Spa pennant

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Fishermen on the Curonian Lagoon indicated their home port with the spa pennant on the mast top . It also served as a wind vane after which one sailed.


In 1844 the government in Königsberg decreed that 136 localities in the two Prussian ports authorized to fish, “that every authorized person when fishing ... on the top of the mast a flag at least two feet long and one foot wide of the same color as the locality , where he has his place of residence, has been granted by the government. ”With this measure, the control of the fishery should be made easier, because fishermen have repeatedly been found doing unauthorized fishing. Those who drove without a local flag were fined 1 to 10 thalers, those who sailed with a false flag paid between 10 and 50 thalers. The places on the east coast of the Curonian Lagoon were marked red and white, the south coast was blue and yellow. The places on the Curonian Spit were black and white. Today, spa pennants are a popular tourist souvenir for visitors especially to the Lithuanian side of the Curonian Lagoon.

Schematic structure

Scheme of the cure pennant

The pennant at the top of the mast is divided into five sections, the first pointing to the bow, the second standing on the mast and the last three parts facing the stern.

  1. (pointing to the bow) Symbols of the elemental forces: moon (small diamond), sun (large diamond) and wind bands symbolize the heavenly bodies. “So that these forces are beneficial to the fisherman, he adds his symbol of hope and peaceful coexistence, a cross in a square. The square and the cross testify to the interaction of the religions, the ancient pagan and the modern Christian. ”The upper part of the pennant shows a symbol of prosperity. He points out what the fisherman has, e.g. B. his house, his cattle. This is also the place to display village views.
  2. (on top of the mast) Symbol of faith: old and new gods protect the fisherman's and his family's property. The representation of the wave god Bangputtis can often be found, one hand of which points to the sky and the other hand to the waves. What looks like a harp or lyre are symbolized snakes that stand for the earth goddess. A cross is often incorporated. A shamrock represents success and luck.
  3. Symbol of the family: The cross protruding upwards shows that the fisherman enjoys the respect of his family. A little cross surrounded by a circle represents the wife, on the edge the children are symbolized.
  4. Ownership: A T indicates a barge, triangles open at the bottom indicate the number of other boats. Other earthly achievements (or dreams) are also represented here, such as a bicycle or a large house.
  5. Work: The number of helpers is represented by holes in the fisherman's hat. If it is a relative, it is shown by a branch from the little cross.

The wooden sign with the colors of the home port is located horizontally under parts 3 and 4. The pennant flutters under part 5. All shields with the location identifiers are horizontal rectangles.

Spa pennant on the Curonian Lagoon

Spa pennant in Klaipėda
Spa pennant in Nidden


  • Memel / (Klaipėda): vertically divided in the middle, black on the left, white on the right
  • Bommelsvitte / Vitė : horizontally divided in the middle, black above, white below
  • Office center : black background with a white cross in the middle
  • Süderspitze , Sandkrug / Smiltynė : diagonally divided from bottom left to top right, black top left, white bottom right
  • Schwarzort / Juodkrantė : white background, black cross in the middle
  • Perwelk / (Pervelka), negles : white ground, small horizontal rectangle in the middle
  • Preil / (Preila), Karwaiten : diagonally divided from bottom left to top right, top left white, bottom right black
  • Nidden / (Nida): four small rectangles, black top left and bottom right, white bottom left and top right
  • Purwin (place) / Purvinė : black background and white diamond in the middle (obtuse angles above and below)
  • Pillkoppen / ru. Morskoye; Морское: divided into four triangles, left and right white, top and bottom black
  • Rossitten / ru. Bogatovo / Rybatschi; Рыбачий, Kunzen / ru. Kransoeče: divided horizontally, white above, black below
  • Sarkau / ru. Lesnoi; Лесной: vertically divided, white on the left, black on the right

Blue yellow

  • Cranzbeek , Cranzbeekinsel , Fischerbude : divided into four rectangles, yellow at the bottom left and top right, blue at the top left and bottom right
  • Bledau / ru. Sosnovka: blue background and large yellow rectangle in the middle
  • Pomhnen : blue background, yellow cross over the diagonals
  • Neufitte : yellow background, blue cross
  • Stombeck / ru. Ribnoje: blue background, yellow cross
  • Blacksmith tendons / ru. Kievskoe: divided into four triangles, left and right blue, top and bottom yellow
  • Sudnicken / ru. Pirogowo: yellow background, blue diamond in the middle (obtuse angles below and above)
  • Schaaksvitte / ru. Kashirskoje: blue background, yellow diamond in the middle (obtuse angles below and above)
  • Wesselhöfen / ru. Wassijlewskoje: blue background, medium-sized yellow rectangle in the middle
  • Konradsvitte : divided into three horizontal fields, blue above and below, yellow in the middle
  • Steinort / ru. Primorskoye: divided into three horizontal fields, yellow above and below, blue in the middle
  • Post nod / ru. Salivnoe: horizontally divided, blue above, yellow below
  • Willmanns / ru. not known: vertically divided into three fields, left and right blue, center yellow
  • Tactau and Kampken (to Adl. Lablack) / ru. Ijulskoje and Uschakowka: vertically divided into three fields, left and right yellow, center blue
  • Tactau (to Adl. Pareyken) / ru. Turgenewo: vertically divided, blue on the left, yellow on the right
  • Rinderort / ru. Saliwino: yellow
  • Haffwinkel / ru. Saliwino, Labagien : divided into four rectangles, bottom left and top right blue, top left and bottom right yellow
  • Deimemünde , Peldszen : divided vertically: left half yellow ground, right half blue ground, medium-sized rectangle in the middle: left half blue, right half yellow

Red White

  • Möwenort / ru. Rasino, Juwendt : white background, red cross across the diagonals
  • Heidendorf : divided into six rectangles, red: left and right above and middle below, white: left and right below, middle above
  • Groß Friedrichsgraben , Ludendorff : red background, white cross over the diagonals
  • Elchwerder / ru. Golowkino, Nemonien : red background, white cross
  • Gilge / ru. Matrossowo; Матросово: white background, red cross
  • Tawe / ru. Saliwino: red background, large white rectangle in the middle
  • Ins / ru. Pričaly: white ground, large red rectangle in the middle
  • Loye / ru. Rybače: red border, white border inside, red rectangle in the middle
  • Lökerort (received in the 19th century): white ground, each left and right halves vertical red rectangles
  • Karkeln / ru. Myssovka; Мысовка: red background, each left and right half vertical white rectangles
  • Ackminge , Ibenwerder / ru. Zelenec: red background, medium-sized white rectangle in the middle
  • Skirwieth / ru. Borovoe / Skirvytė : white background, medium-sized red rectangle in the middle
  • Warruß / Vorusnė : vertically divided, both halves three triangles each: left half above and below red (right-angled), points to the right, center white (equilateral), point to the left; right half above and below white (right-angled), tips to the left, middle red (equilateral)
  • Pokallna / Pakalnė : red isosceles triangle with a point up to the right edge, top right and bottom white right-angled triangles, points up to the left edge
  • Minge / Minė : divided across the diagonal, red above left, white below right
  • Storms : white background, red stripe from bottom left to top right
  • Blaszen / Božiai : red background, white diamond in the middle (obtuse angles below and above)
  • Stankischken / Stankiškiai : white background, red diamond in the middle (obtuse angles below and above)
  • Feilenhof / Muižė : divided into three triangles, large red with the base at the bottom and the tip at the top, white at the top left and right
  • Suwehnen / Suvernai : divided into four triangles with the points in the middle, red on the left and right, white above and below
  • Paweln / Povilai : divided into four triangles with the tips to the center, white on the left and right, red on top and bottom
  • Szauken / Žiaukai: divided into five horizontal stripes, above, in the middle, red below, white in between
  • Kinten / Kintai and Beckern : divided into three horizontal stripes, white above and below, red in the middle
  • Ogeln / Uogaliai and Bliematzen / Macblydžiai : divided into three horizontal stripes, red above and below, white in the middle
  • Kischken / Kiškiai and Prätzmen / Precmai : divided horizontally, white below, red above
  • Gaitzen / Gaicai : white ground, left quarter vertical red
  • Schwenzeln / Svencelė : divided into three vertical fields, red on the left and right, white in the middle
  • Drawhnen / Dreverna : divided into three vertical fields, white on the left and right, red in the middle
  • Clichés / Klišiai : white ground, right third vertically red
  • Sheep farm / Lūžija : red ground, right third vertical white
  • Starrischken / Stariškė : left quarter vertically white, right three quarters red background with white bar from bottom right to top left to the edge of the white quarter
  • Schmelz / Smeltė : left quarter vertically red, right three quarters horizontally divided into three strips, white above and below, red in the middle


  • Richard Pietsch: Fishermen's life on the Curonian Spit. Shown in Kuran and German (= Northeast Archive. Vol. 20). Camen, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-921515-09-2 .
  • Peter Raap : What is a spa pennant? An old East Prussian custom is slowly dying out . Low German Heimatblatt 661 (January 2005). Low German Heimatblatt: 2005 No. 661
  • Ulrich Tolksdorf: Fisheries and fishing culture in East Prussia. Landsmannschaft Ostpreussen - Department of Culture, Hamburg 1991.
  • Hans Woede: The pennants of the Kurenkähne. History - Meaning - Customs (= Göttingen working group , publication no. 317, ZDB -ID 134036-0 = East German contributions from the Göttingen working group. Vol. 32). Holzner, Würzburg 1965.
  • Daiva Žadeikiene, Albertas Krajinskas: Kurenkahn Pennant. Vėtrungiu Galerija, Neringa 2002, ISBN 9986-830-63-X .

Web links

Commons : Kurpimpel  - collection of images, videos and audio files