Lew Palter

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Lew Palter (born November 3, 1928 in New York City ) is an American actor who has appeared in numerous television and cinema films since 1968. He was best known for his role as Isidor Straus in the film Titanic alongside Leonardo DiCaprio . After this film, he did not appear in any film or series .



  • The Steagle (1971)
  • Lieutenant Schuster's Wife (1972)
  • Columbo - Write or Die (1974)
  • Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours (1976)
  • Stonestreet: Who Killed the Centerfold Model? (1977)
  • A Monday in October (1981)
  • The Rules of Marriage (1982)
  • The Ace Up Your Sleeve (1985)
  • Alien Nation: Dark Horizon (1994)
  • Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy (1997)
  • Titanic (1997)


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