Latum break

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Latum break

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

Grassland east of the Latumer Bruch

Grassland east of the Latumer Bruch

location coat of arms Krefeld North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
North Rhine-WestphaliaNorth Rhine-Westphalia 
surface 185.22 ha
Identifier KR-001
WDPA ID 164382
Natura 2000 ID (Part) [1] DE-4605-301 (part)
Geographical location 51 ° 19 ′  N , 6 ° 39 ′  E Coordinates: 51 ° 18 ′ 59 ″  N , 6 ° 39 ′ 19 ″  E
Latumer Bruch (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Latum break
Setup date 1982
administration Lower landscape authority of the city of Krefeld

The Latumer Bruch , also known locally as Lohbruch , is a quarry forest and wetland in the southeast of the city of Krefeld , which under the same name forms the second largest nature reserve in the city (no. KR-001 ).

The break lies on the southern edge of the Krefeld district of Linn . In the north-west the area borders on Oppum , in the north-east on Gellep-Stratum , in the south-west and south-east lie the Meerbusch districts of Ossum-Bösinghoven and Lank-Latum . The Latumer Bruch is named after the Latum house , an estate on the outskirts of Lank-Latum, to whose lands the area historically belonged.

Protected area

Information board

Since 1982, the Latumer Bruch, with its swamp and alluvial forests , ditches with changing moisture , ponds and near-natural grassland has been under nature protection. In addition to the actual Latumer Bruch (also Lohbruch ), the nature reserve also includes the smaller wooded area, The Great Bend , the wild shoreline along the Stratumer Buschgraben and the Lohbruchgraben, as well as some meadows and fields that are used extensively for agriculture .

The Latumer Bruch is located with the Buersbach and the Linner Mühlenbach in the area of ​​two old stream channels in the glacial valley of the meandering Rhine ( called Kendel on the Lower Rhine ) and is therefore, together with the adjacent Donken, as a landscape area of geological and regional interest. When the Rhine floods , the gullies fill with groundwater that presses up and cannot drain away . The channels thus serve as natural water retention areas and also for flood protection .

Together with the adjacent nature reserve Die Buersbach , the castle and moat system of the castle and old town of Linn , the Greiffenhorstpark with the Linner Mühlengraben , the drinking water extraction area Elt and the Römersee , the NSG Latumer Bruch forms an almost 300 hectare Natura 2000 / FFH area (No. DE-4605-301: Latumer Bruch with Buersbach, Stadtgraeben and waterworks ). The nature reserve is also integrated into the southern Krefeld biotope network .

The area is professionally supervised by the Lower Landscape Authority of the city of Krefeld, as well as by a volunteer landscape guard and by the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU).

Flora and fauna

The vegetation in the swampy areas consists of moisture-loving trees and bushes, especially alder , poplar and willow stands , as well as moisture-loving grasses and herbs, e.g. B. reed , sedge and hedgehog populations . Characteristic flowers here are the marsh iris and the marsh marigold . In the areas of the higher Donke and meadows, a grassland has formed. Typical here are, for example, the autumn crocus and the meadowfoam .

The Latumer Bruch with its retreat areas provides habitat for numerous animals, including some rare and threatened species. There is a rich bird fauna, here breed and. a. numerous water and meadow birds (e.g. white stork ) and other rare species (e.g. black kite ). Many migratory birds use the nutrient-rich area as a resting place. The wetlands are the habitat and spawning area for various amphibians , including the crested newt . Among the numerous insects, the black and blue and the great bog blue as well as the mutable pear beetle are particularly worth mentioning.

Web links

Commons : Latumer Bruch  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Natura 2000 area "Latumer Bruch mit Buersbach, Stadtgraeben and Wasserwerk" in the specialist information system of the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia , accessed on March 10, 2017.
  2. a b c d e "Latumer Bruch" nature reserve (KR-001) in the specialist information system of the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia , accessed on March 10, 2017.
  3. a b c d e f g h i The Lord Mayor of the City of Krefeld (ed.): Latumer Bruch nature reserve (=  nature reserve in Krefeld . Leaflet no. 3/6). City of Krefeld, Krefeld January 2007 ( online [PDF]).
  4. a b landscape recreation. City of Krefeld, accessed on June 11, 2012 .
  5. a b The District Administrator of the Rhein-Kreis Neuss (ed.): EC Water Framework Directive (WFD). Implementation timetable of the cooperation Left Rhine tributaries Neuss-Uerdingen (PE_RHE_1200) . Office for Environmental Protection, Lower Water Authority, Grevenbroich March 2012 ( full text [PDF]).
  6. FFH area Latumer Bruch with Buersbach, city ditches and waterworks. (No longer available online.) House of Nature - Biological Station in the Rhein-Kreis Neuss e. V., archived from the original on July 24, 2013 ; Retrieved June 1, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ Biotope network south of Krefeld with Fischeln city park. City of Krefeld, accessed on June 11, 2012 .
  8. Dietmar Vogel, the guardian of flora and fauna. Online edition of the Westdeutsche Zeitung (wz newsline), September 1, 2008, accessed on June 11, 2012 .
  9. Nursing action in the Latumer Bruch. NABU, Krefeld / Viersen district association, November 7, 2011, accessed on June 11, 2012 .
  10. a b Storch should be at home. February 28, 2011, accessed June 11, 2012 .
  11. D. Vogel: The bird world of the Krefeld nature reserve Latumer Bruch, an annotated list of species . In: Nature on the Lower Rhine . No. 2 (1) . Krefeld 1987, p. 33-38 .
  12. Rare species of beetle discovered in the Latumer Bruch. Hello Uerdingen, accessed on June 11, 2012 .