Karl Friedrich of Dacheröden

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Karl Friedrich von Dacheröden or Dachröden (born April 22, 1732 in Halberstadt , † November 20, 1809 in Erfurt ) was a German lawyer. He was the father-in-law of Wilhelm von Humboldt .


Karl Friedrich von Dacheröden was born as the son of the district president of Magdeburg , Karl Friedrich von Dacheröden (1705–1742), and his wife Charlotte Ludmilla von Posadowsky. Like his father, he became a Prussian administrative officer and at the age of 21 was district administrator in the Prussian Magdeburg part of the Mansfeld county . On June 23, 1763 he was appointed President of the Chamber in Minden with a salary of 1,600 Reichstalers . He was constantly being reminded that he had never delivered documents for the address calendar of the Principality of Minden . In 1765 he was suspected of having handled English bills of exchange for deliveries from the Principality of Minden in a messy manner during the Seven Years' War . He complained about the excise regime , which was hindering the economy, and introduced a judicial regime that caused trouble. Its annual reports have been reprimanded repeatedly.

When King Friedrich II. Had Dacheröden replaced as chairman of the Prussian Chamber in Minden in 1771 - apparently because of disorder in the cash register - and appointed him director of the Neumärkische Kammer, the latter never took up the lower post and withdrew with debts on his goods in the Near Erfurt back. At the end of the same year, Dacheröden and his wife Ernestina Friderica von Hopffgarten, daughter of Friedrich Abraham von Hopffgarten , and their children moved into what is now the so-called Dacherödersche Haus , Am Anger 37/38. From the beginning he ran a very hospitable house in which Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt, Friedrich Schiller , Christoph Martin Wieland , Johann Gottfried Herder and others met regularly to exchange ideas. In addition to a French governess, the journalist and educator Rudolph Zacharias Becker was responsible for the education of the Dacheröderschen children Caroline (born February 23, 1766) and Ernst Ludwig Wilhelm (born November 11, 1764) in Erfurt , who was later responsible for his Philanthropinum by Johann Bernhard Basedow was poached in Dessau . Friedrich Schiller celebrated his engagement to Charlotte von Lengefeld in Dacherödens house and Wilhelm von Humboldt successfully proposed marriage to his daughter Caroline there.

After Dacheröden had been a member of the Electoral Mainz Academy of Useful Sciences in Erfurt, founded in 1754 , he became its director in 1778. After his friend Karl Theodor von Dalberg took over the governorship of the Electorate of Mainz and the academy magazine was revitalized , von Dacheröden became censor for the historical and political contributions in 1781. He also wrote articles and gave lectures. In 1785 he was elected President of the Academy as the successor to Hieronymus Friedrich Schorch .

Dacheröden had inherited the manor Grumbach in the Langensalza office from his grandmother , which he sold to Johann Gottlob von Dachröden on March 16, 1785.

Karl Friedrich von Dacheröden died in Erfurt at the age of 77.


  • Ilse Foerst-Crato: Karl Friedrich von Dacheröden. In: Mitteilungen des Mindener Geschichtsverein , year 49 (1977), pp. 131-136.