Lisa from Solms

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Lisa von Solms (* around 1312 ; † February 6, 1409 in Nottuln ) was the abbess of Nottuln Abbey .


Origin and family

Lisa von Solms came from the noble family of Solms and was the daughter of Count Heinrich zu Solms, called von Ottenstein († 1353), and his wife Sophia von Ahaus († 1358), daughter of Otto von Ahaus-Ottenstein . Her brother Johann was in dispute with the bishopric of Münster , which culminated in 1395 in the Münster siege of Ottenstein Castle, which he had married from his father, which lasted a year and ultimately led to the captivity of the Count of Solms and the loss of the castle. Her brother Heinrich was provost in Münster, Simon and Otto canons in Münster. Her father was a member of the board of trustees appointed by Bishop Ludwig in 1336 , which was supposed to advocate more careful administration of the monastery.

Career and work

Lisa replaced her predecessor Lisa von Katzenelnbogen (abbess from 1332 to 1358) in 1360 and held this office until her death in 1409. She was first mentioned on May 23, 1360. The economic situation of the monastery was extremely poor, so after Lisa's death the prioress or a predestined conventual took over the leadership. It was not until 1428 that Richardis von Merode became an abbess.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b The Count and Princely House of Solms , 1828, p. 42 f. , Fragments for the history of Solms , 1785, p. 82 ff.