Karl Franz (musician)

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Karl Franz (* 1738 in Langenbielau near Reichenbach , † 1802 in Munich ) was a German musician of Polish origin.

Franz was a distant relative of the SPD politician Karl Franz .

At the age of twenty, Franz came to the court orchestra of Prince Bishop Leopold Friedrich von Egkh and Hungersbach in Olomouc in 1758 . Already there he brought it to perfection with the instruments french horn and baryton . After the death of his employer, whose successor Maximilian von Hamilton had no use for Franz, he came to the court of Prince Paul II Anton Esterházy de Galantha in 1763 .

He commissioned his chief conductor, Joseph Haydn , to compose a few pieces for Franz and his preferred instruments. The best known is still the cantata “Germany's lament for the death of Frederick the Great ” (with Baryton accompaniment). After the sudden death of Prince Paul II, his brother Nikolaus I Joseph Esterházy de Galantha took over his court and promoted Franz to first conductor .

When József Batthyány was appointed Prince Primate of Hungary in 1776 , this also required greater representation duties. Therefore u. a. Franz engaged to establish a suitable court orchestra there.

In 1787 Franz went to Munich to the court of Karl Theodor and held the post of chamber musician until the end of his life . Karl Franz died in Munich in 1802 and found his final resting place there.
