Karl Kräutle

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Karl Kräutle (born March 5, 1897 in Nasgenstadt near Ehingen (Danube) , † after March 1976) was a German agricultural politician. He was u. a. President of the German Agricultural Council (the central organization of the Chambers of Agriculture ), State Commissioner for the Prussian Main Chamber of Agriculture and Reich Main Department Head II in the Reichsnährstand as well as German Agricultural Attaché in Bucharest and Madrid . After the Second World War he was an SPD politician in Baden-Württemberg .

Life path

Karl Kräutle was born on March 5, 1897 as the son of a landowner in Nasgenstadt on the Danube. He attended a humanistic grammar school in Ehingen an der Donau. When the First World War broke out in 1914, at the age of just 17, Kräutle volunteered for the Württemberg Pioneer Battalion 13 and did four and a half years of military service with the pioneer troops on the German western front. He was promoted to lieutenant in the reserve and leader of a pioneer company. As war awards, he received the Iron Cross, second and first class, and (on June 28, 1917) the Golden Württemberg Military Merit Medal .

After the war he studied agriculture, especially animal husbandry. He graduated from the Agricultural University in Hohenheim with a degree in agriculture. He then studied law and political science in Munich and obtained a doctorate in political science in Tübingen . He worked as an agricultural expert for four years. In 1924/25 Kräutle was an agriculture teacher at the agricultural school in Ulm . From 1925 to 1928 he worked as an agricultural employee of the interests group Farbenindustrie AG ( IG Farben ) in Frankfurt / Main-Höchst , Leipzig , Kassel and Breslau . From 1929 to 1931 he was a research assistant at the Chamber of Agriculture for the (Prussian) province of Saxony for the special use of the Chamber of Agriculture director in Halle an der Saale . Kräutle became a member of the German National People's Party (DNVP) . From 1931 on, Kräutle was active in the German Agricultural Council in Berlin in the field of agricultural sales and organization. In 1933/34 he was President of the German Agricultural Council (the headquarters of the German Chambers of Agriculture). On May 12, 1933, the Reichsbauernführer Walther Darré appointed him as his deputy in the leadership of the German Agriculture Council. On July 3, 1933, Kräutle was appointed State Commissioner for the Prussian Main Chamber of Agriculture. In the Reichsnährstand , Kräutle became head of Reichshauptabteilung II ("The Court"). On February 15, 1934, Bernd Freiherr von Kanne replaced him in this position .

Kräutle was a member of the SS (SS membership number: 132.491) On April 20, 1934, Kräutle was promoted to SS storm leader.

In 1934/35 Karl Kräutle undertook study trips to Italy and Hungary.

On May 20, 1935, Karl Kräutle married a secretary to his superior Walther Darré.

Krautle probably only joined the NSDAP in 1937 ( membership number : 5,384,242).

Kräutle became president of the sea fishing association (founded in 1885).

From 1938 to 1943 Kräutle was an agricultural expert or agricultural attaché at the German diplomatic missions in Bucharest and Madrid. In 1938 he went to the German embassy in the Romanian capital Bucharest as "special representative of the Reichsbauernführer for Southeast Europe" and agricultural attaché.

On January 30, 1939, Kräutle was promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer.

Evidently Kräutle was involved in Romania in the attempted coup of the fascist and anti-Semitic Iron Guard against the Romanian King Carol II on September 3, 1940: In his "Report to the Reich Foreign Minister regarding the participation of Reich Germans in the attempted overthrow of the legionnaires" from 26. February 1941 the German envoy in Romania, Manfred von Killinger , names the following:

  • Representative of the SD , SS leader v. Bolschwing ,
  • Kriminalrat SS leader Geissler ,
  • SS leaders [Hans] Koenen and Waschinowski,
  • Agricultural attaché SS leader Kräutle ,
  • SS Leader Count Meran [Legation Councilor Dr. Karl Graf von Meran],
  • SS-Führer [Gerd] Wenzel from the economic department of the embassy.

The Romanian Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Army, Ion Antonescu , demanded after the Iron Guard uprising was put down, "in the interests of inner peace in my country as well as for a healthy defense of our common interests", to bring eleven named persons from Romania to Germany . On this list of Antonescu, which the German envoy to Romania, Manfred von Killinger, sent on March 1, 1941, was also the agricultural attaché Karl Kräutle.

Apparently Kräutle was then (probably from 1941 to 1943) agricultural attaché at the German embassy in the Spanish capital Madrid.

From 1943 to 1945, Kräutle did military service and was taken prisoner by the Allies in Norway.

After his release from captivity in 1948, he practiced a freelance, self-employed activity. Kräutle, formerly a member of the DNVP and then the NSDAP, became a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).

After the formation of the new south-western state (today's state of Baden-Württemberg), Dr. Karl Kräutle (SPD) unsuccessful in the election for the (state) constituent assembly on March 9, 1952, which was also (until 1956) the first state parliament of Baden-Württemberg.

In the election to the third German Bundestag on September 15, 1957, Dr. Karl Kräutle unsuccessful for the SPD in the constituency of Biberach.

He lived until at least March 1976.



Individual evidence

  1. Das Deutsche Führerlexikon 1934-1935, Verlaganstalt Otto Stollberg GmbH, Berlin 1934, p. 254, https://archive.org/details/DasDeutscheFhrerlexikon19341935OCR/page/n257/mode/2up
  2. Festschrift 100 Years of the SPD Local Association Ehingen (Danube), 1914–2014, p. 254, City Archives Ehingen / Oberschwäbische Rundschau, 1952, https://www.spd-ehingen.de/dl/Festschrift_100_Jahre_SPD_OV_Ehingen.pdf#page=254
  3. Gustavo Corni, Horst Gies, "Bread - Butter - Kanonen: The food industry in Germany under Hitler's dictatorship", Verlag Walter de Gruyter, April 28, 2015, 644 pages, p. 83, https://books.google.de / books? id = 7l_yCQAAQBAJ & pg = PA83 & lpg = PA83
  4. Gustavo Corni, Horst Gies, "Bread - Butter - Kanonen: The food industry in Germany under Hitler's dictatorship", Verlag Walter de Gruyter, April 28, 2015, 644 pages, p. 83, https://books.google.de / books? id = 7l_yCQAAQBAJ & pg = PA83 & lpg = PA83
  5. Gustavo Corni, Horst Gies, "Bread - Butter - Kanonen: The food industry in Germany under Hitler's dictatorship", Verlag Walter de Gruyter, April 28, 2015, 644 pages, p. 142, ("Der Reichsnährstand als Organization der NS- Food industry "), https://books.google.de/books?id=7l_yCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA142&lpg=PA142
  6. SS rank service age lists, http://www.dws-xip.pl/reich/biografie/numery/numer132.html
  7. SS service age list, status: October 1934, https://www.oocities.org/~orion47/SS-POLIZEI/SS-DAL1934_SS-Stuf.html
  8. Stadtarchiv Ehingen / Oberschwäbische Rundschau, 1952, cited above. n .: 100 years of the SPD local association Ehingen (Danube) 1914–2014, p. 254, https://www.spd-ehingen.de/dl/Festschrift_100_Jahre_SPD_OV_Ehingen.pdf
  9. ^ See Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Findbuch M 709, picture collection III, M 709 No. 862 "Kräutle, Karl, Dr., Doktor (lieutenant of the reserve, farmer) geb. on March 5, 1897 in Nasgenstadt “, http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=1-406438
  10. Gustavo Corni, Horst Gies, “Bread - Butter - Kanonen: The Food Industry in Germany under Hitler's Dictatorship”, Walter de Gruyter, 2015, chapter: “The Reichsnährstand as an organization of the Nazi food industry”, p. 142, fn. 300, https://books.google.de/books?id=7l_yCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA142&lpg=PA142
  11. SS rank service age lists, http://www.dws-xip.pl/reich/biografie/numery/numer132.html
  12. Gustavo Corni, Horst Gies, “Bread - Butter - Kanonen: The Food Industry in Germany under Hitler's Dictatorship”, Walter de Gruyter, 2015, chapter: “The Reichsnährstand as an organization of the Nazi food industry”, p. 142, fn. 300, https://books.google.de/books?id=7l_yCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA142&lpg=PA142
  13. Gustavo Corni, Horst Gies, "Bread - Butter - Kanonen: The food industry in Germany under Hitler's dictatorship", Verlag Walter de Gruyter, April 28, 2015, 644 pages, p. 142 (The Reichsnährstand as an organization of the Nazi food industry) , Fn. 300, https://books.google.de/books?id=7l_yCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA142&lpg=PA142
  14. SS rank service age lists, http://www.dws-xip.pl/reich/biografie/numery/numer132.html
  15. ^ Völkisches Handbuch Südosteuropa, p. 22, http://www.geocities.ws/rausschmiss/K.pdf
  16. Gerhard Köpernik, Fascists in the KZ: Romania's Iron Guard and the Third Reich , p. 107, also fn. 101, https://books.google.de/books?id=7sWWBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA107&lpg=PA107 . Sa: Völkisches Handbuch Südosteuropa, p. 22, http://www.geocities.ws/rausschmiss/K.pdf
  17. see Stadtarchiv Ehingen / Oberschwäbische Rundschau, 1952, cited above. n .: Festschrift 100 Years of the SPD Local Association Ehingen (Danube), 1914–2014, p. 254, https://www.spd-ehingen.de/dl/Festschrift_100_Jahre_SPD_OV_Ehingen.pdf#page=254  : “1938/43: Landwirtschaftlicher Expert at the German diplomatic missions in Bucharest and Madrid "
  18. see Stadtarchiv Ehingen / Oberschwäbische Rundschau, 1952, cited above. n .: Festschrift 100 Years of the SPD Local Association Ehingen (Danube), 1914–2014, p. 254, https://www.spd-ehingen.de/dl/Festschrift_100_Jahre_SPD_OV_Ehingen.pdf#page=254
  19. Stadtarchiv Ehingen / Oberschwäbische Rundschau, 1952, cited above. n .: Festschrift 100 Years of the SPD Local Association Ehingen (Danube), 1914–2014, p. 254, https://www.spd-ehingen.de/dl/Festschrift_100_Jahre_SPD_OV_Ehingen.pdf#page=254
  20. Wolfgang Manecke, "50 Years of the Southwest State - Biberach votes with a large majority for the new federal state", in: Local history sheets for the Biberach district, Society for Home Care Biberach, Volume 2, Issue 1, p. 72, http: // www. gfh-biberach.de/Hefte/BC-Heimatkundliche-Bl%C3%A4tter-f%C3%BCr-den-Kreis-Biberach/J25H1S72.pdf
  21. Festschrift 100 Years of the SPD Local Association Ehingen (Danube), 1914–2014, City Archives Ehingen / Oberschwäbische Rundschau, 1952, https://www.spd-ehingen.de/dl/Festschrift_100_Jahre_SPD_OV_Ehingen.pdf
  22. Festschrift 100 Years of the SPD Local Association Ehingen (Danube), 1914–2014, City Archives Ehingen / Oberschwäbische Rundschau, 1952, https://www.spd-ehingen.de/dl/Festschrift_100_Jahre_SPD_OV_Ehingen.pdf . There on p. 598 a letter from Kräutle dated March 8, 1976 is reproduced.