Karl Gustav Manitius

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Karl Gustav Manitius

Karl Gustav Manitius (born September 28, 1823 in Płock , Poland , † May 14, 1904 in Warsaw ) was a Lutheran theologian and, as superintendent general, leading clergyman of the Evangelical Augsburg Church in Poland .


Karl Gustav Manitius grew up as the son of Karl Ferdinand Manitius and Wilhelmine Lesse. From 1843 to 1846 he studied theology at the University of Dorpat (today: Tartu , Estonia ) and was ordained to the ministry on May 10, 1846 .

Manitius completed his vicariate in Kalisch (Polish: Kalisz) and was then administrator of the parishes in Kleszczów (1847–1848) and Przasnysz (1949–1853).

In 1853 he became pastor at the St. Trinity Church in Łódź . By order of the governor of January 11, 1865, Manitius was removed from Łódź and transferred to Łomża because of his partisanship for the rebels in 1863/64 . He stayed here until 1867.

In 1867 he was appointed pastor in Warsaw and became a member of the consistory . From 1878 to 1895 he also held the office of superintendent of the Diocese of Warsaw . In 1895 he was finally appointed general superintendent and thus spiritual director of the entire Evangelical Augsburg Church in Poland . Manitius, who celebrated his 50th anniversary in office on May 10, 1896, remained in this office until his death, in which Juliusz Bursche succeeded him in 1904.

Manitius was married to Johanna Ludwike Spieß († 1875) in his first marriage from 1848, his second marriage to Marie Jonscher and had a total of six children.

Karl Gustav Manitius was regarded as "an excellent pulpit speaker" with "uplifting sermons" and enjoyed great authority in the exercise of his episcopal office.


Several translations from German into Polish were made by Karl Gustav Manitius: a guide with explanations of the Small Catechism by Martin Luther as well as the church history by Kurtz (with a supplementary article on Polish Protestantism).

He also published a picture of Philipp Melanchthon's life in the magazine Zwiastun Ewangeliczny (1866) and the Polish Agende (1889).

Manitius also worked on the revision of the Polish translation of the New Testament from 1881, and he also participated in the revision of the German hymn book , the correction of the new Polish translation of the catechism from 1900 and the commission work for the publication of a Polish hymnal.


  • Eduard Kneifel : The pastors of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland. A biographical pastor's book. Eging / Lower Bavaria 1968.