: The importance of bandages for wound healing - an experimental contribution to the problem of wound healing . Medical Academy Düsseldorf, dissertation dated December 29, 1954.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver: Clinical experience with various methods of artificial cardioplegia for operations on the open heart or on the large vessels - examinations on 1000 patients who were diagnosed with cardiovascular defects with the help of extracorporeal circulation in the surgical clinic of the university between 1959 and 1965 Düsseldorf were operated on . University of Düsseldorf, Faculty of Medicine, habilitation thesis dated November 24, 1966.

Contributions in handbooks and encyclopedias, participation in festschriften

  • Karl-Georg Pulver: Resuscitation of the Heart - Electrical Defibrillation . In: Urgent Thoracic Surgery , 1967.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver: Ischemic cardiac arrest, indication, introduction, reversion . In: Anaesthesia , 1968.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver, Ernst Derra et al .: First experiences with extracorporeal circulation in heart operations . G. Med. M., 1959.
  • Karl-Georg powder H. Hirsch et al .: Evoked responses of the cat's visual cortex to optic tract stimulation at Temperatures between 39 ° and 15 ° C . In: Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology , Volume 12, 1960.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver, H. Hirsch et al .: Effect of barbituric acid and cocktail lytic on resuscitation time after tracheal clamping with brain ischemia . In: Thoraxchirurgie , Volume 8, 1961
  • Karl-Georg Pulver, Martin Zindler et al .: Experiences in 1100 surface hypothemias for heart operations with circulation arrest . In: International Anaesthesiology Clinics , Boston, Volume 3, 1965.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver, Martin Zindler et al .: Hypothermia . In: Textbook of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology, Intensive Therapy , 1977.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver, Peter Satter: Operations on the heart vessels, pericardium and heart - aids in cardiac surgery . In: Chirurgische Operationslehre III , 1976.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver: Laudation 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Martin Zindler . In: Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedizin , 4, 1980.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver: Ectopia cordis congenita . In: Festschrift 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ernst Derra , 1961.
  • Karl-Georg Pulver: Urgent thoracic surgery: respiratory arrest and circulatory arrest . In ' Festschrift 65th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ernst Derra , 1966.

Articles in scientific journals or other scientific periodicals

  • K.-G. Powder: The anesthesiologist's task area during postoperative treatment in a surgical watch / intensive care unit . In: Anaesthesist , Volume 11, 1962
  • K.-G. Powder. Ischemia tolerance of the human heart . In: Klinische Wochenschrift , Volume 45, 1967
  • K.-G. Pulver, T. Schmitz: Anesthesia problems during operations to treat AV conduction disorders by implanting an artificial pacemaker . In: Anaesthesist , Volume 14, 1965, pp. 65–68.
  • K.-G. Powder: General anesthesia in transit practice . In: Surgeon , 5th year, 1968.
  • K.-G. Powder: aspiration prophylaxis with ventricular cardia blockade . In: Anaesthesia and Resuscitation , Congress Linz 1973.
  • K.-G. Pulver, S. Eunike: Long-term ventilation for tetanus . In: Anaesthesiologische Praxis , 1st year, 1966.
  • K.-G. Pulver, RM Konrad, P. Satter: Diagnosis and therapy of postoperative complications after thoracic surgery . In: 1st European Congress for Anaesthesiology , Vienna, 1962.
  • K.-G. Powder, H.-J. Sykosch, S. Effert, F. Zacouto: For therapy with electrical pacemakers . In: Elektromedizin , 8th year, 1963.
  • K.-G. Pulver, S. Eunike, R. Counting: Errors and dangers in the use of artificial hypothermia for operations on the open heart and on the large vessels . In: Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation , Volume 20, 1967.
  • K.-G. Powder: When can resuscitation measures be canceled after cardiac arrest? In: Journal for practical anesthesia and resuscitation , 3rd year, 1968.
  • K.-G. Pulver, W. Bircks: Cardiac arrest and resuscitation . In: The surgeon , 40th year, 1969.
  • K.-G. Powder: The prophylaxis of the shock kidney . In: Klinische Wochenschrift , Volume 47, 1969.
  • K.-G. Pulver, M. Zindler: The deep hypothermia . In: Anaeasthesia , 1968.
  • K.-G. Powder: general anesthesia in outpatient practice . In: Bielefeld Medical Training Courses IV , 1972.
  • K.-G. Powder: Quality assurance in outpatient surgical medicine for planned interventions with regard to anesthesia including pre-, intra- and post-operative monitoring . In: Cologne advanced training seminar for German-speaking freelance surgeons and orthopedists , Cologne, 1984.
  • K.-G. Pulver, M. Otten: General anesthesia in old age . In: Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation , Volume 47, 1970.


  • History of the chair for anesthesiology at the University of Düsseldorf
  • Powder, Karl-Georg . In: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1996. Bio-bibliographical directory of contemporary German-speaking scientists . 17th edition, volume medicine-natural sciences-technology .
  • Powder, Karl-Georg . In: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 2003. Bio-bibliographical directory of contemporary German-speaking scientists . 19th edition. Volume II: K - Scho, p. 2584

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 171 , 1459
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 102 , 1478
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 94 , 247
  4. Kösener Corpslisten 1971, 18 , 228
  5. ^ Award certificate from Heinrich Heine University from January 2005 in Latin