Klaus-Peter Plessow

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Klaus-Peter Pleßow (born February 5, 1948 in Berlin ) is a German actor and cabaret artist . Pleßow was best known for his moderation and the role of Fabian in “Visiting Fairy Tale Land” in the children's program of the GDR television .

After passing high school, Pleßow attended the “Ernst Busch” drama school in Berlin at the Alexander von Humboldt High School . After graduating, he initially went to Magdeburg for an engagement , but soon returned to the capital and played cabaret at the Distel . This was followed by engagements at the Metropol Theater and the Friedrichstadtpalast . After the fall of the Wall, Pleßow also went to the old federal states, including the comedy Düsseldorf.

Pleßow made his debut on television as early as the 1960s. In 1976 the GDR television brought him into its children's program. In the program “Visiting Fairy Tale Land”, he replaced the late Eckart Friedrichson , who until then had moderated the program as master Nadelöhr . With the role of Fabian Pleßow got in and played this until 1990. Pleßow also played in numerous other productions of the GDR television. In recent years Pleßow has appeared at the cabaret Kartoon in Berlin and was seen on television advertising for Fielmann , Doppelherz and Milka .

Filmography (selection)

Radio plays

Web links