No money in the world

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Original title No money in the world
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2007
length 90 minutes
Director Berno Kürten
script Berno Kürten
production Dietrich Kluge
Jutta Lieck-Klenke
Pit Rampelt
music Mario Lauer
camera Martin Fuhrer
cut Vera Theden

No Money in the World is a German television film from 2007 . The love - comedy was from August 29, 2006 to October 3, 2006 in Berlin and Mallorca rotated. The first broadcast was on June 4, 2007 on ZDF . The film was seen by 4.91 million viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 16.5 percent.


Lisa works as a shoe seller in a branch of the shoe millionaire Dagenhorst. Thanks to a surprising radio win, the Berliner can spend a weekend on Mallorca with her best friend Marie. At the port of Andratx , the two discover Dagenhorst's yacht. Fortunately, he's not there. Rather, they get to know the young Jonas, who pretends to be the son of Dagenhorst. He only guards the yacht in Dagenhorst's absence. To be his equal, Lisa poses as a rich heiress. Both fall for the other's net and fall in love with each other.

Back in Berlin, Lisa learns that her branch is to be closed due to lower sales. She and her colleagues plan to lure Jonas to Berlin. He should use his influence at Dagenhorst to secure the threatened jobs. He finally arrives without a single euro and in front of all the hopeful employees pretends to be the son of an entrepreneur who will take care of everything. Dagenhorst also learns about this from afar and is more than surprised, after all, he has no children. He travels with his accountant, Strecker, to clarify the situation. Lisa succeeds in convincing the entrepreneur with an unusual idea of ​​how to save the branch.


“Humorous, but not demanding, mistaken comedy about the difference between appearance and reality. The Cinderella morality of this 'modern fairy tale' is also moderately original. "

"A really exaggerated slapstick that the former children's film director Benno Kürten ('Achterbahn', 'Tatort') realized from his own script."

“The easy, brisk fun has few rough edges, hardly takes dramaturgical risks - and yet has a few surprises ready. Above all, he lives from his likeable actors and a wonderfully mean Uwe Ochsenknecht. [...] Not unique, but with some elegance "


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. For no money in the world ,
  2. TV ratings: ZDF Monday film blows up RTL duo ,
  3. No money in the world. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. No money in the world ,
  5. No Money in the World ,