Kazbek Savvich Butayev

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Kazbek Savvich Butayev

Kazbek Sawwitsch Butaev ( Russian Казбек Саввич Бутаев ; December 4 . Jul / 16th December  1893 greg. In Salugardan ; † 1937 in Ordzhonikidze ) was a Soviet economist and university lecturer .


Butayev came from an Ossetian farming family. He attended the parish school and then the Wladikawkaser Realschule, which he left in 1913 with honors. He then began studying at the Electrical Engineering Institute in Petrograd . During the First World War , he was drafted into the Imperial Russian Army in 1916 and sent to the military engineering college as a student at a technical college . There he completed his studies after the February Revolution and in August 1917 he joined the electrical engineering reserve battalion in Petrograd.

After the October Revolution , Butayev became a member of the CPSU in 1918 . In 1920 he became secretary of the Oblast Committee of the CPSU and People's Commissar of the Soviet Mountain Republic . At the 1st Mountain Conference of the CPSU in April 1921 he was elected to the Mountain Committee of the CPSU, whose agitprop department he headed. At the 2nd Mountain Conference in August 1921, he gave a report on the political and economic situation in the mountain republic with a detailed objective analysis of the socio-economic and political life of the republic. In autumn 1921 he was dismissed from this job for health reasons.

From 1925 to 1929 student of Butaev was Economics - Institute of Red Professorship in Moscow . He was then deputy chief editor of the newspaper Ekonomicheskaya Zhizn (Economic Life) and later head of the department for integrated planning of the Supreme Council of National Economy . In 1931 he became Vice Director of the Institute for Economics of the Communist Academy and Professor and Director of the Institute of the Red Professorship. At the same time he edited two magazines. In 1934 he became First Secretary of the Party's North Ossetian Oblast Committee (until 1936). In 1937 he became professor and vice director of the All Union Academy for Planning.

Scientifically, Butayev dealt with the economic problems of small industry and the movement of goods with regard to the ownership of the means of production and the workforce, which he regarded as a unit. He also examined the problems of the basic pension . He dealt in a number of papers with the politics and economy of the North Caucasus and analyzed the transition economy with industrialization and collectivization .

Butayev was a delegate at party congresses and a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and then of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR . During the Great Terror in 1937, he was arrested and sentenced to death by hanging . In 1956 he was rehabilitated.

The physicist Fatima Aslanbekovna Butayeva was Butayev's niece.

Butayev's name has been on a street in Vladikavkaz since 1962 and School No. 24 in Vladikavkaz since 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Казанский Б. М., Партигул С .: К 70-летию К. Бутаева . In: Вопросы экономики . No. 3 , 1964.
  2. a b c d e Гадзаов Б., Гацолаева А .: Экономист-новатор, экономик-практик . In: Северная Осетия . December 1, 2003 ( [1] accessed May 21, 2019).
  3. a b c d Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Бутаев Казбек Саввич (accessed on May 21, 2019).
  4. Кадыков А. Н .: Улицы, переулки, площади и проспекты г. Владикавказа: справочник . Respekt, Wladikawkas 2010, ISBN 978-5-905066-01-6 , p. 50-51 .