L'architecte textile

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Original title L'architecte textile
L'Architecte textile Movie Poster.jpg
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 2017
length 100 minutes
Director Mika'ela Fisher
script Mika'ela Fisher
production Chrysoprase Films
music Sébastien Rostagno
camera Mika'Ela Fisher
cut Anne Amiand

L'architecte textile is a French avant-garde - documentary by German director Mika Ela Fisher from the year 2017th


The film gives an insight into sartorial art (Art sartorial). While she is making a three-piece costume, the master tailor films the individual work processes from start to finish: design sketch, model cut, cutting, fitting, modification, completion. Hundreds of hours, a story , a movie ... and an allegory .


Original idea was a film school for students from the fashion industry to realize the old traditional sartoriale Schneider art live to be. The first provisional version of the film is 10 hours. In the end, a movie of 100 minutes was made to give “non- professionals ” the opportunity to get to know this exclusive, increasingly rare profession . The film has a very avant-garde structure due to the type of camera work, the sound design , and the film editing, and the film genre is difficult to integrate. A mix of documentary , experimental film , feature film , documentary film and educational film .

A longer version of at least six hours is currently in post-production and will be presented in museums and galleries in 2020 .

Art sartorial

Art Sartorial may be a forgotten term, but corresponds to the art of traditional men's and women's costume processing. And the film wants to show the knowledge, practice and technology of this art in detail.

Film psychology

The film begins and ends with quotes from Albert Camus from The Myth of Sisyphus .

“The fight against summits can fill a human heart. We have to imagine Sisyphus as a happy person. ”(La lutte elle-même vers les sommets suffit à remplir un coeur d'homme. Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux).

“After all, after this long effort (measured against a space that knows no sky and a time that knows no depth) the goal is reached.” (Tout au bout de ce long effort mesuré par l'espace sans ciel et le temps sans profondeur, le but est atteint).

("Le mythe de Sisyphe", Albert Camus, Gallimard, 1942)


After the film had its cinema premiere in France on September 27, 2017 during Paris Fashion Week , it will have its German premiere on January 19, 2018 at Berlin Fashion Week in the Babylon cinema . The film was shown on February 17, 2018 as part of the Berlinale . L'architecte textile had its premiere in the USA on April 30, 2018. In Warsaw , the film was shown at the On Art Film Festival on July 13, 2018, and received the On Art Award. L'architecte textile is in the official program of the art fair , Biennale Internazionale Dell'Arte Contemporanea 2019 in Florence .

Chrysopras Films L'architecte textile


"An avant-garde documentary that saw the light exactly at Fashion Week; while press attachés cheer their crazy fashion designers on social networks and the hippest people in the world race to the foot of the catwalk. L'architecte textile is a perfect counterpoint; the precise work a watchmaker in the cosmos of the textile architect, who structures and builds the garment with his skillful hands, sublimates the body by drawing clear lines, and for the beauty of the gesture, the tip of the needle meanders through the folds that fly away with the slightest movement ...

A masterpiece of precise precision mechanics ... An absolute must for those who love the art of grand couture . "(Published by Famous Rallye, original language French)

("A Famous Rallye, nous aimons les grands et les bons films, les films d'auteurs et les OCNI. En voici un qui tombe à pic en pleine Fashion Week, alors que se démènent les attachées de presse pour faire mousser leur couturier déjanté sur les réseaux sociaux et que se précipitent au pied du catwalk les blogueuses mode et les people les plus branchés de la planète ... Voici en parfait contrepoint le travail précis d'horloger dans l'espace de l'architecte textile, qui de ses mains habiles, structure et bâtit le vêtement qui va sublimer le corps en dessinant des lignes épurées, et, pour la beauté du geste, faufile de la pointe de l'aiguille des plissés s'envolant au moindre mouvement ... Un petit chef- d'œuvre de micro mécanique de précision. À voir absolument si on aime vraiment l'Art de la Grande Couture ... ")

The film received positive reviews, especially from specialist magazines.

Participation in festivals

Participation in art fair


Web links

Individual evidence