Fatima Aslanbekovna Butayeva

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Fatima Aslanbekowna Butajewa ( Russian Фатима Асланбековна Бутаева ; born December 1 . Jul / 14. December  1907 greg. In Alagir , † 19th June 1992 in Moscow ) was an Ossetian - Russian physicist .


Butayeva was the daughter of the lawyer and journalist Aslanbek Savvich Butayev and niece of the politician and economist Kazbek Savvich Butayev . Her mother died at the age of 7.

In 1925, Butayeva began studying at the Pedagogical Institute of the Soviet Mountain Republic in Vladikavkaz . In 1926 she moved to the physical and mathematical department of the Pedagogical Faculty of the 2nd Moscow University , which was formed in 1918 from the Moscow Higher Courses for Women . After graduating in 1932, she only worked briefly as a mathematics teacher in Kuibyshev , in order to teach theoretical mechanics in Moscow in the same year in the technical center of the study combine of the Metro construction company . In 1934 she moved to the Laboratory for Light Sources of the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute (WEI) in Moscow , headed by Valentin Alexandrowitsch Fabrikant . There she investigated the spectra and intensities of the light from gas discharges in a wide range of currents and pressures . Together with Fabrikant, she developed a method for studying the diffusion of photons in a plasma . When the factory owner became head of the chair , she took over the management of the laboratory.

In 1937, during the Great Terror , Butayev's father Aslanbek Butayev and her uncle Kazbek Butayev were arrested. While her uncle was shot immediately, her father was sentenced to death by shooting on September 4, 1939 by the military tribunal of the North Caucasian military district. Rehabilitation took place in 1956. Butayeva's threatened release was averted after a year.

During the German-Soviet war was Butajewa in Sverdlovsk evacuated . In 1943 she returned to Moscow and resumed her luminescence research . In 1946 she received her doctorate with her work on gas discharge and luminescence as a candidate in technical sciences . When the new All-Russian Research Institute for Lighting Technology was founded on the basis of the WEI in 1951 and was then named Sergei Ivanovich Vawilows , Butayeva headed the laboratory for fluorescent lamps there for 25 years .

Together with Michail Martynowitsch Wudynski and Fabrikant, Butajewa investigated the stimulated emission with the possibility of a radiation amplification in the sense of a negative absorption . In 1951 an application was made to register the invention of the new method of light amplification with an exponential increase in intensity through inverse energy level occupation. The principle of radiation amplification has been extended to ultraviolet , infrared and radio radiation . The invention was not registered until 1959, and in 1964 the Diploma of Discovery No. 12 on Enhancement of Electromagnetic Radiation by Stimulated Emission was awarded with priority from 1951 over measles and lasers in the United States .

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Фатима Асланбековна Бутаева, к 100-летию со дня рождения . In: Вестник Владикавказского научного центра . tape 7 , no. 4 , 2007, p. 66-67 .
  2. FA Butaeva, VA manufacturer: The Influence of Discharge Parameters on the Intensity of the 1850 A and 2537 A Mercury Resonance Lines . Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center, April 30, 1973 ( [1] accessed May 20, 2019).
  3. a b c Бутаев Б., Морозов В .: ФАТИМА БУТАЕВА: У истоков создания лазера . In: Наука и жизнь . No. 12 , 2007 ( [2] accessed May 20, 2019).
  4. Chronos: Бутаев Казбек Саввич (accessed on May 20, 2019).
  5. Из Книги памяти Республики Северная Осетия-Алания (accessed on May 20, 2019).
  6. Elena Gavrilina: The Historical Development of Laser Technology as an Example of Non-Classical Engineering Science . In: The Circulation of science and technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science: Barcelona, ​​November 18-20, 2010 . Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2012, p. 694-699 .
  7. Biberman LM, Veklenko BA, Ginzburg VL , Zhdanov GS, Kadomtsev BB , Rytov SM , Smirnov BM, Fabelinskii IL , Feinberg EL , Yakovlev IA: Valentin Aleksandrovich manufacturer (Obituary) . In: Sov. Phys. Usp. tape 34 , no. 6 , 1991, pp. 549-550 , doi : 10.1070 / PU1991v034n06ABEH002391 .
  8. Научные открытия России (accessed May 20, 2019).
  9. Шмаонов Т .: Золотой юбилей квантовой эры . In: Наука и жизнь . No. 11 , 2005 ( [3] accessed May 20, 2019).