Klaus Zimmermann (General)

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Klaus Zimmermann (born August 30, 1941 in Burgstaden , Merseburg district ) is a former major general in the air force of the National People's Army of the German Democratic Republic .


Klaus Zimmermann, son of a farm laborer, worked for a short time after graduating from high school in 1959 and joined the armed organs of the GDR on November 1, 1959 . After he was an officer student at the Bautzen Officers School from 1959 to 1961 , he initially acted as an aircraft pilot and chain commander from 1961 to 1963 and then from 1963 to 1965 as deputy commander for political work of a squadron , before he was lastly commander of a squadron from 1965 to 1967 Jagdfliegergeschwader 2 was at the Trollenhagen air base . He was then an officer auditor at the Friedrich Engels Military Academy in Dresden between 1967 and 1970, where he completed his training as a graduate military scientist.

After Zimmermann briefly returned to Fighter Wing 2 as a squadron commander in 1971, he was initially employed between 1971 and 1977 as deputy commander for aeronautical training for Fighter Wing 9Heinrich Rau ” at Peenemünde Air Base . From 1977 to 1978 he was commander of Jagdfliegergeschwader 9 and then from 1978 to 1980 deputy commander of the 3rd Air Defense Division in Trollenhagen . He then graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR " Kliment Yefremowitsch Voroshilov " from 1980 to 1982 and, after his return, acted from 1982 to 1983 as the deputy commander for air forces in the commanding body Front and Military Transport Air Force (FO FMTFK), a major association of air defense forces the NVA. After he was commissioned with the leadership in the fourth quarter of 1983, he replaced Colonel Wolfgang Büttner on January 1, 1984, as commander of the commanding body for front and military transport air forces in the " Lambert Horn " barracks in Strausberg and remained in this post until December 31 , 1984 December 1989, whereupon Colonel Ralf Wukasch took over on January 1, 1990.

On March 1, 1987, Colonel Zimmermann was promoted to major general as part of the 31st anniversary of the National People's Army (NVA) . For his services in the GDR he was awarded the gold battle medal “For services to the people and fatherland” . He was released from active military service on March 31, 1990.


Individual evidence

  1. Froh & Wenzke, p. 274
  2. Froh & Wenzke, pp. 308, 339