Karl Friedrich Gsur

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Defensive battle of an MG division (1915/16)
Portrait of Adolf von Boog

Karl Friedrich Gsur (born July 3, 1871 in Vienna , † August 25, 1939 in Vienna) was an Austrian painter .


Karl Friedrich Gsur was the son of the famous sculptor and engraver Karl Ludwig Gsur . During his lifetime he was a well-known genre , landscape and portrait painter .

Gsur completed his studies at the Vienna Academy , where Siegmund L'Allemand was his teacher. Study trips followed, which took him to Tunisia , France and the Netherlands . From 1905 Gsur was a member of the cooperative of fine artists, whose silver jubilee medal he received in 1936.

Karl Friedrich Gsur was from the first day of the First World War on as a Landsturm officer in the field, was initially Ordonnanzoffizier in the 25th Infantry Troops Division , which the infantry regiments 4 ("Hoch- und Deutschmeister") , 84 ("Freiherr von Bolfras" ) and the Kopaljäger Battalion 10 comprised. He took part in the fighting near Komarów, Lemberg , on the Bug and near Sapanów, in May 1917 he became staff adjutant to Archduke Peter Ferdinand , and in November he was promoted to captain . From October 1914 Gsur was a member of the Austro-Hungarian War Press Quarters and subsequently used his three longer home leaves to work out the studies he had sketched on the front into large paintings .

The artist and soldier was awarded the Signum Laudis and the Knight's Cross of the Franz Joseph Order with the war decoration and was considered a "recognized excellent war painter", who did particularly well to popularize the Austro-Hungarian army . His works were shown in most of the exhibitions in the war press quarter and also served as a template for color reproductions for the benefit of the war aid organization. Gsur also portrayed high military personnel in the army, including Emperor Karl I of Austria and the then Major General Adolf von Boog . In the House of artists Vienna exhibitions were organized his works regularly.

Karl Friedrich Gsur died in 1939 and was buried in an honorary grave in the Vienna Central Cemetery.

Works (excerpt)

  • Defensive battle of a machine gun division (Defensive battle of a machine gun division. Machine gun division II of Infantry Regiment No. 4 “Hoch- und Deutschmeister” at Gora Sokal am Bug, July 20, 1915). Oil on canvas, 92 × 116 cm. Army History Museum , Vienna.


Individual evidence

  1. Liselotte Popelka: From Hurray to the corpse field. Paintings from the war picture collection 1914–1918, Vienna 1981, p. 14f.

Web links

Commons : Karl Friedrich Gsur  - Collection of images, videos and audio files