Conrad VI. (Oils)

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Conrad VI. of Oels (also Konrad VI "dean". ; latin Conradus Decanus * 1387 /1391; † 3. September 1427 ) was from 1412 until his death in 1427 together with his brothers Duke of Oels and from 1416 Duke of Steinau . His nickname is derived from the office of cathedral dean at the Breslau cathedral chapter , which he held from 1414.


Conrad VI. "Dechant" came from the Glogau branch of the Silesian Piasts . He was the third-born son of Duke Conrad III. von Oels († 1412) and the Jutta / Gutha, whose origin is not known. He had four brothers who, according to the tradition of the House of Oels, also had the first name Konrad. To distinguish them from one another, they are therefore given individual nicknames. In addition, Konrad VI. two sisters: Euphemia († 1444), the first marriage to Elector Albrecht III. von Sachsen-Wittenberg († 1422) and then married to Prince Georg I of Anhalt-Zerbst († 1444), as well as Hedwig († 1447/53), wife of Duke Heinrich IX. von Glogau († 1467).

After the death of the father Konrad III. In 1412 Konrad VI stood. and his brothers initially under the tutelage of their eldest brother Konrad IV. "Senior" ; he initially took over the joint government over the duchies of Oels, Cosel and Steinau and half of Beuthen . Even after the formal division of the paternal inheritance in 1416, the brothers managed some of their territories jointly. Since Konrad VI. "Dechant" as well as his brothers Konrad IV. "Senior" and Konrad VIII. "The boy" turned to the clergy, the second-born Konrad V. "Kanthner" and the fourth-born Konrad VII. "The old white" exercised the reign and were therefore beneficiaries of the inherited possessions. In order to alleviate the financial needs of his brothers, the eldest brother Konrad IV. "Senior", who had been Bishop of Breslau since 1417, bought himself and his brothers Kanth by virtue of his office in 1419 , which he pledged to the cathedral chapter .

Conrad VI is already in 1413. "Dechant" as a Breslau canon and scholastic from Glogau . A year later he was appointed cathedral dean of the cathedral chapter by Bishop Wenzel of Wroclaw . After the division of inherited paternal property in 1416, he and his youngest brother Conrad VIII. “The boy” († 1444/47) were probably assigned the area of ​​Steinau, which they could not freely dispose of.

Conrad VI. "Dechant", who was not married and left no heirs, died in 1427. His body was buried in the monastery church of Leubus .


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