Kazimierz Ryczan

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Bishop Kazimierz Ryczan
coat of arms

Kazimierz Ryczan (born February 10, 1939 in Żurawica , Powiat Przemyski , Poland ; † September 13, 2017 in Kielce ) was Bishop of Kielce .


Kazimierz Ryczan studied theology and philosophy at the seminary in Przemyśl from 1956 to 1963 and received the sacrament of priestly ordination for the diocese of Przemyśl on June 16, 1963 from the Bishop of Przemyśl, Franciszek Barda . He was pastor in Szebniach (1963–1965) and in Rzeszów (1965–1966; 1970–1975).

After studying at the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the Catholic University of Lublin from 1966 to 1969, he was a lecturer in Catholic social sciences at the seminary in Przemyśl. From 1976 he worked at the Catholic University of Lublin and completed a doctorate in Lublin from 1975 to 1978 with a dissertation on the continuity and change in religious tradition. In 1983 he was appointed assistant professor. Scientific scholarships led him to the Catholic Institute in Paris (1979) and to the Catholic University in Leuven (1989). In 1992 he qualified as a professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Lublin with a paper on Catholic values ​​in the urban environment. In 1993 he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Lublin. In 1997 he was appointed Associate Professor.

On July 17, 1993 appointed him Pope John Paul II. To the Bishop of Kielce . The Archbishop of Kraków , Cardinal Franciszek Macharski , ordained him episcopal on September 11th of the same year in the Basilica of the Assumption of Mary, St. Adalbert & St. Konstantin in Kielce ; Co-consecrators were the secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints , Curial Archbishop Edward Nowak , and the auxiliary bishop in Kielce, Mieczysław Jaworski .

On October 11, 2014, Pope Francis accepted his age-related resignation.

Kazimierz Ryczan was appointed Grand Officer of the Knightly Order of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem by Cardinal Grand Master Carlo Cardinal Furno in 1996 and invested in the Papal Order of Knights by Józef Cardinal Glemp , Grand Prior of the Polish Lieutenancy .

In 2013 he received honorary citizenship of Kielce; likewise his hometown Żurawica. He received the gold medal of the Polish President ( Medal za Długoletnią Służbę ) for his work .

Web links

Commons : Kazimierz Ryczan  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia del Vescovo di Kielce (Polonia) e nomina del successore. In: Bollettino. Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, October 11, 2014, accessed October 11, 2014 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Stanislaw Szymecki Bishop of Kielce
Jan Piotrowski