State election in Lower Saxony in 1986

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1982State election
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to 1982
 % p
A total of 155 seats

The election to the 11th Lower Saxony State Parliament took place on June 15, 1986.

initial situation

In the state elections in 1982, the CDU under Prime Minister Ernst Albrecht achieved its best result in Lower Saxony with 50.7 percent of the vote, whereas the SPD under Karl Ravens suffered severe losses.

Since this is already Ravens' second defeat against Albrecht, he was waived for 1986 on a new top candidate .

When the SPD was looking for candidates, the SPD leadership originally favored the former Federal Minister Anke Fuchs . However, after the former Juso federal chairman and then Hanoverian member of the Bundestag Gerhard Schröder had announced his candidacy and secured the support of several SPD district associations, Fuchs renounced the top candidacy.

There were some disputes within the SPD over the coalition issue: While Chancellor candidate Johannes Rau had ruled out a coalition with the Greens for the federal election planned for January 1987 and relied on a majority for the SPD, Schröder did not want to rule out a Red-Green coalition in general.

The disputes between Rau and Schröder in this regard were one of the campaign topics.


Eligible voters: 5,588,597

Voters: 4,320,347 (turnout: 77.31%)

Valid votes: 4293146

Political party be right Share
CDU 1903559 44.34 55 69
SPD 1807157 42.09 45 66
GREEN 303308 7.06 11
FDP 257873 6.01 9
Patriots 11284 0.26
DKP 5690 0.13
The whites 3858 0.09
Citizens Party 198 0.00
German solidarity 38 0.00
JV 17th 0.00
Individual applicants 164 0.00
Total 4293146 100 155

The CDU lost its absolute majority and was only able to form a narrow majority with the FDP; In the end, the new coalition had a majority of only one seat. In contrast, the SPD did not manage to become the strongest force despite significant gains.

Albrecht was then confirmed as Prime Minister. Schröder resigned his parliamentary mandate and switched to state politics as the SPD parliamentary group leader and opposition leader .

See also


  • Research Group Elections : Election in Lower Saxony. An analysis of the state elections on June 15, 1986 . Mannheim 1986.
  • Institute for Applied Social Science (Ed.): Lower Saxony 1990. State election on June 15, 1986; Analyzes and documents , Bad Godesberg 1986.
  • Claus A. Fischer (Ed.): Election manual for the Federal Republic of Germany. Data on Bundestag, Landtag and European elections in the Federal Republic of Germany, in the federal states and in the districts 1946–1989., 2nd half volume , Paderborn 1990.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "I wanted to be Prime Minister here". Der Spiegel 25/1986, June 16, 1986, accessed April 5, 2017 .