State school student representatives for Rhineland-Palatinate

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The State Representation for Schoolchildren in Rhineland-Palatinate (short LSV, renamed in 2019 to State School Student Representation Rhineland-Palatinate ) is the state-wide representation of around 400,000 schoolchildren in Rhineland-Palatinate .


The main tasks of the LSV include the regular networking of the cooperation of regional associations of the representations for schoolchildren (SVen for short) as well as the representation of the interests of schoolchildren towards the respective school or education ministry ( ministry of education ), the parties represented in the state parliament and other organizations.


The LSV Rheinland-Pfalz is the state-wide representation of all students in Rhineland-Palatinate who attend a secondary school with secondary level I or II.

The highest decision-making body of the LSV Rhineland-Palatinate is the State School Students' Conference (LSK), to which delegates from all districts and cities in Rhineland-Palatinate come. Guests are also allowed on the LSK. At this conference, among other things, the students elect the board of directors of the LSV and vote on motions for the resolution.

The highest decision-making body between the state student conferences is the state council introduced by the Education Act of August 1, 2014. Board members of all district and city SVs come together to decide on the budget and hold by-elections for the state board or the federal delegation. The first meeting of the regional council took place on October 4, 2014 in Mainz.

At the regional level, students form district and city student representatives. In Rhineland-Palatinate there are 36 districts and independent cities. These municipal representations offer the possibility of networking the schools with each other and of representing the pupils before the respective school authority committee of the municipality. Each district and city SV elects delegates to the state student conferences and a board from which a representative is appointed as a member of the state council.

The LSV Rhineland-Palatinate joined the Federal Schoolchildren's Conference on May 3, 2014 , but left it again on June 25, 2018.


The LSV in Rhineland-Palatinate has existed in its current form since 1989. Even before it was founded in 1989, pupils in Rhineland-Palatinate formed nationwide, but under different structures. For example, the former Minister for Education, Science, Youth and Culture in Rhineland-Palatinate, Doris Ahnen , was the state school spokesperson in 1984. Since 1989 there are no more state school representatives in Rhineland-Palatinate; instead, the up to 10 members of the state board have equal rights and occupy various departments such as press and public relations.

The LSV has represented the interests of all secondary schools and their students since 2007 .

Until 2007, the LSV only represented grammar schools and comprehensive schools . On December 17, 2007 the LSV passed a new statute at its 43rd LSK in the state parliament, which also provides for the representation of secondary and secondary schools as well as vocational and special needs schools . The statutes also provide for a complete structural change. So the previously existing regional working groups were dissolved and replaced by the district and city student representatives. This structure came into force after an amendment to the school law in the 2009/10 school year.

In the past, the LSV has also carried out various larger events to enable the participation of students, for example annual summer camps since 1997 (until 2015), as well as the large RiSiKo (Rhineland-Palatinate student congress), at which 400 students from various types of schools in 2007 were represented. A new edition of the successful project took place in Koblenz in 2009.


According to its basic program, the state student representatives for Rhineland-Palatinate advocate a fundamental change in the school structure. She calls for the abolition of the tripartite school system and the introduction of a school for all. Grading and other evaluation systems are viewed extremely critically, instead written evaluations should give the students feedback. The democratization of the school system is at the fore of the LSV basic program. This includes strengthening the representation of pupils in schools and the introduction of school and class parliaments (see class council ). These demands were last introduced in 2014 as part of a hearing on the amendment of the Rhineland-Palatinate School Act.

In addition, the LSV is also committed to the equality of women and men, whereby the existing gender difference is socialization- related and must be overcome. She supports and drafts programs against right-wing extremism and calls for the elimination of a voting age limit and the legalization of cannabis .

By demanding a general political mandate, the LSV Rhineland-Palatinate also wants to be able to express its opinion on all possible political issues.

Support association

Since October 2010, newly founded in 2016, the LSV Rhineland-Palatinate has been supported by a development association. The seat of the association is in Mainz.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Official website of the LSV RLP: What does an LSV do? - LSV RLP. January 8, 2018, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  2. Official website of the LSV RLP: What does an LSV do? - LSV RLP. January 8, 2018, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  3. Official website of the LSV RLP: Der Landesrat (LaRa) - LSV RLP. January 20, 2019, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  4. Official website of the LSV RLP: The Federal Delegates (BuDelis) 2018/19 - LSV RLP. November 25, 2018, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  6. Official website of the LSV RLP: Summer Camp 2015 (No. 19) from July 27th. until August 2nd, 2015 on the Wiesbaden-Freudenberg natural youth camp site - LSV RLP. July 27, 2015, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  7. Official website of the LSV RLP: Principles and resolutions of the LSV Rhineland-Palatinate 30.-73. LSK (2001-2018) - LSV RLP. February 20, 2019, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  8. Official website of the LSV RLP: LSV-Förderverein - LSV RLP. May 2, 2018, accessed February 25, 2019 .