Lajos Rapolthy

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Lajos Rapolthy (also Ludwig Rapolti , born March 15, 1880 in Odorheiu Secuiesc ( Romania , then Kingdom of Hungary ), † October 25, 1954 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian sculptor and medalist .


Rapolthy received his training from the sculptor Alajos Strobl von Liptoujvar (1856–1926) in Budapest, where he initially stayed most of the time. From 1915 Rapolthy taught at the Art Academy in Ankara, where he also created some sculptural works, such as a statue of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk . Other works by Lajos Rapolthy can be found in Slovakia , Italy , Austria and Hungary .

Works (excerpt)


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Individual evidence

  1. Ilse Krumpöck: The images in the Army History Museum. Vienna 2004, p. 140 f.