Kaspar Leonhard Moritz von Prittwitz

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The coat of arms of the von Prittwitz and Gaffron family

Kaspar Leonhard Moritz von Prittwitz (born October 2, 1687 in Lower Silesia ; † May 23, 1746 at Gut Netsche, Kr. Oels , Lower Silesia) was President of the Consistory , governor of the Duchy of Oels and landowner.


Prittwitz comes from an old, widely branched Silesian noble family and was the son of the state deputy and landowner Leonhard Jaroslaw von Prittwitz, lord of the estates Dammer, Hammer and Spitze (Kr. Namslau ) as well as Schmoltschütz and Schützendorf (Kr. Oels), and Marie Elisabeth from Prittwitz.

He married on October 28, 1708 in Allerheiligen (Kr. Oels) Ludowika Sophie Luise von Siegroth (* February 26, 1690; † April 4, 1747 at Gut Netsche or in Oels ), the daughter of the ducal Württemberg-Oelsnischen council and landowner Hans Albrecht von Siegroth, gentleman at Gut Grüttenberg (Kr. Oels) and others, and Marie Renate von Salisch (House Bankwitz). His wife brought the Netsche estate into the marriage as her heir.


After studying at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) , Prittwitz held very different positions in the rest of his life. As a man right assessor, cash-director of Standesherrschaft Polish-Wartenberg , herzoglich Württembergisch-Oelsnischer Councilor , Governor of the Duchy of Oels or Konsistorialpräsident mentioned.

After the capitulation of Wroclaw on August 10, 1741, i.e. before the end of the 1st Silesian War between Frederick the Great (Prussia) and Empress Maria Theresia (Austria-Habsburg), Prittwitz - together with other representatives of the Silesian estates - performed on August 7. November 1741 to Breslau (Lower Silesia) in his function as Consistorial President the hereditary tribute of the province of Silesia as first official of the first estate to the Prussian king and his minister of state Heinrich Graf von Podewils (1695-1760), who leads the peace negotiations with Austria and Saxony, which finally lead to the peace treaties of Breslau and Berlin (1742) and Dresden (1745). A drawing by Adolph Menzel from 1858 shows Prittwitz in a white robe doing this homage before the throne.

Prittwitz was the owner of the Netsche and Schmoltschütz estates in the district of Oels, Dammer (Kr. Namslau ) and Gut Steine ​​in the Polish district of Wartenberg .


  • Speech Which The Highly Well-Born Knight and Mr. Kaspar Leonhard Moritz von Prittwitz, Auf Netsche u. Stones ... Würtemb.-Oelsnischer Landes-Haupt-Mann ... In the name of Sämbtl ... Princes Estates in Lower Silesia Bey der d. Nov. 7, completed hereditary country homage to your king. Majesty v. Prussia, held . Berlin State Library , 4 sheets, signature: 8 "Ta 3194.
  • Genealogical manual of the nobility , noble houses A volume VI, page 405, volume 29 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1962, ISSN  0435-2408 .
  • Robert von Prittwitz : The v. Prittwitz noble family , page 272f., Verlag Wilh. Gottl. Korn, Breslau 1870.

See also