Class reunion (2004)

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Original title Class reunion
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2004
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK -
Director Marc Hertel
script Arne Sommer
production Hessian radio
music Phonodrive
camera Tom Jeffers
cut Stefan Blue

Class reunion is a German television film from 2004 , starring Frank Giering , among others . Directed by Marc Hertel based on the book by Arne Sommer . The drama was produced by Hessischer Rundfunk . The first broadcast took place on January 28, 2004 as a Wednesday film in the first on ARD .


After completing their Abitur in 1988 at a village high school in Taunus , the clique around Nick Säger ( Johann von Bülow ) and Stefan ( Frank Giering ), who is known as the supporter , meet again 15 years later at the class reunion organized by Tanja ( Barbara Philipp ) . Although everyone finds themselves put back in their roles in the class hierarchy of that time, this class reunion turns all circumstances upside down: Nick begins to regret his cocky behavior from "back then", Tanja divorces her husband because he is cheating on her and ends up in Stützes Poor. The love between the then vintage beauty Cornelia Parz and the loser Bert is rekindled. Lutz, also a loser who became a programmer, comes to the meeting before he arrives for credit card fraud to “show everyone” that he “lived”, even if he has to fight one of the eternal winners.

"Support" got its name from the fact that he in the school toilet from the also present at the meeting former teacher at Kiffen was caught who asked him if he wanted to go on and live the rest at the end. Ultimately, "support" became a civil servant and spends his free time with the organ playing and the restoration of the Mercedes SE of his grandfather.

useful information

  • A special feature of the film is that it shows the same evening from the different perspectives of the main characters, which only grows together into a completely coherent image at the end.
  • The shooting locations were Frankfurt am Main and Eppstein .
  • Overall, the film represents a mix of genres: there are elements and patterns of tragic comedies , milieu studies and dramas .

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