List of architectural monuments in Heusweiler

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In the list of architectural monuments in Heusweiler , all architectural monuments of the Saarland community of Heusweiler are listed according to their districts. The basis is the publication of the state monuments list in the Saarland official gazette of December 22, 2004 and the sub-monuments list of the Saarbrücken regional association of the Saarland monuments list in the version of August 9, 2017.


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Coordinates are missing at the top of Adelsborn
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Stations of the Cross, around 1890
At the mill 2
Eiweiler mill (angel mill) The mill in Eiweiler has existed as a water-powered grinding mill since at least 1597. It was probably rebuilt in 1661 by Johann Engel. In 1771 the mill was destroyed by a flood, but was rebuilt in 1776. The stone mill building that still exists today dates from 1821. In the 19th century, the mill was converted to steam and later to a gas engine drive and was finally powered electrically. In 1951 it was shut down. The grinder is completely preserved.
Eiweiler Viaduct The railway bridge was built in 1911 as part of the Lebach – Völklingen railway line and spans the Köllerbach . The original viaduct was made of sandstone and had 6 arches with a length of 120 meters and a height of 20 meters. After being destroyed in World War II , the bridge was rebuilt as an emergency bridge in 1947. After the line was reactivated for the Saarbahn, the viaduct was again provided with 6 arches, including an original sandstone arch.


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Location on Binzelberg / Bietschieder Strasse
Bietschied town center ensemble The center of Bietschied with the Bietschieder Castle as well as several baroque stables from the 18th century and the Wahlster estate with its stable barn and distillery are listed as historical monuments.
Am Binzelberg 2, farmhouse, 1790, cellar from 1620 (individual monument)
Am Binzelberg 4, farmhouse with vaulted cellar, fountain, 4th quarter of the 18th century / around 1800 (part of the ensemble)
Am Binzelberg 6, residential building with vaulted cellar, 1773 (individual monument)
Bietschieder Straße 12, Stallscheuer, 1850–1860 (part of the ensemble)
Bietschieder Straße 12, barn of the so-called Bietschieder Schlösschen with gate surrounds, 2nd quarter of the 19th century (part of the ensemble)
Bietschieder Straße 12, distillery of the so-called Bietschieder Schlösschen with distillery cellar, 1848, 1938 conversion to a residential building (part of the ensemble)
Bietschieder Straße 14, so-called Schloss Bietschied , manor house of the court estate with rich interior fittings and stucco work from the Joseph Beunat factory (Saarburg / Lothringen), portal from 1771, hillside area with trees, terrace garden, boundary walls, around 1810, expansion 1930–1940 (individual monument) Bietschied Castle.jpg
Bietschieder Straße 19, farmhouse with Göpel extension , 1804, portal 1739 (part of the ensemble)
Location at the train station
Heusweiler station reception building The former station building was built in 1910/11 as a single-storey plastered structure with sandstone structures. The steep, asymmetrical dwarf house , which is flanked on one side by a saddle roof and on the other by a half-hip roof, is striking . The former goods shed was demolished in 1999. Heusweiler Former station building 01.JPG
Out of town
Hirteler Cross The Hirteler cross is a stone cross from the 18th century.
Berschweiler Strasse 1
WH 333, Siegfried Line fortification The small bunker was built in 1938 as a team shelter with an attached fighting stand.
Berschweiler Strasse 35
Farmhouse The two-story farmhouse with a gable roof was built in 1790.
Berschweiler Strasse 58
Berschweiler oil mill with mill equipment and vaulted cellar The oil mill was built between 1767 and 1779. The mill wheel was driven by Wahlschieder Bach. After 1939 the mill was no longer used. The largely wooden mill technology of the mill with pan mill, pinch floor, runner stones and pressed tree has been preserved in its original state. Berschweiler Oil Mill1.jpg
Hirteler Strasse 14
Wayside cross The wayside cross dates from 1808.
Hirteler Strasse 33
Farmhouse The house was built in 1833 and in 1914 an extension with a tavern was added.
Holzer Strasse
Shaft frame of the Dilsburg mine, 1977/78 The shaft frame of the Dilsburg mine was erected in 1977/78 and is the only remaining tower frame in the Saarland mining industry. Shaft frame of the Dilsburg mine in Heusweiler
Church path
Funerary chapels The two small funerary chapels in the historicism style were built in 1900 and 1910 for the two priests Antonius Eich and Johannes Orth. You are on the edge of the cemetery in Heusweiler.
Kirchstrasse 2
Residential building Built in the 18th century
Numborner Straße 4, hall 1, parcel 122/6
WH no. 339, Siegfried Line fortification The team shelter with attached fighting stand was built in 1938.
Saarbrücker Strasse
Catholic Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary with equipment The church building was built in the neo-Gothic style in 1862/63 according to plans by the architect Carl Friedrich Müller from Saarlouis . In 1898/99 the church received a bell tower on one long side, designed by the architect Wilhelm Hector . The late baroque wooden figures originally come from the church of the Wadgassen Abbey . Heusweiler Mariä Visitation 05.JPG
Saarbrücker Strasse
Ev. Parish church The church was built as a parish church in the 14th century. Only the choir room has survived from this period to this day. In 1651 the church was destroyed. In 1685 the destroyed church was restored and in 1719 a baroque nave was added. In 1911 the nave was torn down and replaced by a new building according to plans by the architect Robert Rupp by 1912. A tower and a sacristy were added to the side of the late medieval choir. Heusweiler Baroque Church.jpg
Saarbrücker Strasse 5
Old Protestant rectory The old rectory was built between 1773 and 1775 by Friedrich Joachim Stengel on behalf of the St. Arnual Abbey in place of a previous building from 1697. The two-storey building with five axes was originally the chief forester's office of the Counts of Saarbrücken. Heusweiler Evangelical Rectory.JPG
Saarbrücker Strasse 17
"Miner's Pharmacy" The residential building with pharmacy and furnishings was built in 1872 as a late classicist building. The pharmacy equipment, which was installed in a Worms pharmacy around 1830 and sold to Heusweiler at the beginning of the 20th century, is also a listed building.
To Neumühle 1
Neumühle There was a mill here as early as the 16th century, which was destroyed in the Thirty Years War . In 1717 Johannes Bickelmann built a grinding mill again on the same site. In 1865 the mill received an extension and was converted from water drive to steam drive and in 1915 to electricity drive. In 1964 the Neumühle was the last Köllertal mill to be shut down. The farm building with barn and stable on the opposite side of the street dates from 1786.


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Wood mine ensemble The wood mine was an auxiliary system of the Göttelborn mine and was built between 1913 and 1915 to develop the western field. The focus is on the building complex of the colliery, made of red sandstone, in which the bathroom, reading room, lamp room , coffee kitchen and a toe magazine were located. In addition to the hoisting machine house, the 21.5 m high headframe, which was built in 1939/40 by the Cologne company Humboldt-Deutzmotoren AG as a solid wall construction, has also been preserved.
Saarstrasse, hoisting machine house, 1938–40 (individual monument)
Saarstrasse, headframe (shaft hall partially demolished), 1939/40 (individual monument) Schacht Holz.jpg
Saarstrasse, Zechenhaus, 1912 (single monument) Schacht Holz.jpg
Alleestraße 20
Ev. Church wood The Protestant church in wood was built in 1899/1900 according to plans by Heinrich Güth . The hall church was kept in the style of historicism, with Güth mainly falling back on forms of the early Gothic . The four-axis nave is defined by a wooden ceiling pulled into the roof structure. During the last major restoration and renovation work in 1994, an attempt was made to reverse changes made by the restoration work from 1957 to 1961. Wood Evangelical Church 03.JPG
At the farm 8
Princely Nassau hunting lodge The hunting lodge was built around 1770.
Heusweiler Strasse 7-9
Catholic Church of St. Joseph The church was built in 1926/27 according to plans by the architects Prior and Casel from Trier . The furnishings include the Joseph Altar, which was created in 1895 by the sculptor Stefan Cohen from Coburg . Wood cath church.jpg


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Am Hirsch 3
Numborn transformer station The transformer station with bracket transformer dates back to 1914.
Am Hirsch 4
Farmhouse Built in 1806 Farmhouse in Numborn, Heusweiler.jpg
Outside the location at the eastern tip of the Schwarzenheller Forest (district Lummigart)
coordinates are missing! Help.
Boundary stone, 1755 Boundary stone from 1755
Ruins of Mühlenbach Castle Mühlenbach Castle was a wooden hilltop castle from the 10th or 11th century. It was razed in the 14th century.
Köllertalstrasse 16
Farmhouse The commercial part of the old farmhouse dates from 1608, the residential building was built in 1737.


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Dornbuschstrasse ensemble The Dornbuschstraße monument ensemble consists of four farmhouses from the 18th and 19th centuries.
Dornbuschstraße 1, Herzhauser estate, farmhouse, 1780, 1809 barn, after 1945 extension of the homestead (individual monument)
Dornbuschstraße 2, farmhouse, 1784 (part of the ensemble)
Dornbuschstraße 4, so-called Kläs-Peters-Haus, farmhouse, 1806, extension around 1850 (individual monument)
Dornbuschstraße 6 / 6a, so-called Kläs-Peters-Haus, farmhouse, 1806, extension around 1850

Electoral arbitration

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Friedhofstrasse 11
school The school was built around 1750 and expanded to include a barn and stable after 1844.
Roman road
Ev. church The Protestant church was built from 1901 to 1903 by the Saarbrücken architect Heinrich Güth in the neo-Romanesque style. Election arbitration, Evangelical Church (4) .JPG

Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Heusweiler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files