Klaus Gendries

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Klaus Gendries (born June 22, 1930 in Stettin ) is a German director and actor .


Klaus Gendries made his theatrical debut in Oldenburg in the late 1940s . In 1950 he went to the theater of friendship in Berlin , later to the Vogtland-Theater in Plauen , to the German Theater and to the theater of the miners in Senftenberg . There came under his direction in 1960, the Peter Hacks -Stück The concerns and the power for the performance, which in the GDR caused a considerable stir, and ultimately to the resignation of DT-director Wolfgang Langhoff led. In 1963 he became a director for German television broadcasting . Here he initially shot successful comedies such as Florentiner 73 (1972) or Aber Vati! (1974), later also historical and literary material. In the early 1960s in particular, he also appeared as an actor and was particularly cast as a law enforcement officer. At the end of the 1980s, Gendries was an investigator for several films as Captain Reger in the series Polizeiruf 110 . After the fall of the Berlin Wall he continued to shoot for television, now he mainly directed series such as Der Bergdoktor , Forsthaus Falkenau , For all cases Stefanie or In all friendship .

Gendries is married to the actress Edda Dentges , his son is the actor Götz Gendries , who played the leading role in Meschka's grandson alongside Erwin Geschonneck under the direction of his father . His written legacy is in the archive of the Academy of Arts in Berlin.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1953: Little and Big Luck (Actor)
  • 1958: The Song of the Sailors (Actor)
  • 1958: Fledermaus Squadron (Actor)
  • 1959: SAS 181 does not answer (actor)
  • 1960: Seilergasse 8 (actor)
  • 1961: If You Stand By Me (Actor)
  • 1962: The Second Track (Actor)
  • 1963: The Bald Gang (Actor)
  • 1963: Reserved for Death (Actor)
  • 1965: From a minor's diary (TV series, director)
  • 1968: Pay attention to Susi (TV film, screenplay, director)
  • 1968: Rosen (TV film, screenplay, director)
  • 1969: Telegenerell (TV film, director)
  • 1970: Hafengeschichten (TV film, director)
  • 1970: Love Songs Live Long (TV Movie, Director)
  • 1970: Nocturnal test of courage (TV film, director)
  • 1972: Florentiner 73 (TV film, director)
  • 1972: Sea stories (TV film, director)
  • 1974: But dad! (TV film, director, screenplay, actor)
  • 1974: News from the Florentine 73 (TV film, director)
  • 1975: Today is Friday (TV movie, director)
  • 1975: Wedding anniversary every week (TV film, director)
  • 1975: My dear husband and I (TV film, actor, director)
  • 1976: Camping - Camping (TV film, screenplay, director, actor)
  • 1976: A Bee (TV Movie, Director)
  • 1977: The powdered man in the colorful skirt or Musjöh lives dangerously (TV film, screenplay, director)
  • 1978: How should a woman decide? (TV film, screenplay, director)
  • 1979: But dad! - Five years later (TV film, director)
  • 1979: On the gray beach, on the gray sea (TV film based on Theodor Storm , director)
  • 1979: Engagement in Hullerbusch (TV film, screenplay, director)
  • 1981: Meschkas Enkel (TV film, screenplay, scenario, director)
  • 1982: Resigned (TV film based on Erasmus Schöfer , director)
  • 1983: The Bastard (TV movie, director)
  • 1984: Der Schimmelreiter (TV film, director)
  • 1984: Police call 110: The Forgotten Laboratory (TV film, actor)
  • 1985: Blinded (TV film, director)
  • 1986: Claire Berolina (TV movie, director)
  • 1987: Der Freischütz in Berlin (director)
  • 1987: Police call 110: Im Kreis (TV movie, actor)
  • 1987: Rheinsberg (TV film, director)
  • 1987: Sidonia's Pictures (TV film, director)
  • 1988: Police Call 110: Liquid Weapon (TV Movie, Actor)
  • 1988: man, my papa ...! (TV film, director, actor)
  • 1989: The Honorable Five (TV film, director)
  • 1989: Immensee (TV film, director)
  • 1990: Drachensaat (TV film, director)
  • 1991: The biggest festival of the year - Christmas with our television families (TV film, director)
  • 1996: Heroes have a hard time (TV film, director)
  • 1999–2001: The Country Doctor (23 episodes)



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A revolution is not a doily embroidery . In: Berliner Zeitung , August 28, 2010; Interview with Jürgen Kuttner and Klaus Gendries
  2. Klaus Gendries Archive Inventory overview on the website of the Academy of the Arts in Berlin.