Karnin lift bridge

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Lift bridge Karnin, 2008 - the former company building on the extended rear foundation - the bank of Usedom in the background

The Karnin lift bridge is the middle part of the Karniner Bridge , a former 360 m long railway bridge between the Pomeranian mainland near Kamp and the island of Usedom near Karnin . The bridge structure was completed in 1933; it was part of about Swinoujscie leading railway Ducherow-Heringsdorf-Wolgast ferry that today only between Swinoujscie and Wolgast exists and operates.

The superstructures on both sides of the movable lifting part were destroyed in 1945. Since the end of the war, the lifting section of the bridge has stood as an unchanged fragment and as a technical monument in the middle of the river , the inner coastal water that connects the Szczecin Lagoon with the Peene River.

Structure and history

Map of the Ducherow – Heringsdorf – Wolgaster ferry line , the disused and dismantled southern part of which led over the Karniner Bridge
Western track trough of the Karniner lift bridge in the locked, raised position with a view towards the southwest.

The bridge structure was put into operation in 1875 together with the railway from Ducherow to Heringsdorf . The predecessor of the double-track lift bridge in the middle was a single-track hand-operated swing bridge . The increased train operation and higher traffic loads since the double-track expansion of the line in 1908 resulted in the construction of a new double-track bridge structure in 1932/33.

In the case of the lift bridge, which can be operated more quickly, the same lifting principle with counterweights suspended from ropes was used as in the Niederfinow ship lift, which was built at the same time and is still in operation today . The lift bridge is about 52 meters out of the 360 ​​meters of the former bridge structure. Her height is 35 meters. The lifting height of the movable bridge part is 28 m, the span is 47 m. The central pillar of the previous swing bridge remained as an additional central support for the lowered lifting plate, which enabled its lightweight construction and relatively fast mobility.

The bridge was the most important traffic connection from Usedom to the mainland. It crossed the river - as the short connection between the Stettiner Haff and the confluence of the Peene into the Peene river is called - between Kamp and Karnin and was responsible for the tourist development of the island, but also for the location of military facilities on Usedom (ammunition store near Usedom , Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde from 1936) of great importance. On April 28, 1945, the bridge was blown up by the Wehrmacht to make it difficult for the Red Army to advance. The fixed bridge parts on the island and mainland were destroyed, the actual lift bridge remained undamaged. The reason for the sparing of the central part was with the German naval units operating in the Stettiner Haff, for which an unobstructed escape route across the Peene River into the Baltic Sea was to be kept open. The movable bridge part, the lifting platform, was previously moved to the uppermost end position, where it still floats jammed in the air .

After the war, the bridge structure was not rebuilt, among other things because the route now first led to Swinoujscie, which has now become Polish (Polish: Świnoujście ). The connection there had become dispensable and was dismantled beyond Swinoujscie to Ahlbeck, which remained German . The course of the former section Ducherow – Karnin – Usedom – Dargen – Swinemünde can still be seen today. The girders of the arched bridges located on both sides of the Karnin lift bridge, which were blown up and thrown into the river , were recovered and partly used to rebuild the destroyed Oder bridges of the Eastern Railway in Küstrin .

The reconstruction of the railway line and the bridge was planned in the 1960s, but this has so far been postponed again and again. For a long time there was island operation on the remaining route from Ahlbeck to Wolgast ferry. A connection to the mainland took place in 2000 via the new Peenebrücke Wolgast , which was designed as a combined rail and road bridge.

In the spring of 1990 the Karnin lift bridge was to be demolished. The special ship to carry out the work was already on the way from Stralsund when the district nature conservation officer for the island of Usedom, Claus Schönert, and the Zirchow pastor Otto Simon became active. Together with a group of young people, they drew the public's attention to the unique breeding colony of kestrels on the bridge. This saved time. Like-minded people finally came together around the bridge construction engineer Hans Nadler, who in 1992 founded the Usedomer Eisenbahnfreunde e.V. in order to achieve their goals (preservation and reconstruction) . V. founded. From 1997 the association restored the station building of the Karnin train station and ran an exhibition on the history of the route from 1999 to 2005.

Today this bridge structure is a listed building.

Reconstruction considerations

Track remnants of the former access from Usedom
View from the east, the mainland on the left

In the requirement plan for the federal railways from 2004, the reconstruction of the Seebad Heringsdorf , Swinoujscie (pl .: Świnoujście) and Ducherow line was listed as serial number 11 in the International Projects section . This connection would reduce the travel time between Berlin and the island of Usedom from almost four hours today to around two hours. Since the Karnin lift bridge is part of the Ducherow – Swinoujscie railway line, the current efforts to rebuild are shown there together.

On April 9, 2010, around 50 politicians and business representatives from Germany and Poland founded the Karniner Brücke action alliance , which is supposed to promote the reconstruction of the railway line and thus the reactivation of the bridge. In November 2010 it started a nationwide collection of signatures for the reconstruction of the southern rail connection of the island of Usedom via Karnin. At the same time, the Usedomer Eisenbahnfreunde and the Dargen Two-Wheeler Museum presented a model of the historical lift bridge on a scale of 1:27, which is to be shown to the public in various major German cities and Szczecin.

On April 10, 2012 and on May 15, 2012, the federal government replied to minor inquiries in the German Bundestag that the reconstruction of the Ducherow – Karnin – Swinoujscie railway line, including the Karnin lift bridge, was uneconomical based on the available reports.

At the beginning of October 2012, the DB then published a new study in which the passenger potential to Swinoujscie was also taken into account. The plans now envisage a bascule bridge behind the Karnin lift bridge and a single-track route. The estimated construction costs of 100 million euros are 40 million euros below the previous plans.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania registered the route for the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030 . The responsible for the region on both sides of the Peenestrom former constituency Members of the German Bundestag , Matthias Lietz (CDU), was also a member of the transport committee of the Bundestag, the railway project refused and demanded the construction of bypasses of the main roads that lie on Usedom and run there. In September 2014 a “citizens' initiative Karnin 21” was formed, which opposes the reactivation of the railway line.

In the rough assessment for the draft of the BVWP 2030, the project "1-387 Reconstruction of the Karniner Brücke" was ruled out in March 2016 with the following reason:

“The affected route will not or hardly be used by long- distance rail transport or national rail transport in the future. Since it is therefore a regional rail transport measure, the project proposal should not be included in the BVWP. "

A binding determination of the benefit-cost factor was waived. Now there is the possibility that the state government of MV, in cooperation with Deutsche Bahn AG, will carry out the reconstruction, taking into account funding from the European Union. In its statement on the draft BVWP 2030, the Deutsche Bahnkunden-Verband criticized the fact that it was not included in the project proposal list.

In its answer of May 20, 2016 to a small question from the BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group, the federal government announced that the demand in long-distance rail passenger transport referred to in the project registration did not offer enough potential for a private passenger rail passenger rail transport to be operated. The route is of no relevance for SGV because there is no significant traffic volume suitable for shifting to rail in the German part of the island of Usedom and the facilities of the Świnoujście seaport, which are more important for freight traffic, are on the island of Wollin (Poland). The passenger and freight potential of the growing port city of Swinoujscie is therefore not taken into account. According to the Federal Government, the project is important for local rail transport .

During a demonstration by the Usedom Railway Friends on January 24, 2018 in front of the Schwerin state parliament, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig said: “I am delighted that the Usedom railway friends were promoting the Karnin Bridge today in front of the state parliament. I heard many good arguments today that we will examine. One thing is clear: we also need the federal government on board for implementation. ”In response to a small inquiry on February 9, 2018, the state government of MV shows the possibility of financing through a loan from the European Investment Bank.

On August 18, 2018, it was announced that the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania would like to provide EUR 400,000 from the strategy fund of the coalition groups for the preliminary planning in 2019. Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) said: “I am open to the topic and would like it if money flows from the strategy fund.” Because in order to be able to build the railway bridge, “facts have to be on the table” beforehand. Schwesig said that the government wanted to deal with the traffic problem on Usedom in general: "We want to develop a traffic concept together with the island." This also included answers to the expected increase in car traffic through the Swinetunnel , which will affect the islands of Usedom and Poland from 2022 Wolin is supposed to connect.

The State Ministry of Transport of the State of MV announced on March 20, 2019 that the financing of the construction planning for the reconstruction of the southern rail connection of the island of Usedom of 8 million euros in the state budget 2020/21 should be provided. In December 2019, the state government of MV decided to include a total of 2.8 million euros in the double budget for 2020 and 2021 for project analyzes and calculations.

See also


  • Joachim Evers, Hans Nadler: The railway lift bridge Karnin . Radke-Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-932614-16-X .
  • Heiko Bergmann: The Karnin railway lift bridge - a technical masterpiece near Usedom . Coastal Regional Publishing House, Ueckermünde 2007, ISBN 978-3-9809539-2-4 .
  • Hans Ulrich Bauer: The Karnin railway lift bridge: Berlin – Usedom in 2 hours . IGEL Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-9810371-7-3 .

Web links

Commons : Karnin Lift Bridge  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Karnin railway lift bridge. In: bridge web. Frank Sellke, accessed November 26, 2013 .
  2. https://signalarchiv.de/Mmeldung/10002742 , accessed on April 16, 2020
  3. ^ Press release Usedomer Eisenbahnfreunde from November 26, 2007 on the death of Hans Nadler
  4. BGBl. 2004 I p. 2322
  5. ^ Peter Neumann: Bahn wants to go to Usedom in two hours . In: Berliner Zeitung , May 14, 2007
  6. Faster by train to Usedom . In: Berliner Zeitung , March 30, 2010
  7. By train to Usedom in less than two hours . In: Berliner Zeitung , April 12, 2010
  8. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Action alliance established for a second rail link .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Ostsee-Zeitung , April 10, 2010@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.ostsee-zeitung.de @1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.ostsee-zeitung.de  
  9. Berlin-Usedom again in 2 hours . balticportal.pl, Swinoujscie, April 9, 2010
  10. Nationwide campaign for the southern railway connection of Usedom started . ( Memento from May 19, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) In: Ostsee-Zeitung , November 8, 2010
  11. City tour of the action alliance Karniner Brücke started successfully . Action alliance Karniner Brücke, press release from October 11, 2010
  12. Printed matter No. 17/9290. (PDF; 196 kB) Answer of the Federal Government to the small question from BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN regarding "Development of rail traffic between Germany and Poland" published by the German Bundestag. April 10, 2012, accessed on December 17, 2012 (questions 15 and 16 relate to the economic viability of rebuilding the Ducherow – Swinoujscie route).
  13. Printed matter No. 17/9642. (PDF; 78 kB) The Federal Government's response to the SPD's minor inquiry regarding the “expansion of the German-Polish rail connections”. German Bundestag, May 15, 2012, accessed on December 17, 2012 (Question 8 relates to the construction of the new Karniner Bridge).
  14. Faster train connection to Usedom possible . In: Ostsee-Zeitung , October 2, 2012
  15. Karniner Brücke: Sellering promotes rail project in Poland . In: Ostsee-Zeitung , June 16, 2012
  16. Faster to the sea . In: Berliner-Zeitung.de , April 17, 2013
  17. Action alliance Karniner Brücke: New Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2015. Project registration for the expansion and construction of rail lines (federal states)
  18. CDU member speaks out against Karniner Brücke . In: Ostsee-Zeitung . January 27, 2015
  19. Disruptive freight trains and tax losses ( Memento from December 1, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). Ostsee-Zeitung . 18th September 2014
  20. Citizens' Initiative Karnin 21: Complaint against the support for the restoration of the Ducherow-Swinemünde-Heringsdorf railway connection and the application for inclusion in the urgent needs Plus + of the BVWP 2015 ( Memento from December 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). Petition to the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  21. Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (Ed.): Project Information System (PRINS) for the draft of the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030 . Berlin March 16, 2016 ( online [accessed April 17, 2016]).
  22. ^ Deutscher Bahnkunden-Verband (Ed.): Statement on the draft of the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030 . Write. Berlin April 9, 2016 ( online [PDF; 2.7 MB ; accessed on May 15, 2016]). online ( Memento from May 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  23. German Bundestag (ed.): Drucksache 18/8526 . Answer of the federal government "Improvement of rail traffic between Germany and Poland - consideration of infrastructure projects in the draft of the federal transport plan". Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH, May 20, 2016, ISSN  0722-8333 , p. 4 ( bundestag.de [PDF; 252 kB ; accessed on May 27, 2016]).
  24. Facebook page of Prime Minister Schwesig
  25. Small question from MPs Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber and Stephan J. Reuken, AfD parliamentary group. (PDF; 128 kB) State Government MV, February 9, 2018, accessed on May 7, 2018 .
  26. Rail relief on Usedom: Rescue for Karniner Bridge? Retrieved August 19, 2018 .

Coordinates: 53 ° 50 ′ 36.6 ″  N , 13 ° 51 ′ 20 ″  E