Lev Emmanuilowitsch Gurevich

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Lew Emmanuilovich Gurevich ( Russian Лев Эммануилович Гуревич * June 14 . Jul / 27. June  1904 greg. In Paris ; † 28. June 1990 ) was a Russian theoretical physicist , solid state physicists , astrophysicists and university teachers .


Gurewitsch was the son of the emigrated journalist and revolutionary Emmanuil Lwowitsch Gurewitsch (1866-1952), who returned to Russia with his family after the February Revolution in 1917 . Gurevich attended secondary school in Saratov with graduation in 1919 and then studied at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (LPI) with Viktor Robertowitsch Bursian with graduation in 1925 as an electrical engineer . In 1926 he began teaching at the Mining Institute . He also taught at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Leningrad (LGU).

In solid-state physics , Gurewitsch studied the effects of phonons on electrons in metals and semiconductors . He showed for the first time that a number of kinetic effects are related to the phonon wind (1940). One focus of his work was the waves and instabilities in solids . He discovered novel waves under non-equilibrium conditions to form, for example, by temperature gradients forming thermo-magnetic waves. In 1936 he defended his candidate dissertation .

During the German-Soviet War , Gurevich was evacuated to Saratov with scientists from the LGU in 1942 after the beginning of the Leningrad blockade . In 1943 he received his doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences . In 1946 he was appointed professor at LPI.

In a series of works, partly together with Alexander Ignatjewitsch Lebedinski , Gurewitsch dealt with the theory of the early stages of the formation of the solar system through gravitational condensation of dust particles (1945–1950). He showed that repeated thermonuclear explosions are possible in the thin outer shells of stars (1947–1954).

He was dismissed from the LGU in 1951 as part of the campaign against cosmopolitanism . Gurevich became a research assistant at the Physico-Technical Institute (FTI) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)) in Leningrad and headed the department for theoretical solid-state physics . In the 1960s he founded a cosmology group at the FTI and developed a theory on the original vacuum state of the universe (1975).

Gurewitsch's sister Olga Emmanuilna Gurewitsch (1897-1983) was the second wife of the agricultural economist , university professor and art collector Alexander Wassiljewitsch Tschajanow .

Gurevich's son is the physicist Vadim Lwowitsch Gurevich .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Алферов Ж И , Ефремов Ю Н , Голант В Е , Гуревич В Л, Захарченя Б П , Зегря Г Г, Ипатова И П, Перель В И , Парийский Н Н , Чернин А Д: Памяти Льва Эммануиловича Гуревича . In: УФН . tape 161 , no. 6 , 1991, pp. 207–209 ( webcitation.org [PDF; accessed February 15, 2019]).
  2. a b c d Объединение учителей Санкт-Петербурга: ГУРЕВИЧ Лев Эммануилович (accessed February 15, 2019).
  3. a b c d Cyclowiki: Лев Эммануилович Гуревич (accessed February 15, 2019).
  4. Jewreiskaja Wiki-enziklopedija: Гуревич, Эммануил Львович (accessed February 15, 2019).
  5. a b Издательский дом "Личности": Лев Эммануилович ГУРЕВИЧ (accessed February 15, 2019).
  6. Jewreiskaja Wiki-enziklopedija: Чаянова, Ольга Эммануиловна (accessed February 15, 2019).
  7. Cyklowiki: Вадим Львович Гуревич (accessed February 15, 2019).