Klein Hehlen

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Klein Hehlen
City of Celle
Coordinates: 52 ° 38 ′ 9 ″  N , 10 ° 3 ′ 23 ″  E
Height : 42 m above sea level NN
Area : 5 km²
Residents : 5526  (Jan. 1, 2011)
Population density : 1,106 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1939
Postal code : 29223
Area code : 05141

The village of Klein Hehlen was incorporated into the immediately adjacent town of Celle by law in 1939 . The district is located northwest of the city center.


The Klein Hehlen local council has 9 members (4 CDU , 3 SPD , 1 Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and 1 independent ).

The local mayor is Klaus Didschies (CDU).

Buildings, culture and sights

Boniface Church
  • The Bonifatiuskirche was built in 1657 as a cemetery chapel on Harburger Berg. In the meantime, it was used as a garrison church from 1758 to 1902. 300 years after it was built, the half-timbered building was rebuilt on its current location in 1957. The pulpit donated by Duke Christian Ludwig dates from 1659, the altar from Großburgwedel from 1690.
  • The (since then reduced) holdings of the original court library founded by Duke Ernst the Confessors in the 16th century was merged with the around 40,000 volumes in the library of the (now dissolved) preacher's seminary in Celle-Klein Hehlen. The public, ecclesiastical scientific special library now has a stock of 62,000 volumes, which is accessible free of charge to anyone interested.
  • List of architectural monuments in Celle # Klein_Hehlen

Economy and Infrastructure

State fire brigade school in Celle
  • The fire brigade school in Celle, founded in 1931, is located in Klein Hehlen. Today's Lower Saxony Academy for Fire and Disaster Protection with a participant capacity of 160 course places is an institution under public law, with training and further education tasks for members of the volunteers, professional, compulsory and works fire brigades.
  • Opposite it is the Celle road maintenance department, which is responsible for road control and maintenance as well as winter maintenance for the district of Celle.


  • Friedrich W. Schoof: The old parish of Groß Hehlen. Celle 1989.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. landkreis-celle.de .
  2. celle.allris-online.de .
  3. For the history cf. Blazek, Matthias: 75 years of the Lower Saxony State Fire Brigade School in Celle 1931–2006, Celle 2007, ISBN 978-3-00-019333-0 .