List of architectural monuments in Tholey

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In the list of architectural monuments in Tholey , all architectural monuments of the Saarland community Tholey are listed according to their districts. The basis is the publication of the state monuments list in the Saarland official gazette of December 22, 2004 and the current sub-monuments list of the St. Wendel district in the version of August 9, 2017.

Mountain hamlet

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At the village fountain 2
Farmhouse Built in the first quarter of the 18th century
Blaise Chapel After the late medieval chapel burned down, it was rebuilt in its present form in 1716. Baroque portal with aedicula and figural niche, above oculus. A roof turret sits on the gable roof. The small hall closes with a four-sided tapering choir. The furnishings include three peasant baroque altars. Blasiuskapelle.jpg
Hasborner Strasse
Erasmus chapel , pilgrimage chapel The small hall building was built in 1784 and expanded in 1972. The chapel with a gable roof ends with a three-sided choir. A gable rider sits above the simple entrance portal with a figure niche. The door is flanked by two oculi.


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Nikolaus Warken Memorial , called Eckstein Monument made of "black granite" with a relief plaque made of sandstone for the labor leader and union pioneer Nikolaus Warken. Established in 1921.
Cemetery cross Erected in the 18th century
School, around 1910 (individual monument) The building was built as a school around 1910 and later used as the town hall. The L-shaped building consists of an eaves part with a half-hip roof and a gable part with a hipped roof. In the center of the building is the entrance portal with a tail gable and a tower-like structure with a bell-shaped hood. The high basement and half of the floor are rusticated. You enter the former school building through a double wing door with a rectangular skylight. Old town hall of Hasborn-Dautweiler.jpg
Catholic Church of St. Bartholomew St. Bartholomäus was built in the neo-Gothic style in 1902/03 and expanded from 1966 to 1972 based on designs by Ernst Brand. The old apse was demolished and a wide transept was built. The long nave with five bays is flanked by two aisles. The main portal is in the slender north tower. Hasborn St. Bartholomäus 01.JPG


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Catholic Church of St. Katharina , 1912–14 by Ludwig Becker and Anton Falkowski (individual monument) The Katharinenkirche was built from 1912 to 1914 according to designs by the architects Ludwig Becker and Anton Falkowski in the neo-baroque style. The nave closes with a transept and a rectangular choir with a semi-dome. A magnificently painted triumphal arch adorns the entrance to the choir. Barrel vaults span the central and side aisles. Round arches on rectangular columns separate the ships. Church Schufen.JPG


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Outside of the location
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Tombstone Erected around 1815
Lebacher Strasse
Catholic Church of St. Mauritius St. Mauritius was built in 1913 in neo-Gothic style based on designs by Wilhelm Hector . In front of the west portal is a small hall with an entrance portal with a pointed arch and triangular gable. Next to this is the tower on a square floor plan with a steep tent roof. A small octagonal tower is attached to the other side of the gable. The nave is followed by a transept and a choir with a five-sided end. The central and side aisles are separated by pointed arches on round columns and spanned by ribbed vaults. Sotzweiler St.Mauritius (2) .jpg
Lebacher Straße
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Wayside cross Erected around 1850.
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Schaumberg Cross The Schaumberg Cross is a memorial to the fallen in the form of a crucifix made of sandstone on a stepped pedestal with a high base. It was built in 1930 and was originally part of the old foam mountain tower. When it was demolished, the cross was supposed to be destroyed, but it was saved from demolition and repositioned elsewhere in a small place of honor.


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Hofgut Imsbach
Sepulchral chapel, 1st quarter of the 20th century (individual monument) The secularized grave chapel of the Imsbach estate is located outside the estate on a small hill in the southwest. The building was built around 1904. In front of the small hall there is a söller above which an oculus sits. The single-axis hall construction is completed by a choir with a three-sided end. The walls are clad in the lower area with wood paneling. On the roof there is a roof turret above the gable end. In the crypt under the choir there are three coffins with the remains of the Lapointe family. Next to the chapel is the grave obelisk of Charles Louis Narcisse Lapointe, which originally stood in the Theleyer cemetery. After being reburied in the crypt, the obelisk was placed here. Hofgut Imsbach Chapel 1.JPG
Hofgut Imsbach
Imsbach estate The Hofgut has existed since the High Middle Ages and was expanded in the 17th and 18th centuries. The current courtyard house dates back to the reconstruction around 1715, which was carried out by the Lorraine bailiff Gaspard Le Payenbautes. In 1793 it was confiscated by the Napoleonic troops. The estate owes its current appearance to the French equestrian colonel Charles Louis Narcisse Lapointe, to whom Napoleon Bonaparte donated the property in 1812 for his military services. Lapointe built a new, castle-like house around 1810 and created a landscaped park. From 1953 to 1965 the estate was used as a penal institution. After changing owners, in 1987 the estate was converted into a Saarland ecology center with a hotel. You enter the four-sided courtyard through an elongated gate with a round gate on the west side. In the north and east there are farm buildings connected by a wall. In the northeast corner there is a square defense tower. The mansion with a hipped roof and central turret is on the south side. The three-storey sandstone building has five axes on the courtyard side and four axes on the garden side. Hofgut Imsbach 3.JPG
Leitzweilerstraße 27
Wayside cross Erected in the 19th century
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Wayside cross The simple wayside cross from the 19th century was made of sandstone. On a triangular base with the inscription "Victor Rex Miserere" stands a crucifix with a curly foot.
Tholeyer street
Catholic Church of St. Peter St. Peter was built as a hall church between 1890 and 1892 according to designs by Wilhelm Hector in the neo-Gothic style. In 1965 the aisles were added. In front of the nave is a square tower with an octagonal tower and pointed helmet. Cross vaults span the central and side aisles, which are separated by pointed arches on round columns. Most of the furnishings date from the 18th century. The ceilings are painted with floral patterns. Theley St Peter.jpg
To the Johann-Adams-Mühle
Johann-Adams-Mühle (single monument) The Johann-Adams-Mühle is one of the last remaining mill properties in Saarland with a medieval grinding room. It was first mentioned in 1589. Today's mill buildings with the single-storey half-timbered building with a thatched roof go back to 1735. At the beginning of the 20th century the mill was shut down and fell into disrepair. In 1983 the municipality of Tholey acquired the Johann-Adams-Mühle and restored it true to the original. A mill museum was set up in the main building, and the former small animal stable is used as an event location. There is a restaurant in the former residential building. Johann-Adams-Mill Saarland.jpg


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In the monastery / Metzer Strasse
Ensemble in the monastery / Metzer Strasse The monument ensemble around the abbey includes not only the monastery but also residential and commercial buildings that were built in the 18th and 19th centuries.
In monastery 1, town hall, community center (part of the ensemble)
In monastery 3, residential building, around 1930 (part of the ensemble)
In Kloster 8, residential building, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
In Kloster 10, residential building, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
In Kloster 11, Benedictine Abbey St. Mauritius (individual monument): The Benedictine abbey was created when the Franconian nobleman and deacon of the Diocese of Verdun , Adalgisel Grimo 634, determined in his will that his property in Tholey together with the "loca sanctorum" he established there should fall to the diocese of Verdun . At the request of Adalgisel Grimo, the bishop of Trier sent clerics to Tholey. Presumably in the 7th century, a monastery community was formed at this point according to the rules of Columban of Luxeuil . Then around the middle of the 8th century Benedictine monks came to Tholey. In 1794 the monastery was plundered by French revolutionary troops and secularized in the same year. The buildings were auctioned in 1798, and in 1806 St. Mauritius became the property of the parish as a parish church and parish apartment. The abbey was founded in 1949 by Pope Pius XII. rebuilt and settled in 1950 by monks from the Benedictine Abbey of St. Matthias in Trier. The monastery grounds with two- and three-story buildings from the 18th century are grouped around the three-aisled Gothic church from the 13th century, which has been expanded several times. Tholey2.jpg
In Kloster 12, residential building, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
In Kloster 14, residential building, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
In the monastery 19/21/23, bakery (?), Cooperage, forge, brewery, 17./18. Century (single monument)
In monastery 23, residential building, 16th century (individual monument)
Im Kloster 25, residential building, 1971–72 (part of the ensemble)
In Kloster 27, residential building, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
In the monastery 27a, barn, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
In Kloster 29, farmhouse, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 1, Hotel Hubertus, restaurant, around 1900, renovation 1920–30 (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 3, residential and commercial building, around 1880 (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 5, residential and commercial building, around 1880 (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 7 / 7a, residential building, around 1900 (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 9, residential and commercial building, around 1880 (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 11, farmhouse, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 13, residential building, 19th century (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 15, residential building, 1712 (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 17, residential building, 18th century (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 19, residential building, 18th century (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 21, residential and guest house, 18th century (part of the ensemble)
Metzer Straße 23, inn, 18th century (part of the ensemble)
In the Matzenecken / Trier Straße
Ensemble Trierer Strasse The monument ensemble consists predominantly of residential buildings from the 17th century.
In Matzenecken 2, residential building, around 1860 (part of the ensemble)
Trierer Straße 3, residential building, 17th century (part of the ensemble)
Trierer Straße 5, residential building, 17th century (part of the ensemble)
Trierer Straße 7, residential building, 17th century (part of the ensemble)
Trierer Straße 9, Beschehaus, residential building, 17th century (individual monument)
Theleyer street
Ensemble Jewish cemetery The Tholey Jewish cemetery was laid out around 1800 and was used until 1934. It was devastated between 1935 and 1940. The oldest surviving grave dates from 1846.
Theleyer Street Tholey Jewish cemetery in Saarland.JPG
Outside of the location
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Wayside cross Erected in 1736
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Column, Roman, restoration 1963 (individual monument)
St. Wendeler Straße
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Wayside cross Erected in the 18th century
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Fragments of the defense system
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Wayside cross Erected in 1596


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Wayside cross Erected in the 18th century
To the long tail 1
Farmhouse Built in 1860

Web links

Commons : Architectural Monuments in Tholey  - Collection of images, videos and audio files