Karl Alexander von Reichlin-Meldegg

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Karl Alexander von Reichlin-Meldegg

Karl Alexander Maria Freiherr von Reichlin-Meldegg (born February 22, 1801 in Grafenau ; † February 16, 1877 in Heidelberg ; also Carl Alexander von Reichlin-Meldegg ) was a German philosopher , theologian and university professor .


Reichlin-Meldegg was a son of the grand ducal court councilor of Baden Alexander von Reichlin-Meldegg (1771–1812) and Maria Augusta Sidonia born. Leuthin (1779-1826). The later Baden Government Councilor Josef von Reichlin-Meldegg was his younger brother. Karl Alexander von Reichlin-Meldegg attended grammar school in Freiburg im Breisgau , in 1819 he began studying theology at the university there , was ordained a priest in 1822 and finally in 1823 on the basis of his dissertation Theology of the magician Manes and her Origin to Dr. theol. PhD . He then worked as a high school teacher in Freiburg and was heavily influenced by the reformer Heinrich Schreiber .

As early as 1825 he was appointed lecturer for church history at the theological faculty of Freiburg University. In 1828 he gave up his teaching post in favor of a university career and was appointed first extraordinary professor , then in 1830 full professor at the University of Freiburg .

After the publication of writings critical of the church, Reichlin-Meldegg was asked by the Archbishop of Freiburg, Bernhard Boll, to confirm his confession of ordination and to withdraw his work History of Christianity from its origins to the most recent times . But he did not comply with this request. Therefore, in 1832 - prompted by the responsible ministry - he switched to the philosophy faculty and converted to Protestantism .

Reichlin-Meldegg was asked by the Ministry of Culture to move to Heidelberg in 1832, where he gave lectures on philosophy and languages. In 1839 he became an associate professor there, then in 1840 a full professor of philosophy. In 1843, 1851 and 1863/64 he was also dean of the Philosophical Faculty of Heidelberg University .

In 1832 he married Barbara Molitor (1805–1874). The son Kuno (1836-1894) became a private lecturer in philosophy at the University of Heidelberg.



  • The theology of Magus Manes and its origin. Frankfurt 1825.
  • Theological treatises. Graz 1829.
  • History of Christianity from its origins to the most recent times. Freiburg 1831.
  • The life of Heinrich Schmid, Doctor and extraordinary. Prof. zu Heidelberg, shown in outline. Heidelberg 1836.
  • Psychology of man, including somatology and the doctrine of mental illness . 2 volumes, Heidelberg 1837 and 1838.
  • Autolatry or self-worship, a secret of Jung-Hegel's philosophy. A humorous attempt. Open letter to L. Feuerbach. Pforzheim 1843.
  • HEG Paul and his time. 2 volumes, Stuttgart 1853.
  • Friedrich Kortüm. Leipzig 1858.
  • System of logic with an introduction to philosophy. 2 volumes, Vienna 1870.
  • The life of a former Roman Catholic priest. A cheer. Heidelberg 1874.
  • History of Europe in the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern age. 2 volumes, Leipzig 1861.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm, "Reichlin-Meldegg, Carl Alexander Maria Freiherr von" in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 21 (2003), p. 318 ( online version ).