Franz Grosse-Brockhoff

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Franz Grosse-Brockhoff (born November 26, 1907 in Oberhausen-Osterfeld , † September 13, 1981 in Neuss ) was a German medic .

Live and act

School, studies, start of a scientific career

Franz Grosse-Brockhoff grew up in a Catholic household and first attended the Catholic elementary school in Osterfeld from 1914 to 1918 , then the Rector's School in the same place and then the humanistic grammar school in Bottrop . After graduating from high school , he studied human medicine at the universities of Würzburg , Leipzig , Berlin , Kiel , Cologne and Graz . In Würzburg he became a member of the Catholic student association KStV Walhalla . In 1932 he passed the medical state examination in Bonn and began his scientific career with his doctorate in the same year.

From 1934 to 1936 he was involved in aviation research as a scientific assistant at the Physiological Institute in Göttingen. From 1936 to 1940 he returned to Bonn as a scheduled assistant. In 1939 he was promoted to Dr. med. habil. appointed.

Entanglement in the time of National Socialism

During the National Socialist era , Grosse-Brockhoff was a member of the SA (1933–1934), the HJ (from 1935), the NSDAP (from 1936), the NS Lecturer Association (from around 1937), the NSFK (1934– 1935), the NSV and the Reichsdozentenschaft (from around 1940).

After the outbreak of the Second World War , he was drafted into the Air Force in March 1940 . In the summer of 1942, Grosse-Brockhoff in Göttingen, together with his colleague Wolfgang Schoedel, carried out numerous experiments on phenomena and pharmacological therapies on experimentally hypothermic dogs. As the first author, he published the results of the basic experiments on hypothermia in 1943 in several treatises: In addition to the "excitability of the respiratory and circulatory center in the event of rapid hypothermia", i.e. the autonomous brain activity during cooling and the associated experimental set-up, these were a general overview of therapy and descriptions of a therapy Analeptics. Despite detailed descriptions of the test setup and procedure, the test animals are only described as dogs and with their weight of around 20 kg.

On 26./27. In October 1942 Grosse-Brockhoff took part in the conference “Medical questions in distress at sea and winter distress” in Nuremberg , at which a lecture was also given on the “attempts at hypothermia” on people in the Dachau concentration camp .

As a medical officer , he was awarded the Second Class War Merit Cross.

Continuation of the scientific career

After the end of the war, Grosse-Brockhoff was admitted as a lecturer in internal medicine by the military government in November 1945, despite his membership in several National Socialist organizations . In 1948 he was attested an "anti-National Socialist attitude" in several exonerating certificates, including from Paul Martini , the Göttingen physiologist Rudolf Ehrenberg , the Göttinger and as an "aviation researcher" during the Nazi era incriminated physiologist Hermann Rein and the Münster rector Emil Lehnartz .

Grosse-Brockhoff became senior physician at the University Clinic in Bonn in 1945 and followed a call to the Düsseldorf Academy for Practical Medicine in 1954 , where he held the chair for internal medicine and became director of the 1st Medical Clinic. In cooperation with the cardiac surgeon Ernst Derra , he set up the center for cardiac surgery in Düsseldorf during the first years of his work . From 1962 to 1963 he was rector of the academy and promoted its expansion, among other things, with the first non-medical chair for philosophy in August 1963, thus creating one of the foundations for the reorganization of the medical academy into the University of Düsseldorf in 1965 . Grosse-Brockhoff belonged to the group of senior medical professors who opposed the idea of ​​naming the University of Düsseldorf after the poet Heinrich Heine , who was ostracized during the Nazi era, which had arisen in the mid-1960s ; the dispute over the name did not end until 1988/1989 when it was renamed Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf .

Franz Grosse-Brockhoff retired in 1976 . He had been married since 1939, his son is the CDU cultural politician Hans-Heinrich Grosse-Brockhoff .

Memberships (selection)

honors and awards

Fonts (selection)

  • Franz Grosse-Brockhoff: Introduction to pathological physiology . Springer Verlag, Berlin 1950.
  • Franz Grosse-Brockhoff (Ed.): Pathological Physiology . 2nd Edition. Springer Verlag, Berlin 1969.
  • Franz Grosse-Brockhoff: Electrotherapy of the heart . West German Publishing House, 1970.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Ralf Forsbach: The Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn in the “Third Reich” . Munich 2006, p. 148f.
  2. ^ Franz Grosse-Brockhoff, Wolfgang Schoedel: About the changes in the excitability of the respiratory and circulatory center in the event of rapid hypothermia . In: Pflügers Archive (today: Pflügers Archive - European Journal of Physiology ) . tape 246 , no. 5 , 1943, pp. 664-674 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01753344 .
  3. ^ Franz Grosse-Brockhoff, Wolfgang Schoedel: Picture of acute hypothermia in animal experiments . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives for Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology (today: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology) . tape 201 , no. 2-5 , 1943, pp. 417-442 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01873158 .
  4. Franz Grosse-Brockhoff, Wolfgang Schoedel: Animal experiments on the question of therapy for hypothermia . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives for Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology (today: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology) . tape 201 , no. 2-5 , 1943, pp. 457-467 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01873160 .
  5. Franz Grosse-Brockhoff, Wolfgang Schoedel: On the effect of analeptics on hypothermic animals. In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives for Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology (today: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology) . tape 201 , no. 2-5 , 1943, pp. 443-456 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01873159 .
  6. Ernst Klee: Auschwitz, Nazi medicine and its victims. Frankfurt am Main 1997, p. 235 ff.
  7. ^ Ernst Klee: The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 204.
  8. a b University archive Düsseldorf: inventory overview. Estate of Prof. Dr. Franz Grosse-Brockhoff (inventory no. 7/36). University archive Düsseldorf, October 21, 2008, p. 48f
  9. a b c (idw): Academic ceremony: University commemorates Prof. Grosse-Brockhoff . Press release of the University of Düsseldorf from November 20, 2007. (Accessed October 5, 2010.)
  10. Jan-Christoph Hauschild : The miracle Heine . Ed .: Beatrix Bouvier , Study Center Karl-Marx-Haus of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung , Trier 2006 (=  discussion group politics and history in the Karl-Marx-Haus , issue 9), ISBN 3-89892-572-2 , p. 15 -16. ( online , accessed October 6, 2010, PDF file.)
  11. ( page no longer available , search in web archives: congress guide to the 113th congress ) of the German Society for Internal Medicine from 14.-18. April 2007, p. 24: Former chairwoman of the DGIM → (1971). (Accessed October 5, 2010; PDF).@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  12. ^ Honorary members of the DGIM → 1974 . Listed on the website of the German Society for Internal Medicine . (Accessed October 5, 2010.)