List of honorary citizens of Worms

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Coat of arms of the city of Worms

The city of Worms has given the following people honorary citizenship or their ring of honor.

The granting of honorary citizenship is regulated by law in paragraph 23 of the municipal code of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The ring of honor of the city of Worms has been awarded to a maximum of ten living people for services to the city since 1967.

Honorary citizen of the city of Worms

  • The list may be incomplete between 1908 and 1945.
  • They are listed chronologically according to the date of award.
  1. Friedrich Johann Eich (born February 6, 1812 in Worms, † August 25, 1879 in Worms)
    Member of the second chamber of the state estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse , high school teacher, initiator of the Luther monument and vice-president of the monument committee
    Awarded on June 25, 1868
    Eich was honored for his services in building the Luther memorial.
  2. Eduard Franz Keim (* December 12, 1801 in Darmstadt; † January 28, 1880 in Worms)
    Protestant pastor and dean, initiator of the Luther memorial and president of the memorial committee
    Awarded on June 25, 1868
    Keim was honored for his services in building the Luther memorial.
  3. Otto von Bismarck (born April 1, 1815 in Schönhausen; † July 30, 1898 in Friedrichsruh)
    Prussian Prime Minister, Chancellor of the North German Confederation, Reich Chancellor (1871–1890)
    Awarded on December 11, 1870
    Bismarck was honored for his "invaluable services to the fatherland".
  4. Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke (born October 26, 1800 in Parchim; † April 24, 1891 in Berlin)
    Prussian Field Marshal General
    Awarded on December 11, 1870
    Moltke was honored for his "invaluable services to the fatherland".
  5. Karl Friedrich Raiser (born February 17, 1801 in Kleiningersheim, † February 14, 1879 in Worms)
    Doctor at the municipal hospital
    Awarded on June 7, 1878
    Raiser was honored for his “unselfish work as a poor doctor”.
  6. Nikolaus Reuss (born September 21, 1809 in Seligenstadt; † May 12, 1890 in Worms)
    Pastor at St. Martin
    Awarded on February 22, 1884
    On the occasion of his golden jubilee as a priest, Reuss was honored for his services to the rescue of the Liebfrauenkirche .
  7. Jakob Finger (born January 13, 1825 in Monsheim, † January 30, 1904 in Darmstadt)
    Member of the second chamber of the estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Grand-Ducal Hessian Minister of State
    Awarded on January 11, 1895
    Finger was honored “on the occasion of his 70th birthday” for his work “as a temporary representative of Worms in Chamber II and in recognition of his work in the service of the closer and wider fatherland (including railway construction)”.
  8. Wilhelm Küchler (born September 4, 1846 in Biedenkopf, † October 31, 1900 in Darmstadt)
    Lord Mayor of Worms and Finance Minister of the Grand Ducal Hesse
    Awarded on July 5, 1898
    Küchler was honored "for his great contribution to the well-being of the city".
  9. Cornelius Wilhelm Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim (born February 10, 1843 in Worms; † September 25, 1923 in Berg SG)
    Industrialist and patron
    Awarded on December 22, 1899
    Heyl was honored for the financial and non-material support of the city archive and for writing a city history.
  10. Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin (* July 8, 1838 in Konstanz, † March 8, 1917 in Berlin)
    German general and airship designer
    Awarded on August 7, 1908
    The honor was given to "the ingenious inventor of a steerable airship on the occasion of the flight of the airship he built over the city and cathedral".
  11. Paul von Hindenburg (born October 2, 1847 in Posen; † August 2, 1934 at Gut Neudeck, West Prussia)
    President of the empire
    Awarded on May 2, 1933
    • Adolf Hitler (born April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, † April 30, 1945 in Berlin)
    Awarded on May 2, 1933; revoked by the city council on December 18, 1946
  12. Friedrich Wilhelm von Schoen (born December 22, 1849 in Worms, † September 9, 1941 in Berchtesgaden)
    Industrialist and patron
    Awarded in February 1940
    As a city councilor, Schoen campaigned for the regulation of the Rhine. The city's Luther Games go back to his initiative. In addition, he sponsored the construction of the municipal play and festival hall both ideally and financially .
  13. Heinrich Völker (born February 15, 1900 in Ludwigshafen, † June 8, 1975 in Worms)
    Member of Parliament and Vice-President of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Parliament, Lord Mayor from 1949 to 1967
    Awarded in 1967
    Völker was honored for his contribution to the reconstruction of the city after the Second World War.
  14. Lucie Kölsch (born February 4, 1919 in Worms, † December 5, 1997 in Worms)
    Member of the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament
    Awarded on February 27, 1989
    Kölsch was honored for her social and political commitment.
  15. Erich Breiding (born June 11, 1925 in Homberg (Efze), † April 28, 2009 in Worms)
    Entrepreneurs and patrons
    Awarded in 1995
    Breiding was honored for his "work for the good of the city and its citizens".

Bearer of the ring of honor of the city of Worms

The ring of honor consists of a plate with the coat of arms of the city of Worms (key and star). The plate is inscribed "Ehren Ring Stadt Worms". The rail shows two dragons. The recipient's name is engraved on the inside of the rail.
  • They are listed chronologically according to the date of award.
  1. August Gimbel (September 27, 1892 - March 8, 1977)
    Unionist and City Councilor
    Awarded 1970
  2. Johann Friedrich Ritzheimer (born September 5, 1899 - † November 30, 1971)
    District master craftsman
    Awarded 1970
  3. Wilhelm Weißert (* May 12, 1889 - † December 8, 1972)
    Operations manager, President of the Dean's Synod and City Council member
    Awarded 1970
  4. Carl Johann Heinrich Villinger (born July 9, 1905 in Worms, † May 27, 1977 in Worms)
    Catholic publicist, city councilor and patron
    Awarded in 1974
  5. Wilhelm Exner (born May 4, 1908 - March 19, 1993)
    Master locksmith and city fire brigade inspector
    Awarded in 1974
  6. Lucie Kölsch (born February 4, 1919 in Worms, † December 5, 1997 in Worms)
    Member of the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament
    Awarded in 1974
    Kölsch was honored for her “services to the common good”.
  7. Karl Schlösser (born July 30, 1913 - † May 24, 1981)
    Employee and City Councilor
    Awarded in 1980
  8. Jakob Seiler (born September 14, 1903; † February 24, 2003)
    Rector, mayor and city council member
    Awarded in 1980
  9. Alfred Truschel (born March 22, 1910 - † February 25, 1990)
    Tax advisor, member of the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament and city council member
    Awarded in 1981
  10. Karl Schlösser (born November 11, 1917 - † January 2, 2003)
    Head of the adult education center
    Awarded in 1984
  11. Wilhelm Leise (born June 15, 1909 - † May 11, 1998)
    Managing Director of the "non-profit settlement construction company" The family-friendly home ""
    Awarded in 1986
  12. Willi Ruppert (born December 3, 1921 - † June 26, 2001)
    Journalist and editor-in-chief of the Wormser Zeitung
    Awarded in 1986
  13. Erich Breiding (born June 11, 1925 in Homberg (Efze), † April 28, 2009 in Worms)
    Entrepreneurs and patrons
    Awarded in 1988
    Breiding was recognized for its civic commitment.
  14. Walter Kraft (born October 5, 1915, † January 31, 2005 in Worms)
    Baker, mayor and city council member
    Awarded in 1988
    Kraft was recognized for its local political and social commitment and for promoting sport.
  15. Monsignore Leonhard Veith (born June 17, 1927)
    Catholic pastor and dean
    Awarded in 1993
  16. Fritz Reuter (born November 4, 1929)
    Head of the City Archives
    Awarded on June 28, 1996
  17. Karl Kübel (born September 6, 1909 in Duisburg, † February 10, 2006 in Wald-Michelbach)
    Industrialist and benefactor (Karl Kübel Foundation)
    Awarded in June 1997
  18. Otto Bardong (born October 2, 1935, † December 10, 2003 in Worms)
    Member of the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament, member of the European Parliament
    Awarded in 2000
  19. Richard Wisser (born January 5, 1927 in Worms; † March 12, 2019 ibid)
    Professor of Philosophy
    Awarded on September 30, 2007
    Wisser was honored for his services to the cultural life of the city of Worms.
  20. Josef Schork (born April 7, 1934)
    High school teacher
    Awarded on September 30, 2007
    Schork was honored for his social and cultural commitment.
  21. Otto Böcher (born March 12, 1935; † February 27, 2020 in Mainz)
    Professor of Protestant Theology
    Awarded on June 27, 2014
    Böcher was honored for his cultural commitment, especially for his publications on monuments in Worms and the history of the Jewish community in Worms.
  22. Marie-Elisabeth Klee (born January 13, 1922 - † February 11, 2018 in Bobenheim-Roxheim)
    Member of the Bundestag and Chairwoman of the German Committee of UNICEF
    Awarded on June 27, 2014
    Klee was recognized for her social and political commitment.
  23. Karl Saulheimer (born April 29, 1929 - † February 16, 2015)
    Trade unionists
    Awarded on November 20, 2014
    Saulheimer was honored for his political commitment.
  24. Ilse Lang (born November 20, 1938)
    Award ceremony on June 23, 2017
    Lang was recognized for her social commitment.
  25. Gernot Fischer (born December 15, 1937)
    Member of the Bundestag and Lord Mayor of Worms
    Award ceremony on June 23, 2017
    Fischer was honored for his political and cultural commitment.

Honorary citizen of the formerly independent districts

  • The list may not be complete.
  • They are listed chronologically according to the date of award.


  1. Nikolaus Zimmer (born April 20, 1918 in Pfeddersheim; † July 28, 2011 in Pfeddersheim)
    For his commitment to local politics


  1. Eduard Paret
    Cologne ship owner
    Founder for the benefit of the community

Individual evidence

  1. cf. §23 GemO
  2. The exact procedure is regulated in the statute on honoring deserving personalities by the city of Worms from February 28, 1967 (PDF; 7 kB).
  3. a b Gerold Bönnen : History of the City of Worms . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1679-7 , p. 473 f .
  4. a b c d e f Fritz Reuter: Karl Hofmann and "the new Worms" . Self-published by the Hessian Historical Commission Darmstadt and the Historical Commission for Hesse, Darmstadt and Marburg 1993, ISBN 3-88443-180-3 , p. 486 f .
  5. Gerold Bönnen: History of the City of Worms . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1679-7 , p. 486 .
  6. Gerold Bönnen: History of the City of Worms . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1679-7 , p. 534 .
  7. a b Data on the history of the city of Worms. (PDF; 537 kB) Worms City Archives, accessed on April 6, 2009 .
  8. a b Gerold Bönnen: History of the City of Worms . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1679-7 , p. 583 .
  9. Gerold Bönnen: History of the City of Worms . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1679-7 , p. 512 f .
  10. Gerold Bönnen: History of the City of Worms . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1679-7 , p. 622 .
  11. Gerold Bönnen: History of the City of Worms . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1679-7 , p. 649 .
  12. ^ Karl-Heinz Hoffmann: Erich Breiding is an honorary citizen of the city of Worms . In: Worms monthly mirror . tape 46 , January 1996, p. 9-11 .
  13. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Fritz Reuter: The ring of honor of the city of Worms and its bearers . In: The Wormsgau . 16th volume, 1992/1995. Worms City Archives, 1996, ISSN  0084-2613 , p. 222 .
  14. Karl Kübel. (No longer available online.) Karl Kübel Foundation, archived from the original on April 6, 2009 ; Retrieved April 30, 2009 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. ^ Archival document Otto Bardong. (PDF; 879 kB) (No longer available online.) European University Institute, formerly in the original ; Retrieved December 28, 2009 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  16. a b Josef Schork and Professor Dr. Richard Wisser awarded the ring of honor. Worms city administration, accessed on July 13, 2015 .
  17. Paternusbote of August 4, 2011, p. 3.