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Kisvárda coat of arms
Kisvárda (Hungary)
Basic data
State : Hungary
Region : Northern Great Plain
County : Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
Small area until December 31, 2012 : Kisvárda
Coordinates : 48 ° 23 '  N , 22 ° 8'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 22 '38 "  N , 22 ° 8' 25"  E
Area : 35.91  km²
Residents : 16,669 (Jan. 1, 2011)
Population density : 464 inhabitants per km²
Telephone code : (+36) 45
Postal code : 4600
KSH kódja: 09265
Structure and administration (as of 2012)
Community type : city
Mayor : Tibor Leleszi ( Fidesz )
Postal address : Szent László út 20
4600 Kisvárda
Website :
(Source: A Magyar Köztársaság helységnévkönyve 2011. január 1st at Központi statisztikai hivatal )

Kisvárda [ ˈkiʒvaːrdɒ ] (German Kleinwardein ) is a town in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County in northeastern Hungary and has about 18,000 inhabitants. It is located about 50 km northeast of Nyíregyháza near the border with Ukraine and Slovakia .


In a letter from King Ferdinand von Habsburg's commissioner to the king of Sáros on December 15, 1544 , the commissioner wrote that Frater Georgius , the bishop of Warad and treasurer of what was then the rest of Hungary, had occupied Kyswarda Castle.

The Bishop of Erlau ( Eger / Agria), Antonius Verantius (Verancsics), wrote in a letter to the designated King Maximilian of Bohemia on April 2, 1559 that Kisvárda was at that time from the Transylvanian troops of Queen Isabella and her son, Johannes Sigismund , was besieged. At that time they were on the side of the Turks, who oppressed the rest of Hungary badly.


Sons and daughters

Town twinning

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Monumenta Ecclesiastica Tempora Innovatae in Hungaria Religionis Illustrantia - Egyháztörténelmi Emlékek a Magyarországi Hitujitás Korából, Volume IV, Budapest 1909, No. 350, p. 396.
  2. Verancsics, Gesammelte Werke, 8th volume, letters 1559-1562, Pest 1868 (Monumenta Hungariae Historica - Magyar Törtelélemi Emlékek, 19th volume, p. 21)