Karl Alexander von Bardeleben

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Karl Alexander von Bardeleben (born December 21, 1770 in Riesenwalde , † August 25, 1813 in Landsberg an der Warthe ) was one of the founders of the East Prussian Landwehr in 1813 .


His parents were the Prussian Rittmeister Wichmann von Bardeleben (* July 4, 1738 - June 24, 1770) and his wife Marianne Charlotte Sophie von Maxen (* May 20, 1751).


Already fatherless in the first year of life, Bardeleben initially had a captain Marwitz as a stepfather; but soon he was entrusted to a Buddenbrock on Powarben . As a teenager he joined the Werther Dragoon Regiment (later the 3rd Cuirassier Regiment). In 1794 he resigned from military service .

He sold his inherited family estate Riesenwalde and acquired the goods in Rinau near Königsberg , which he successfully managed. In addition, he dealt with history , the military and French literature . He married Dorothea Prentzel, the daughter of a councilor of the War and Domain Chamber . With her he visited France from Switzerland in 1804 to get an idea of Napoleon Bonaparte and the French consulate . He recognized the need for a German people's army . It became evident through the battle of Austerlitz . In the spring of 1808 he was one of the founders of the Tugendbund .

When the Grande Armée marched through Prussia with 500,000 soldiers in the Russian campaign in 1812 , Bardeleben accompanied French army corps as civil commissioner from the Vistula to the Russian border; in doing so, he managed to avert unnecessary contributions . Napoleon's retreat and the Battle of the Berezina revived his hope of breaking French rule over Prussia by a general uprising and arming of the people. When the French had evacuated Königsberg , the Landtag of East Prussia decided to set up two Landwehr divisions with a total of 20,000 men in the parts of the country east of the Vistula. Count Ludwig von Dohna and Bardeleben were commissioned with this. To the decision by Friedrich Wilhelm III. to get confirmed, Dohna had to travel to Breslau . Bardeleben had to deal with the task alone. Within a few months, two Landwehr divisions - including four cavalry regiments and several batteries - were ready to march. By cabinet order of July 5, 1813, Bardeleben became commander of the 2nd division. He fell in the battle for the Küstrin fortress .


He married Dorothea Amalie von Prenzel on April 7, 1795 (* August 28, 1777; † 1862). The couple had two sons:

⚭ 1819 Eveline Angelika Euphemie Ernestine von Auerswald (* January 16, 1800; † February 17, 1845)
⚭ 1846 Wilhelmine Lydia von Schön (* December 27, 1812; † March 22, 1861)
  • Anton Otto Leopold Ludwig Eugen (* May 15, 1797; † April 4, 1884), Chamberlain, General Landschaftsrat ⚭ 1817 Countess Marianne Elise Bülow von Dennewitz (* June 29, 1807 - February 1, 1874), daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Bülow von Dennewitz


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Bardeleben, Karl Alexander von (German biography)
  2. Dohna, Ludwig (German biography)
  3. ^ Carl Venturini, Russia and Germany's Wars of Liberation from French rule under Napoleon Buonaparte in the years 1812-1815 , p.517f Kampf um Küstrin (GoogleBooks)
  4. ^ Johannes Voight, Contributions to the History of the Auerswald Family , p.68