Catholic deanery Heidenheim

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Catholic deanery Heidenheim
Diocese : Rottenburg-Stuttgart
Pastoral care units: 6th
Municipalities: 29 of them 2 native speaking communities
Believers: approx. 40,000 (as of 2013)
Dean: Sven van Meegen
Deputy Dean: Dietmar Horst

The Heidenheim deanery is one of 25 deaneries in the Roman Catholic diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.


The deanery covers the area of the Heidenheim district .

The 6 pastoral care units (SE) are:

  • SE 1 Härtsfeld
    (Congregations: Auernheim, St. Georg ; Ballmertshofen, St. Anna; Demmingen, St. Wendelinus; Dischingen, St. Johannes Baptist ; Dunstelkingen, St. Martinus; Eglingen, St. Martinus; Nattheim, Zum heiligen Herzen Jesu, Trugenhofen, St . Georg)
  • SE 2 Heidenheim -North
    (Municipalities: Heidenheim-Schnaitheim, St Bonifatius; Heidenheim-Schnaitheim, Santo Padre Pio (Italian municipality); Großkuchen, St. Petrus and Paulus; Königsbronn, Mariä Himmelfahrt)
  • SE 3 Heidenheim
    (Municipality: Heidenheim, St. Maria; Heidenheim, Srce Isusovo (Croatian municipality); Heidenheim, To the Most Holy Trinity; Heidenheim-Mergelstetten, Christ the King)
  • SE 4 Gerstetten - Steinheim
    (Parishes: Gerstetten, St. Petrus and Paulus; Steinheim, Heilig Geist)
  • SE 5 Lone - Brenz
    (Parishes: Bissingen, Heilig Kreuz; Bolheim, St. Martinus; Herbrechtingen, St. Bonifatius; Lontal, St. Ulrich; Niederstotzingen, St. Petrus and Paulus; Oberstotzingen, St. Martinus; Stetten, Mariä Himmelfahrt)
  • SE 6 Lower Brenz Valley
    (Parishes: Giengen, Heilig Geist; Burgberg, St. Vitus; Hermaringen, Maria Königin; Sontheim, Mariä Himmelfahrt)


There is a BDKJ youth department in the area of ​​the deanery . There is also the Catholic adult education center in Heidenheim district. V. in Heidenheim, a position for family pastoral care and other institutions.

Web links and sources

Individual evidence

  1. Dean Sven van Meegen looks back , article in the Heidenheimer Zeitung from January 6, 2014.