Konrad Lagus

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Konrad Lagus (also Lage, Hase, Hasi ; * around 1500 in Kreuzburg; † November 7, 1546 in Danzig ) was a German legal scholar.


The Hessian studied at the University of Leipzig from 1516 , where he obtained the baccalaureate in the liberal arts in the summer of 1518 . On November 16, 1519 he moved to the University of Wittenberg , where he acquired the degree of master's degree in April 1528 and in 1522 worked as a teacher at a private school in Wittenberg with boarding school. He was accepted into the philosophical faculty in August 1530 and held the dean's office in the winter semester of 1531 and 1538 .

Lagus turned to jurisprudence, held lectures at the institutes, ran a law firm as a lawyer and was often sought after legal counsel, in 1535 he became a notary at the University of Wittenberg. Under the influence of Johann Apel and Philipp Melanchthon, he dealt with the systematic treatment of law, but he was unable to enforce his innovations in university operations enough and, after receiving his doctorate in law in 1540, accepted a position as a lawyer in Danzig. For Danzig he negotiated with Lübeck about compensation payments, was used on political missions in Marienburg , in Königsberg with Duke Albrecht and in Krakow . In the winter of 1545/1546 he had an accident on his return from a trip to Cracow, and he died the following autumn of the serious chest injury he had suffered.

The result of his systematic legal research was published in Frankfurt am Main in 1543 under the title Juris utriusque methodica traditio , against his will, since this edition was unrevised. Under the title Protestatio adversus improbam suorum commentariorum editionem ab Egenolpho factam , the revised version of the work was published in Basel in 1544 . The work received great recognition. Lagus Methodica juris utriusque traditio is the oldest complete compendium of law, its main content is the representation of positive law. In addition, with his Compendium juris Saxonici he created a clear presentation of Saxon law on the basis of the Sachsenspiegel . Both works were published long after his death and were probably distributed by hand.


  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : Compendioses learned lexicon: Therein the scholars of all classes as well as male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world after their birth, death, writing, life and remarkable stories from the most credible scribes based on the design of Blessed D. Joh. Burckh. Menckens can be described in alphabetical order . Leipzig, 1733, vol. 2, p. 2208.
  • Theodor Muther: Doctor Conrad Lagus. A contribution to the history of the systematics of civil law and the doctrine of author rights . In: Theodor Muther: On the history of law and universities in Germany . Jena 1876 (reprint Amsterdam 1961) pp. 299–351.
  • Walter Friedensburg : History of the University of Wittenberg. Max Niemeyer, Halle (Saale) 1917.
  • Lagus, Conr. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 16, Leipzig 1737, column 239 f.
  • Roderich von StintzingKonrad Lagus . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1883, pp. 522-524.
  • History of the Sciences in Germany Vol. 18. Section 1 p. 296
  • Heiner Lück: Martin Luther and his university. Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-412-14696-X .
  • Helmar Junghans: Directory of the rectors, vice-rectors, deans, professors and castle church preachers of Leucorea from the summer semester 1536 to the winter semester 1574/75. In: Irene Dingel, Günther Wartenberg : Georg Major (1502–1574) - A theologian of the Wittenberg Reformation. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2005, ISBN 3-374-02332-0

Web links


  1. The identification of the place of birth is uncertain, s. the given web link Hans Erich Troje.